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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. black and sooty is rich ,not lean, white is lean, tan is about right. As far as the mix screw if the threads dont run all the way to the top of the hole (Looking at the carb up side down) remove the aluminum then cut a new slot in the pilot screw with the dremmel at this point either the screw will come free or your into a carb any way .Its broke now so how much worse can you make it? Wd-40 isn't a very good penatrating oil getting some actual proper penetrating oil will help Worth rust off works great IMO but there is lots of different good stuff I hear alot of guys on your side use plus gas never used it not even sure they sell it here.Also heating up the area will help just don't go crazy with the heat
  2. OK KEV your not working on my puter,bike ,toaster or wheel barrel LOL Would be funny though if someone actualy took you serious. So I called the puter shop the bastereds wanted 80 bucks to clean it,its 6 years old and probably will be broke in a year so I decided Duck it if it dies so be it I get a new one ,first I backed everything up off the drive ,then got some 99% isopropal alc. put it in a spray bottle and battery out turned it up side down and proceeded to spray away then I got the compressor and blew it dry left it in the sun for a couple of hours till I couldn't smell any alc. PROBLEM SOLVED is cleaner than it has been since new.Normaly I just whipe it of with a damp cloth. But that dosen't get under the keys. Sorry Noise didn't mean to abuse alcoholo if it makes you feel better I whiped it back into the glass off the table didn't loose to much. DDT oh ya I had very sticky keys Chears all thank for the ideas.
  3. Hi Mike I wasn't offended just we get one hit wonders who can't even be bothered to say thanks,I just responded befor one of the other member's did and would have said the same thing,and most members can't be bother to help one hiters.Lots of great help here,as well as stupid/funny stuff good bunch of folks, glad you desided to hang around.
  4. Ok so last night I knocked over a glass of beer on my lap top,,fliped it over right away and the beer ran out cleaned it off, shut it off, and let it dry over night, all seems to be fine . My question now is what is the best way to clean the keys,rubbing alc or is ther a proper cleaner or just a good spray with water when shut off and alow to dry again????. Never did this before and I am not a puter guy. Help Please. Phil
  5. well if you top it up before every ride then you will never run it dry,not exactualy sure how many tanks of gas you get from a full oil tank but has to be at least 5 probabely more
  6. dt502001

    Vintage WTF

    WTF it asks for a password as soon as it opens
  7. well if ya can pick up the dt then a 250 shouldn't be much heavier,no battery lights ect, so now the only ?? is are you ready for the power?
  8. Thats another Idea the waterproff connector and now we have another fixed bike,can't take any credit at all but the next person who read's this will start thinking about connections/connectors esp you guy's on that side of the pond with the salty air and wet months,so many problems with the elect 's can be traced back to crapy connections and as I like to call it GREEN DEATH.
  9. Pacheco first take a min and introduce yourself in the newmembers section,IE hobbies ,skill level,intrestes then the rest of the club if they can will help .It's the poilite thing to do and we get alot of 1 hit wonders who come ask ???'s and then don't even say thanks. As far as your ? best thing to do is buy a manual a haynes will have the wire diagram you need,if your local dealer is nice then they can print you off a diagram for a couple of bucks,but as you need to put the bike back together a manual will come in handy. We have a projects page and it's a great place to show off your rebuild many will follow with interest,so say hello and start a thread about your bike Lots of great peeps here and a welth of info to be had.
  10. dt502001


    reading through this thread make me wonder is the slide moving up when your trying to rev it up,it's a vac carb and if the diaphram is not sealed properly then by putting your hand over the inlet your creating a bigger vac for the slide to work
  11. Help is only a few ??'s a way always here we just need to know the details as Air said. and a thankyou at the end as you did is always a good second thought. Going out for a ride now TTYL
  12. LOL billy don't let people tell you waht you shoud be riding,find someone who will let you ride the 250 and if you think it ok then by one,but realy the yz125 ridden well can cut lap times just as fast,lighter and more flickable just alot more danceing on the shifter to keep it in the power band. Also I always say if ya cant pick the bike up then it's to big for you at 15 you might have a bit of problems picking up the 250,my son(13) can ride the wr but not a chance in hell is he ever going to pick it up.
  13. This might sound stupid but does you oil tank have a good fitting cap?
  14. Thinking gets people into trouble,drain all fluids untill you find the cause of water getting into the system as air said mostlikely you water pump seal is gone. for 5 bucks ya can buy a new one and fit it will need to be done sooner or later anyway.
  15. Ya cant turbo it with stock pistons,the compression is to high and the stock head gasket won't hold.you would have to oring the head and barrel.Have them groved to hold copper wire
  16. LOL breaking in new boots SUCKS.takes months befor they will bend at all. alpin star teck 6 boot are dream boots to wear buddy bought a pair around 600 I put them on as we have the same foot size SOOOOOOO comfey. 130 for a neck brace is dam cheap IMO even if I double that to sort of compare dollars to donuts thats a good price,last time I looked a few years ago they were still around the 400 mark. As far as the jackets the cheaper one's "look good" can you find any wright up's about them,they will do the job and if you can get a waterprooff to fit over then can't see why I wouldn't buy them.I don't wear a waterproof but you guy's get so much rain I'm sure you will want to some times. The boots wow can't belive what they cost there bought 2 pairs about 4 years ago for 200 CAN so doughnut to dollars that would be about 100 at the bike show sure they were last years models but still new. The boy can kick ass on a track,strip his own bike to the frame and put it back together,I double chech everything though I started him when he was 5 a year earlier than me,but had a electric quad when he was 2,so basicaly been riding since he could walk and befor he could ride a 2 wheel push bike,, at 7 he was doing jumps that some of my friends won't do now,, on a pw50 that I ported and would run 65mph actual 65mph on raidar might even have gone faster but ran out of road to see how fast it would go.Now he's 13 and sort of lost intrest in MXing TITS and trying to fig out what he's going to take in high school seem to be on the mind more LOLand the 5am roll calls are done for this year anyway maybey next year he will want to give er a go again.I got him a job cutting grass so he could learn about paying for stuff himself,but he spent most of the cash he made on a new super gaming computer his uncle and him built from parts a ducking grand on a singal part for this thing Ok by me, at least I didn't have to fork out for it,?WTF am I saying I wouldn't have LOL.prety cool though it has neon lights.I know that does nothing for performance but I know shit about building puters other than parts only fit where they fit. He has riden my bandit 1200 and the wr neither he can touch ground on the bandit I just sat behind him and held the bike up the wr he just stops and jumps off.I am/ might look into a track bike if he want's to give it a go next year now he's old enough to get a pave track licence and my old leathers fit him. I found a cbr 125 for 700 that I think I can get for 500 if I wait till it snows
  17. OK mike someone with your knowlage should be able to fig this out,but on this site we like peeps to say hello first and then post???'s later.Only polite to do so you know,otherwise most won't help,this is a club NOT A FIX ON DEMAND site,good bunch around here and a welth of knowlage shared between members.
  18. I would just hard wire it ( solider and shrink wrap)if it is prone to corroison due to it`s location. Glad you figed it out,everyone in the world can give you all the advice,but if your not willing to realy search and check electrical problems then you will never find the problem and you did exactly that ,,,search seek and fix,best to sill pick up that manual for future repairs
  19. How much for 1 lap I could spend all day there,for the first 3 min or so I wonder when you were goig to get on it,but then I though he is on cold tites,I could tell when the tire heated up around 5 min and you started to realy give er. Not so sure about drivin next to some squid in a rental though,probably better than some squid in a bone stock car though.
  20. The guys on bike's wern't being nice but this was not called forforhttp://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/motorcycle-vs-car-road-rage/1glaqf1ko?from=en-ca-infopane&cpkey=d7d86896-3556-4071-98fa-d8c1cf829e3d%257c%257c%257c%257c Sadly we will never know the whole story
  21. No it shouldn't be like that,and yes you should be woried.
  22. WOW Ive seen picts before and definatly on my bucket list of thing's to do Now more than ever. Just wondering could you see all the way around the guy(guessing monks) floating above the other and how long did they stay that way? you know no wires of trickery? That would be something to see.
  23. Oh ok that makes sence I've seen that before the starter draws so much juice that there is crap left for the primary windings in the coil,you might get a spark but it's so weak that it won't spark under compression. Still best to check the charge coils and pick up esp if it won't bump. I had a 1984rz 350 that refused to start on certin days unless you kicked it 30-40 times then it would run like nothing was wrong for days or weeks,I checked everything 2x and I had 2 rz at the time and swaped everything but the cdi,didn't want to fry a cdi if something was causeing the cdi to fail, finaly one day it wouldn't start and I swaped the cdi as a final resort,, problem solved.
  24. LOL is thats what your pumps run like? took me 3 19.99 20.02 then finnaly 20. ours run alot slower ,probably to make you think your gettin more,cause if you can pump 10 worth of gas in 30 seconds what did you get fumes? EDIT I alwys pay by card when buying gas then I don't have to be exact and carry around a pocket ful of coins,I want the tank full what ever it costs.
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