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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. I have been following your thread as well as noise's,and for attempting what you guys are doing with minimal knowlage piss all tools and space to do it your both more of a biker than 90% of the posers on the road.I don't care iff you have a 40k Harley and tatoos a chain drive wallet and packin if ya can't fix your own bike you ani't a biker. Ya got to learn some how and gettin in and dirty is the only way. Don't suppose the wifeie would consider the bike in the living room as decoration for a few weeks,just wait till she goes to bed and slip it in hang the drapes over it I'm sure she won't notice ,send her off to work to make $$$ to buy parts of course and fix it when she's gone,yep yep thats what I'd doo Good luck with getting it done quick
  2. You can try lowering the level to porper ,but you made 500 mile without a problem so your clutch is done. Short shift till pay day and don't rev it hard. If you take it easy on it then you won't need the steel plates just the fiber plates,that will keep the cost down.
  3. By nomeans am I a xt expert,but is ther not a screw on the side of the carb to adjust the slide height? Like almost everyother bike? But before adjusting the idle the valves should be checked for proper adjustment. what the whole problem? I read in your other thread that it need a carb clean so you did that right?
  4. dt502001

    Meme challenge

    This thread is going to be great, The key board crashed on the lap top last night,ffs now resorted to a 12yr old note book with xp on it took me hours to remember how to us it,so MEME away you lot can't waite to see what ya come up with
  5. 300 miles a day for 6 days on a 2t that defeniatly get's you a IRON BUTT award,are you still vibrating?need any filling's tightened up LOL Riding with a group is always fun but,going it solo is more fun IMO you can run on your own adjenda and if you feel like doing something different ya just do it. Looks like you had a great time ,abit rushed I would want to see more,and for me to go that far I would.Suppose though nothing from stoping you from doing it again next year and for that I am truely jellous.
  6. Hi wilson and welcome to the nut house, enjoy the new ride. No doubt the ladies here will be along to say hi along with the men,just alot of us have been on different rides this weekend and just getting back home.
  7. Battery is toast,you can try charging for a day and see if will come back but mostlikely not. If the battery go flat line it can mess with the voltage regulator,put a good battery in and check to make sure the charging system is good,anything above 13 v is ok at @2000rpm unless it goes over 15v. Good luck let us know how you make out.
  8. Thats realy old,still make me cringe though
  9. When we went metric back in the late 70's our gov decided we need to change the speed limits to metric and nobody noticed that hte speed limits actualy went up 1-3 miles a hour. Funny people didn't start dieing any faster. When I ride in a group we always end up running 15-25 over,and again we don't die any faster.Infact less accidents happen when in a group as were more visiable to the SMITY's. The road here are for the most part so good they could increase the limits 25% and should as everyone is going that fast anyway. If they realy want to reduce death on the roads they should remove infotainment systems from new cars and make it Illeagle to have a rollling entertainment lounge,people have so many toy's to play with no wonder they aren't watching the road. Recent studies show that distracted driveing causes 15-20% more accidents that acholo,the entertainment systems should be locked from input as soon as the vehicle is moveing,forcing people to stop if they want to use it. A fact that I picked up reading the comments after the video was The auto bon when built in the 30's was deemed to be safe to 100mph most cars could go that fast or maintain that speed so they didn't bother with limts. Over the years as cars got better handeling/brakes ect. the BON got beter too so again no need for limits in places,all this makes perfect sence to me. What dosen't make anysence at all to me ,is we have roads better than or as good as the BON in the middel of knowhere,not a soule in sight for hundereds of miles and I'M supposed to do 100kms(63mph) when 150 is boring me to sleep. New cars have ABS,traction control,stability control,tire pressure monitors,lane departure warning,forward and rear sencing crash detection monitors.Better tires/brakes/suspension and were are still forced to drive as if were driving Flinstone mobiels made in the 30's.Whats the point of having such good vehicles and force by the gov to purchace all the extra goodies mentioned above( as all are manditory as of 2015 here) driving the cost of a new vehicle up,if some kid on his Ebike can pass me because I have to do a stupidly slow speed limit that in no way reflects what is safe. Wake up Gov either admit it's all just another tax grab,or raise the speed limits to a reasonable speed.
  10. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    LOL drewp it's the fox eyes lamps and the fz 600 is such a small looking bike people think your riding a 250,as I said before It's the one bike I wish I had never sold even over my RZ350,It wasn't quite as fast but the handeling was off the chart,the bike just did what ever you wanted it to do and felt planted all the time. Tommy i have done some watter skipping BUT thats a big pond between us.Fraid I'd sink before I made it across. Have fun at squires just getting ready to head down to Port Dover myself,fn weather was 33c on tuesday and today only suposed to get to 13c go figure O well allready seen a bunch of guys headed to Dover so ttyl
  11. Just seen this thread and I must say if everyone just took the time toLOOK and realy look at the simple things,,, as you have ,,,,alot of mechanics would be out of work. Most electrical problems can be traced that simply,it does help to have a good firm knowlage of the system .However you don't need to know alot to check each and every connection for things like corrosion /loose broken wires.It's just a time consuming thing to do and most just won't take the time. Job well done Steph
  12. My point is valid and thank you Tommy for noteing how big it is
  13. OK I haven't read this thread for a week as I cant go because a of a pond in my way <<<BUT Your all bunch of sick bastereds,and would have liked join you guys and girls ,have fun,and added to my bucket list. Friday the 13 picts to come soon .
  14. No problem, Richard,, when you sort it post a pict,other's might need the info of how to mod thier box. Also look at car filters for size fitment,if you chose to mod the top of the box. Some of the jap cars might fit .
  15. looking good so far ,It's going to be a 1 off not a carbon copy. Not sure if it's in the budget or you have the means, but have you considered the option of sectioning the tank,like cutting say a inch out of each side of the tank and welding it back together.?
  16. True Tommy you need thier help now but, stiff them in the end. The word lawyer comes to mind about this Jimmy had many a dog who ate something un known to me and sick as s--t for a few days then good as new, they can pull through most anything. But explosives thats over the top,who leaves explosives lying around someone should have been slaped many atime for that one. So true kev it's not how much but just gettin it in and keeping it down
  17. Shame on the vet why didn't they account for the loss of weight,it his/her fault IMO that this last bout happend. I'd be telling them they can shove any bill for that vist where the sun don't shine. F____in pill scripting /money grabing doctor's are going to kill everything,dogs and people ,I swear they all get kick backs from the med company's Hope he pulls through
  18. To help avoid stabing the tube ,remove the nut holding the air stem and push it inside then start there with removing the tire. Then dont pry untill you might be pinching the tube against the tire. But realy a new tube is best every time as they rot at the air stem. 3-4 times paying for removal will pay for a nice pair of tire irons. If you don''t blow it on pints at the pub LOL To not scratch the rim take a piece of hose and cut it lenght wise and place on the rim where you intend to pry,haveing a few pieces, make it even easier. Good on you Noise over the years you will save enough to buy a few new tire's,might not sound like much but better than a kick in the ass.
  19. A intro in the new members section would be nice to get to know you. Normaly the blue wire for netural
  20. Brilliant deduction drewps,I can't belive he didn't mention that the clutch was/had been slipping before it stoped starting. When he mentioned jump starting my mind went to thinking the battery was dead and he was jumping the battery to use the E start, not bump starting. Well theres your answer inxs360 at least it a cheap easy fix
  21. Nothing wrong with a Kn filter,but as said don't remove the air box to install cros winds rain ect will all efeect the way the bike runs,with a bit of work they can be installed inside the air box on a old girl like yours.If you air flter installs with a centrla bolt and wing nut dril a hole in the k&n and mount it,job done in minutes.If not then think about how you can hold one in place inside the air box I'v seen alot done different ways,alloy tubes with a flang to mount it on ,tube screwd to the air box and sealed with foam.Custom made aloy air box with a top flat style air filter from another bike.original air box moded to accept a flat style filter where the mettal lid fit on then all the other hole's closed off so the only air comming in is filtered. There is always a way to fit 1 in/with the box if you think about it and you shouldn't need to re jet,but if you fit one then a quick plug chop will tell if it's needed,normal just a bit of tuning to the carb is all thats need move the needle up and some moree fuel with the pilot screw ect.. The air box keeps the air flow ballanced and thats the ultimate goal
  22. Kluem when you put new rings in they have to be fit to the size of the bore,you place them in the cylinder and check the gap with a feeler gauge if no gap the you take a file and remove mettal untill you have the correct gap,then fit to the piston and install.Only putting in a few is a waist of time. Was the noise there before the mechanic mess with it?
  23. looks like the perfect bike to SM as it need to be striped down the last nut and bolt to repaint,clean paint off the parts that shouldn't be painted.The tank is going to be fun getting that huge dent out,but in all a great base to start with save for the missing side pannel looks like a complet bike. Have fun fixing her back up and keep the pict's comming
  24. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    Any ''s for thoes of us who can't make squires or do we have to waite untill after?
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