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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. As long as your bars are 7/8 inch then any of the bars listed will fit (I belive all yam bars are 7/8) RC bars are for shorter riders (rc =Ricky Carmikle AKA The GOAT) so depending on how tall you are and long your arms are then pick the ones by the demention chart that will fit you.IE if you find that sitting on the bike it's a bit of a reach to the bars then get the one with the most pull back.For a average rider of 5'11" then the standard enduro bar work fine for taller riders then the enduro tall . So sit on the bike make a fist and if your more comfortable with you hands above the grips,or behind then pick accordingly. About keeping it stock then just paint the stock bars you can always paint them black again,honestly though I dont think that anyone would care,infact renthal bars would add value to the bike they are so strong about 10x than stock,most crashes that would bend stock bars wont affect the renthals.In the mx class alot of companys are adding them stock.
  2. I know it says PM but I cant use the vouchers anyway so my guess is 65 just for the fun of it.
  3. I can't help with the pict,but from looking at your build page I think you need to move all the spokes over to the next corresponding hole,effectively lengthing them. The difference iin the 2 pict's you have the new wheel the spokes look too straight. Also if your asking for help then get the off set as well ..you need it as well
  4. Just a thought Grouch why not try and find a new place with a garrage,if your moving anyway then move to a place with the required essentials........fully wired man cave,stove, bed,washing machine,shower,place for guard dog..who need's any more than that?
  5. That was cool that they saved the guy,but they could have got the story right,around the 7 min mark they say no food or water and moments later he's drinking bottled water and you can see lots of???? beer cans floating before.Not that food would have been his bigest concern,I just hate when the news blows up a story that dosent need it. Sadly the other 11 didn't make it out RIP to them all.
  6. Just got this and thought it was funny. The Official Canadian Temperature Conversion Chart 50 Fahrenheit (10 C) Californians shiver uncontrollably. Canadians plant gardens. 35 Fahrenheit (1.6 C) Italian Cars won't start Canadians drive with the windows down 32 Fahrenheit (0 C) American water freezes Canadian water gets thicker. 0 Fahrenheit (-17.9 C) New York City landlords finally turn on the heat. Canadians have the last cookout of the season. -60 Fahrenheit (-51 C) Santa Claus abandons the North Pole. Canadian Girl Guides sell cookies door-to-door. -109.9 Fahrenheit (-78.5 C) Carbon dioxide freezes makes dry ice. Canadians pull down their earflaps. -173 Fahrenheit (-114 C) Ethyl alcohol freezes. Canadians get frustrated when they can't thaw the keg -459.67 Fahrenheit (-273.15 C) Absolute zero; all atomic motion stops. Canadians start saying "cold, eh?" -500 Fahrenheit (-295 C) Hell freezes over. The Toronto Maple Leafs win the Stanley Cup
  7. Drewps how can it be ignition modules if they are disconected/removed and he has spark,me thinks it s home made voltage rectifier . So the bike wasn't running and it still isn't running! * - I have a charged battery(new from previous owner) so I could test with the electric start - The bike cranks but doesn't fire - Gas in tank and petcock works as should - All electrical works perfectly - I took out the spark plugs and they were dry after cranking - I tested to see if there was spark and there is spark on both cylinders - I then took the carbs off to open up and check out - I cleaned and rebuilt both carbs (were not that dirty) Welcome the the club ryMy. The pilot and main jet get screwed in tight /bottomed take Drewps advice and switch the orange and grey wires.Did you try and put some fuel directly in the cylinder,if not put a tea spoon of fuel in each and see if it will back fire or run.
  8. Ok sounds like the t stat is not closing fully,the temp gauge if working properly should stay in the middle.As the coolant heats up in the cylinder t stat should open and alow it to flow to the rad to be cooled ,but when the temp of the coolant drop below 180f the stat should start closing to keep the coolant hot/even temp in the cylinder.The temp of the rad is not important,the temp of the cylinders is. Think of it this way if it were a car and you had the heat on,if the stat dosent close to keep the coolant hot you would have no heat .If the cylinder is forced to flux in temp,due to the stat not closing,then your running around on a cold motor,this causes different problems. A I.C.E. needs to get to a temp of 180f to be efficent in burning the fuel,all the parts expanded to the same degree from cold,the piston takes very little from the effect of the coolant,so it will expand at it's normal rate,the cylinder however will expand and contract depending on the temp of the coolant and this is typicaly when a 4 corrner seizure happens .The piston expands faster than the cylinder,if every time you pull away the cylinder drops it temp then you run the risk of a 4 corrner. For the cost of a new t stat you should just put a new one in.But a easy way to check is to block off the rad with card board and go for a short ride with the bike warmed up(temp gauge in the middle) if you dont see the sudden drop in temp then the t stat is not closing. The water pump must be workin or you would be over heating all the time.
  9. Just watched that with my 13yr old and even he dont get it
  10. dt502001


    NP have a look on utube lots of vids about changing out clutches,one thing thoe dont over tighten the pressure bolts they break quite easy ,,tighten them up till tight and thats good,the spring will keep em in place.I like to use some blue loctight on em.Actualy I put blue on every bolt on my bikes. Good luck with the job hope it goes smooth for you.
  11. Did you put the thermostat back in? At this time of year you can get a erem aaha reverse seizeur a sudden cooling of the cylinder and it grabs the piston. If the thermostat is working properly then the temp shoud stay fairly consistant as its only measuring the temp of the cylinder not the rad,leaving it out will not be good for the motor the piston will get hot stay hot but if the cylinder temp goes up and down everytime you leav a stop you'll kill it.
  12. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    Did you find the noise in the motor was related to the valve train after the fuel issue ? or just grabed that 1 cause it was cheap and refirbished.
  13. AW it such a cute little thing hahaha.Cool vice a old no7 jack D striking pad. I hope the body work looks a bit better what the thing worth realisticaly when done?
  14. dt502001


    Yep as long as you dont let it get ot worn,ie to the point it totaly goes and blue up the steels and warp them. Lay each steel plate on glass and try and run a feeler gauge under warp limit is aprox.004 in or 0.1 mm. Dont for get to soak your new friction plates in oil overnight prior to installing
  15. 1. What could car drivers do better to make the roads safer for motorcyclists? leave the gadgets alone,think about driving not your shopping list,work ect and actualy pay attention to what you see Where do you get riding tips from, other riders, forums, government advertising? other riders,trial and error List 5 words which would describe how you think car drivers see you? I dont care how they see me I just wish they all would How would you like them to see you? clearly What’s the best part about riding? The zen of it all What’s the best part of the riding community? The unity of it all. If you could tell drivers 1 thing, what would it be? your in control of a potentaly leathel weapon so be cautious where you point it
  16. I kinda like it but it needs a hugger and relocatin the battey..a nice aluminum cover or carbon fiber to hide all the electrics and blend into the air box, a thin strip below the tank to the tail, just down to the upper frame rail,to clean up the look.
  17. LMAO you dont mess around do you,a wee bit of over spray but sure you'll clean that up,nice you took the time to remove the things that would make it look like you sprayed it all together. For a clean up type rebuild/restore it's comming along quite nice. It's going to make some great before and after picts.
  18. About the barrels because trying to pollish them is such a big job and dosent realy last painting them with VHT after giving them a good scrub with a wire brush is about the easiest way.Personaly I would paint them black to off set the polish,down sid to this is you should realy remove the barrel and bake em in a oven to cure the paint properly,but I have done it assembled just warm up the eng before painting and after.Then pollish the valve cover. and take a file to the edges of the fins Dont worry about heat retention it's minimal,when you wrap meat in foil your suposed to put the shinny side in and all your pollishing is on the outside so I have no Idea what elvis is going on about.My whole eng has been buffed on the WR save for the valve cover as it's magnizum,I ony wet as far as you on the bolt on covers of the motor,the main cases,head and barrel just got clean back to a bit better than stock. When do we get to see the paint job?or do we have to waite for the BIG walla it's done photo?
  19. Frame/set the muther fker set him up to fail and prove you right. Personaly I like Up Yours and others input,,, but you got more to loose than this POS so get em red handed and let him hang himself.
  20. Grouch your letting him get to you,turn the table on him do everything you can think of that will offend him.Pork everyday for lunch,read aloud the bible and pray to god before every meal.Get some gay porn mags and leave your bag open,and wrap your sammies in the mags pages so he has to look at them.Tell him storys about the 3 some you had last night every day. Also I think he is trying to find something to get you fired so. Get a piece of fudge and wrap it up like HASH and throw a few papers in there and a couple of small bag's of icing suggar and a few bags of basil all in a seperat bag and forget to lock your bag.Then when he goes runnin to your boss telling them your a drug dealer you will have all the proff needed. Edit The day befor you do the fake drugs tell your boss you cant prove that he has been going through your bag but will soon.
  21. Looks great Laura nice job,the photos came out good I can see your phone,foot peg,hand in the shine and possibly some booty in the last 1 ,foams had you done that ya could have got another hundred for yours.
  22. Now now give it a week and then tell me you dont like the fact that it has tons of torque,pulling away in 4th is easy from a dead stop. 1st gear will take you to 60mph+ not that either is practical but if you have a minor tip over and break the shifter its nice to know you can ride it home in any gear DID YOU SAY SLOW no way,it beats the fj in the 1/4 mile and will out run it top speed,personal best in the 1/4 is a 9.98 I will agre the stock bars are wrong I put daytona bars on mine and that puts me in the perfect position to make the farring work,I realy like the FJ's but the new 1300 blast so much heat at the rider in the summer that you have to tape off the ducts or sweat to death,not such a big deal for you guys,but here when the temp run into the high 20's low 30's C it realy takes the fun out of long rides.I switched bikes for a hour and that was enough for me to not trade to the FJ and the FJ feels like a tank at slow speeds,even buddy who I swaped with noted how light the bandit feels. O well each to thier own I guess,any word on if they r going to wright off your FJ?
  23. Glad you ok task,but realy get that neck looked at,A very good frind of mine had the same thing happen and walked around for a week with a broken neck,10 years later he had to have the disc's in his neck fused,now he has constant migrains it realy messed up his life and he never got the insurance cash,he signed off to early to know how messed up he would be. These types of injury can take months/years to realy show up As noted all ready, keep everything noted every last minute of the day,every gas/parking recipet ,every everythingLet the lawyers do what they do,they can get you cash for the bike without siging off on the pain/injury end.
  24. Just had a thought about hydro diping the wheels,if you and your bud want to try it use the axel to hold the wheel it should then transfer to the wheel in 1 app
  25. If you find 1 cylinder lower than the rest you most likely need to adjust the valves
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