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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Nothing to sort out change the flasher relay to a led one and stick 2 more on the front,or put a resistor in line.Them lights are disposable as in not servicable once burnt out throw them away and buy new. Them leds can get expencive,I just did a 900.00 dollar turnsignal bulb replacement on a BMW had to buy the whole light assembly In the future if your asking for help you should include all the information,you only said I put new signals on,, not different ones we cant see your bike so how would we know? Anyway you know what you need to do now so good luck with the rest.
  2. Then you need to measure the distance between the bearings and see if someone put a longer sleeve in #3 or #2 has in fact disingerated or just missing,Or installed a different wheel. Without the center of the bearing suported then they will colapse everytime you tighten the axel
  3. Use the yoc logo and we can all get t's printed if someone make's a final choice,then we can have a global club! I like the life behind bars thing and the squires or bust,even though I wont make it we might make somethig this side for the few members this side on the same weekend. I guess alex has the final chioce if we do it this way,as he owns the yoc mark. so best to ask him first.
  5. Ok then as it is sandwiched between the bearings then without it your unsafe without it . Are you sure it's not in the outer bearing#1? ..........is #1 a bearing or a seal?
  6. Foams I think what Kev is saying is ????? just get out there and stop woring of what they think of you,jerk off so you dont look so deperate and have fun you might make alot of girlfrends along the way.Actual real girlfriends!!!! and they will help your get laid!Or have a friend who will put up with all your shit in life.
  7. If you listen you will hear it go click click when the signals are on under the seat/side pannels.And you can feel it. Cynic has a good point though did you fit led's or the wrong bulbs? The flasher is just a bi mettal piece of tin designed to work with the resistance in the bulbs.or fit higher wat bulbs as Cynic suggested Ie: 12v 21 w vs 12v 18 w.But if they are of the same watage as stock then it has the wrong flasher unit
  8. If it's the bearing support collar about 4 inches long then without it your bearings will fail again quickly.
  9. +1 NSD that is the grease shield. Can you post a pict of the collar your speaking of Elvis? This is your life we are taking about if you get it wrong,thoes bearing were done a long time ago, so lets make sure you get it back together right this time.Just cause the last person didnt do it right dont just put it back together the way it came appart.
  10. If anything they will flash faster with the bike running,check the flasher relay and see if someone put in the wrong one,and clean all grounds.
  11. But have you been able to check all the gears to make sure they all work properly before spliting it appart to change the shaft?
  12. LOL well Kev we all know the fastest way to get a girl to instantly not like you when you first meet her is to be piss assed drunk,unless she is more drunk than you.
  13. Proven fact women want what other women have so skip the wing man and get yourself a wing girl Foams,you roll in with a girl and everyother girl in the club will notice you and cut her appart! A old ex of mine who I get along with great loves to play pick up with me,she knows I am a male slut and often tells girls "he wouldn't fuck you" when I tell her that's the one I want tonight while I am chatting with another one. I get a 85% succes rate with this . I am no prince charming,not hard to look at but I dont have huge mussels,I dont buy drinks,I dont really give complements,and if 1 girl is chatting with me and someone else comes up I will cut them off.Women hate to be second fiddel and will do anything to be in the spot light,so the less attention you give them,without being a dirt bag,the more they want you. Give him some tip's from your cousin Katey. We are all chearing for you Foams,so here is my challenge for you the next time your out for drinks keep the drinks low and chat to every girl in the club don't think about gettin some just the challenge of talking to them.
  14. Hi and welcome Keiran post up some questions in workshop lots here will try and help you sort it out no need to battle on your own .
  15. I guess the term 'wedding ring' is old as it refers to 2 round parts that once together will never come appart on thier own,,, together for life.Kinda like once you put that ring on your finger suposed to be there for life,but that rarely happens anymore. But the term is still used here in different applications.Mainly when you have a bearing on a shaft and you need to keep it in one spot and the tube it goes into cant have a shoulder on either side to hold it in place and a cir clip wouldn't be strong enough,you would install a wedding ring on either side of the bearing to keep the bearing in place on the shaft. And the trem is also used to when the bearing comes appart and you left with the inner race,"got the fn thing appart just the dam wedding ring left" Hope that clears it up for you guys. Task we call them olive's too
  16. Before the time you were half way done cutting I would have the new bearing installed and never chance dammaging the shaft. Doing it my way takes 2-3 min to remove the bearing race.Next time you need to try it and you will never bother with cutting again
  17. Welcom on John gear heads unite
  18. Ok you have to remove the bearings to get the spacer out now if you havent allready,once you have it out just heat it red hot and it will come off the axel. Heat it red hot and dunk it in water this will snap it free of the old axel might need to heat it again to knock the old axel out,it 's just rust holding it on no need to buy a new one. As you wont be able to knock the bearing out by hitting the outer race you will be needing a new bearing,remove any clips that might be there and drive the bearing out with the old axel and center sleve.
  19. Foams if a new shift lever wont fix the problem,and you dont want to pull the shifter shaft drill a 1/8 in hole and put a split roll pin in,ive done it to hundreds of bikes way better than welding as you can knock the roll pin out to change the seal.
  20. Making a silencer wouldn't be hard,but surley there must be one kicking around in a bike wreckes that would fit,almost every racer changes the pipe as the first mod they do so there are litterly thousands of stock silencers kicking around in garages one from a 65, 80 or 125. will work dosen't have to be one from a dt 50. and adding some back pressure will help the way it runs. Hit your local dirt race track and ask around in the pits someone will have one from a bike they sold,and enjoy a day of watching some races.Dont try to get into the pit's of a national race go when it's a club event or open ride then the pits are open to everyone some nationals you have to buy a pit pass on top of the entry fee unless your racing.
  21. NP buddy and to be honest thats the first time I helped with a rebuild and never touched a part, you did it all just needed some tip's and reassurance now and then. You find a new crib yet? with a garrage?
  22. Strip it and clean it before you put it on then you know its good and at that price it better be good
  23. See foams you can charm them even got them from the other team well sorta,but she already knows you go get em cowboy slap on eu de toilet and hit em with your charm.Just rember if you only talk to 1 girl a night you only have 1 chance of getting laid so chat em all up just dont act like you want to get laid and they will be all over you.
  24. If you havent allready go and view felixs section on vavle shimming and see how he mannaged to swap shims his picture secquence is better than words. Good luck with the build sound like your comming along fine,when Installing the cams can be tricky so rotate the eng 4x and recheck the timming marks and again felix has provided you wil some nice pictuers. Have fun and as always pictuers are nice so try and post a few.
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