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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. I dont know only ever been in 1 road accident 30 yrs ago on my bike and never been in a car accident. But why can some twit ride around in shorts and sandels and a brain cap,it would make more sence to me to mandate gear over HP. 12 hp or 40 throwing you down the road basical naked hurts the same. We don't have any hp restrictions and my 14yr old son is more than capable of riding a bike with 100 hp and he knows it hurts when you fall off so he rides with his head,you can't win races if you fall off so being the fastes and crashing alot dosent make for champions.Everyone during thier learning will fall off but if you don't have the power to make it through the tough stuff then your more likely to fall off. Personaly I don't think anyone should be allowed to ride on the road untill they have dirt biked,the skills you learn of bike control in the mud and sand will carry you through life on the road,I've yet to see a 30 foot gap to jump on the road! or a 90' incline of mud to climb. When he turn's 16 and gets his licence he will get what ever bike he wants and with 12 yrs of riding under his belt then he should be allowed to ride what ever he wants ,but their is one rule in this house you dont ride without your gear on EVER! And my old 1 piece Daneese leather's that don't fit me are hanging in the closet for him. As for reckless,dangerous,careless well that a matter of opinion what I am capable of doing on a bike should not be attempted by others,when I ride with others I tell them don't try to keep up ride at your own pace. Just because I make it look easy dosen't mean anything.
  2. E gads that is one ugly oil filter,if I seen one of them I would strip the whole eng
  3. If all or any of the windings test low on the ohms to ground then it is the windings, Think about it this way,,, if the windings are touching ground then the power to ground will be a easy flow to ground out and not work to send the power to the coil.
  4. All I can say to Task is that with that logic is that you should have been charged with failing to notice a fast aproching vechile from behind and failing to remove yourself,when you got rear ended. Many time I could have been rear ended but got out of the way by watching my mirrors and HP saved me and 12 wouldnt have done it.
  5. Is cool till you have to carry it back up hill,still got my skate board with a weed wacker motor like this one http://www.trendtimes.com/mogassksc.html much easier to go up hill,but I dont go over 5 mph or so It scares me at 5
  6. Cool fix drew will put that in the memory file,last one I fixed I had them spun on a lathe out of cromoly not cheap but should last forever. I too cant waite for the next chapter,and the sequil of the trip. ,what happened to the guy who did the cartoons the 2 of them could work together and make some really funny stuff. This guy's writing and his toons would have me on the floor.
  7. Sorry I cant tell you if the cable ends are the same,probably are but best to ask the vendor the size.I do know that the honda one's wont fit they use a much larger cable end.
  8. I Envy you Laso have fun. Ps love the mirrors
  9. That has to be the best description of fix anything I have ever read my sides are hurting from laughing. Them clutches are known for making noise,check the play in it and if it's not to far out then it will carry you,as for fixing it you could get a bushing made and press it in,and if your mate was hard on the clutch check the pins holding the gear to the basket thats where most of the noise comes from.
  10. Hang tight the dt experts will be along but I think a 79 dt had a 6v charging system. Are you getting any spark? EDIT: ok so a 1979 dt did have a 6v charging system quick search for a regulator told me that, if you getting a week spark then change the condenser for a new one,well thats the first thing I would do , and set the point gap.
  11. Hi and welcome Bike rider whats your 10-20 LOLFew from the west here and some from ontario,should be able to pick some minds about any info you need.As quite a few members have dt's of that era, start a thread in projects or workshop
  12. At least Iam4evergr8 got the answer he was looking for that he is getting the run around. What I have and will maintain is that a light bike is good to start on no matter the cc or hp. So anything from a 50 to a 500 twin will do the job as long as you can pick it up, and the bike fits you,so you can find out if your even cut out to ride a bike and have the ability. Some people just cant or shouldnt ride we have all see one. If you start out with 40 hp you will be used to how the power comes on and work with it if you start with 12 then get 40 you now have a new thing to learn and so the learning begins over,IMO thats counter productive. HP does not have anything to do with how someone rides,the right wrist and the grey matter between your ears does. I have been involved in every form of racing and seen kids 12yrs who could barley fit a 450 mx'er ride the wheels off it,14yrolds riding gsxr750's,13 yr old kids driving open wheel pro mod cars with 800 hp,and the list could go on and on.The point is that if you dont respect the HP then it will hurt you no matter if it 12 or 1000. And no law will do that 40 hp doing 70mph is the same as 1000 when you hit something. It wasn't the 960 extra hp that hurt you it was the sudden stop! To me it's the same as saying you can't give a kid a gun he will kill someone,thats just stupid,if you teach them saftey and the rules to operate it and they can understand them then no problem. But as usual our governments will have us all wraped in bubble foam to protect us from harm,if little richie rich can go buy a lambo and drive it then why punish people who want to ride bikes.Do you want the government telling you you have to buy another car with X hp so your son or daughter can learn how to drive? bet not! And your 100% right Tommy it was easier to get a pilot licence 30 yrs ago than it is to get a motor bike licence now
  13. Honestly guys I think the whole thing is BS! if you cant handel 45-50 hp then you cant handel 10 why bother putting a number on it,,,we dont this side and the accident rates haven't gone up or down.. poor riders are poor riders. Someone can bring in a vechicle for MOT with someone else's tires and rims on it and go home and switch them back, or de restrict thier bike, And I wouldn't know,,trust me it happens. Bottom line it's a stupid law that really cant be inforced
  14. At full revs they are open anyway,re jetting will help with the temp's. Get to reading the old posts and then figure out what you need to futher know
  15. You could build a cable/lever to have it closed or partly open in the city and open it fully for running the highway,but putting the servo back on would be the best. Open the cover on the end of the barrel and see where it's set if it's not set then set it open till you get a servo or not
  16. So how is the PV working? Or is it held in one position?
  17. The choice you have is to set it fully open and loose all bottem end or install a elec. servo. How is the manualy PV set up to work do you have to actualy move a cable/lever to make it work?
  18. Foams thats because your not the same as you were back then, the thrill and glory has been forever lost,except in your mind.How can you expect to have the same thrills as when you were younger with no cares in the world. Keep the fond memorys and don't ever try to recapture them,it will only disapoint you. Just think of the girls you wanted when young and seen lately ROTFLMAO few and far are they desirable anymore A new toy/girlfriend has never dissapointed me,well not to start with anyway,the past is just that ..the past. Remember the good time's and forget the bad,live for tommorow and all that!
  19. Yep same here you can find out who owned your vehicle before you but not the other way around,unless someone has a lien on it.Thats why we have the UVP tells you if any liens are owing before you buy. Really though why would you hunt down your original bike,just buy one like it and fix it whats the difference. If you realy loved it you would have never sold it and its just a hunk of metal slowly disintergrating or rappidly in some cases. I have owned so many vehicles I now wish i still had because they are worth so much more now but thats life.live ,love ,regret,and move on.
  20. I noticed the tools,you would get a workout just lifting them,wouldnt want to drop that wrench on your foot. I don't like working on transport rigs (lories?) because of the size of everything and was watching some stuff about freight liner engines thinking ,how in the hell do you fix anything at sea when it all has to lifted by a crane. The guy was standin inside the cylinder the size of a swimming pool and the complete eng was 6 stories high. Working on that steam eng would be a night mare! I'll stick to cars and bike's thank you
  21. Not so guys! if its injected the o2 sensor should do the maping all by its self, the job of the o2 is to tell the puter if the mix is lean or rich and then the puter adjust's to sute. So if all your looking for is a louder bike then any with provisions for a o2 sensor will work ,as with anything though you get what you pay for.You should be able to find some slip on's to do the job from one of the good companys who have been in the exhaust bussiness for years.Stay away from the companys that sell cheap stuff,they will be rusting befor you get them on the bike.
  22. Why not justy wire it up and ride it over to your mates and get him to weld it then,. Dosent excuse some little prick for messing with your bike,but if it broke it was going to sooner or later. Also if some kid can get that close to your bike without you knowing then time for some motion lights alarm ect.. next time it might not be a kid just messing about but some waiste of skin trying to steal your bike.
  23. Would love to have a few beers with that guy bet you would be laughing all night
  24. How bout a pictuer or 2 I would be intrested to see it.
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