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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Looks like the turbo is gone so that make it a 650 in turbo body.But a clean bike to start with.
  2. Ok 1st the idle is toolow turn the screw in ,circled red in you picture,it holds the throttle plate up enough to alow fuel/air in for starting and low rmp running (idle).Therefor if to low it won't get fuel from the pilot circut( the small hole in the top of the carb in front of the throttle plate,eng side) the small pilot screw in the first picture(you probably need to turn it out a 1/8 to 1/4 turn if the idle screw doesn't fix it)Puting the choke on also increases the vacuum available and richens the air/fuel mix,so after you get the bike idleing properly,make something to pull the choke closed for cold engine starting,when the eng is hot it can burn the gas easier and choke is not needed.Fuel is only delivered through the pilot for starting and idle thats why it dosen't matter what the slide does for starting only rmp changes. The slide moves because of the difference in pressure,when the throttle plate is open(the part that moves when you turn the throttle) it creats/allows the engine vacuum to enter the rest of the carb behind it,this in turn allows the vac to move above the piston( through ports in the top of the carb body ) that lifts the slide up.For more fuel delivery.This is why the diaphram above the slide must be sealed 100% no rips or holes. You don't need a rebuild kit for the carb you just need to fine tune it,if the diaphram had holes in it you wouldn't be able to rev up the eng. Whew hope that some what clears it up
  3. dt502001


    Hi matt what front end parts do you need? Bearings and fork seals are easy to get from a bearing and seal supplier just give them the #'s off the old part.And about 1/3rd the price vs the bike shops. Lithium batteries are ok but not good for a complet loss system,LI Po batteries have a low thresh hold limit if run below that they are junk and you have to buy another one ,also if over charged they can catch fire,Nicad and NiMH can be run right down without killing them.
  4. Did you use the choke when cold? The slide isn't the problem with starting,the slide never shuts off the fuel only limits the amount.what rmp is you bike idleing at? Possibly you need to turn up the idle
  5. Nice you got it fixed,,, I hate pionts Ignition
  6. HAHA thats what I was going to say..burn it out...way less harmfull to the enviroment and your eyes/skin.. as well the pipe
  7. Anyone got a wiring diagram? I can't see why High and low beam would have any effect on starting. Unless it has a ground issue related to the signal light
  8. Attending college might not fix your bike either, but reading the book might, The tappets you found by removing the caps aren't the pionts they are the valves/cam rocker arms ! All drewpy was sayin was say hello in the new members section first, then ppl will maybe help..... if they feel like it!
  9. Hmm posibly you battery has a plate thats shifitng causing a dead cell,if it works on a heavier cca battery check the amp draw that the starter is pulling your battery might not be up to the task. edit: also viragos were notorius for bad starters esp when hot
  10. This is one of thoes things that you need to test while it's doing it,put your multimeter in the saddel bag and when it does it check the voltage at the solenoide and starter, posibly the solenoide isn't alowing full amp through at times. I would as suggested clean all terminals from the battery to the starter.
  11. Nice to hear you got it sorted out frustrating when working with the wrong wireing diagram.
  12. Hi fraser does the bike bump start or kick start? Do you have spark when kicking the bike?
  13. Its a nice -13c with a wind chill of -39c and you couldn't keep a bike in your lane ,for the wind, without spikes,the truck just barely started this morning going to have to put the battery warmer on and the block heater for tomorow,took 20 min to get heat out out of the heater in the truck. I swear the house was shivering last night,didn't properly close the back door and blew open in the night woke up to 4c and snow in the kitchen BRRRRRR.
  14. haha pick em up how easy http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/fish-geyser/2gvs1v13y?from=en-ca-hpquad and people say Ice fishing is a waste of time easy a week of fish worth of eating
  15. You can try liquid metal to fix the hole JB weld work good but the part needs to be flat up right or it will run off befor it sets up,Speedybone part #42267 come in a paste form and can be put on in any position
  16. I don't think thats the problem you said when you blew air across the opening it moved,also it won't stop it from starting,just from reving up. Just get the carb fully cleaned fill it with gas and the bike should start. You might still have a fuel delivery problem but one thing at a time.
  17. Diesle fuel fuel will work too soak the metal parts over night.
  18. Hi Mike slow down say hi and the nice ppl her will help
  19. Amen "build it and they will come"
  20. Hmmm does a quarter horse taste better????
  21. Seen that stuff years ago scared me enough to re think what food is "food" or crap. Keep looking there is so much more about GMO foods that will have you looking for alternatives to buying "food" if you eat this what are we eating???http://www.fda.gov/AnimalVeterinary/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/GeneticEngineering/GeneticallyEngineeredAnimals/default.htm . A duck makes a nice pet untill the hollidays. = not a soloution to every day but a start LOL
  22. The cattel produers they don't kill enough cows to produce enough meat to make the just the burgers Mc D's sells in a year......???????? Key words "Made with" not "contains" 100% pure beef. The ground dear meat we make at home is way more filling,as it's 98% dear meat 2% fat no fillers 2 of my burgers and your full. Most commercial "burgers" are 50 % or more filler(bread eggs salt sugar and mistery meat ,I suspect meal worms) I'd rather eat 100% horse meat than the mistery meat and floor scrapings they use for making "burgers" and sasuages,hot dogs. And they have a acceptable level's of shit,bugs ect in processed meat NEHHY THANKS I'll make my own.
  23. Hi and welcome the list of your problems could go on and on soooooo.Start with the basics new plugs and check spark,confirm the valves aren't tight ( they tighten with age, a compression test or leak down test can be the quick way to check they aren't open) clean the air filter. Clean up the carbs ,,,You didn't include what year your bike is or mileage or how often you ride it??
  24. welcome aboard if you can work your way around a 4 stroker then the 2x will be a walk in the park,but ask away the old farts here can probably answer any ? you throw at them.also throw up a picture of the honda this is the YOC but most have other brands as well and like to see old stuff restored.
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