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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Congrats and enjoy your new ride,I'm not into adventure bikes looks, but it looks able to do the job. I prefer 2 bikes 1 for off road adventures and 1 for long rides.But as you said no room for both so I think you made a good choice and nice that you got the one that you can turn off the abs you don`t want that when off roading.
  2. Try a new spark plug first and do a compression test.
  3. Break the tire back down and soap up the bead and start over,some times it requires much more pressure that recomended, to set the bead be careful tire can blow up when exceeding the recomended pressure
  4. No jhon not rich lean if you carb has a accelator pump the seals need to be checked/replaced
  5. Hey foams why not use modeling clay cheap and easy to shape and you can put it back on if you want to reshape it if the first go isn't what you want.
  6. Before you bother putting any $$$ into this go to or call the ministerty of transportation and see if the vin can be regestered for the street ,if your in ontario 99.9% chance you can't.A 1980 mx 100 would have been designated off road use only and once its labled off road your SOL for puting it on the street. To answer your question about the speedo drive no you don'thave to have a disc brakebut the magnet will have to be positioned in the same relationship to the pick up as it would fit to a disc.Getting a speedo from a bicycle shop would be the easier way to install a speedo on your bike as the magnet fits to the rim and the speedo is then calibrated for the rim size.
  7. K so your dad is ill ( you never mentiond that only" he couldn't be arsed") then go take the bike to him,, help and watch and spend quality time with him while you can,, and ya might pick up on how to remove a bolt thats stuck. I'm sure he would love to know he passed somethin on to his son other than a sperm shot. I could care less where in the world you live...... real biker's fix there own ride or at least know how to, and from every thread you have posted you have never fixed anything just whined like a bitch. My step son had the same defetus attitude 15 yrs ago, till i took him under my wing and tuned him up,now he works in the oil feilds bulding the things others run from,your not a man just a little boy who likes to whine and cry help, then do nothing with the help given. Either ask for help and try or don't ask other people to help or care. I try to help but why waste my and everyone else time.
  8. Having a extra set of hands will help as well as your dealing with alot of parts all at once, a couple of pieces of wood to hold the case up off the bench so the out put shaft can fit through helps. As cynic said its fiddely but easy,once everything is lined up it slides right into place.
  9. No wonder your dad won't help you,you fn gave up before you tryed.My 13yr old has more stay power to work with tools. You have learned nothing about fixing bikes other than the # to the shop and if you think the next bike will need no repairs your on crack,any mechanical thing breaks new or old.This is a perfect time and bike to learn on even if it took you a week to chang the motor you would be ahead of the game in the end. Look at what eng parts are worthhttp://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=yamaha+xt125+engine so you would have all that for spares meaning you would never have to buy any more eng parts,or sell and recoupe. Your going to go buy a peddle bike and miss the summer of riding for the lack of effort to at least try and fix something that cost less than a decient bicycle to fix.Then go buy a new bike and thrash it through winter and take a kick in the nuts on investment loss. I could have that motor out and a new one in ,in less that 2 hrs using basic hand tools.1hr with air tools. Give your head a shake suck it up and fix the dam thing and learn something.
  10. LMAO we have a different spokes person on our tv adds and cllit bang here is oxyclean different markets diff/same products. I wonder how many anoying people they have to interview to find the one who is most anoying to sell thier crap.O well you never forget the adds and thats good marketing. At least the zipper repair works as advertised.I guess I never seen the adds. Did you get your shamwow towels as a added bonus with the cillit bang all at the amazing low price of 19.95 and double the order if you were 1 of the first 100 callers within the next 10min.But the same add runs for months.
  11. I have no Idea what welders charge your way,but you want someone who knows there way around a tig welder to do it.Maybe athena offer that service. trick is to weld it without taking it out of true the heat from welding it can send the whole thing out of wack.
  12. Not sure what a cillit bang ad is,I know what a clit is and how to bang but never heard that. They work great,just used the smaller one to fix a bag and put the big one in the pocket of my coat that fit the main zipper just incase and going to buy more before they stop making them like everyother good thing that actualy works.
  13. Ok someone has to say this so I will try going and post a Intro about youself in the new members section and you will get way more help.1hit wonders don't realy get any help.And first post asking for help rarely get answered. So if you want to hang around and add to the conversations go do a intro. If your seat pan is good then just have it recoverd the way you want with new foam,read through the threads and you will find places that do same day and while you wait recovers
  14. well as the rod and bearing is the weak part of the crank might be worth it,What I would be woried about is the fact that the crank has been shipped and possibly droped/thrown about and not 100% true, considering the way to true a crank is to hit it with a hammer and squeeze it with a clamp or force it open with a wedge. I would want a trued and welded crank. Eyons ago I twisted a crank just by drag racing the bike ever since I have every crank welded and never had that happen again
  15. Hey ken over fueling will cause all kinds of prob's could just be a stuck float/worn seat valve. Although the fiber reads I have seen break and cause quite a mess. Hopefully the wind will be at you back for that long push. jimmy if anyone ever finds a way to test CDI units other than replacement let us all know,I have tried to take them appart but everytime I get them appart I cant read the printed board or the colour codes on the resistors and cap,for somthing that is/would be so simple to make it's top secret LOL
  16. Ok so the zipper on one of my coat pockets decided to not work/close and I though I would need to get a new zipper installed. So as usual I call mum ( I dont sew) and she tells me just go get a zipper repair kit.http://seentv.asseenontv.com/search?w=fix%20a%20zipper&asu= Ok so I haven't a clue what I am looking for but the nice ladies at the sewing shop helped and I got this kit form the "as see on tv" company has 6 different sizes to fit any zipper so simple to use. Cut the old pull off and snap the new pull in DONE the zip work like new.15 bucks well spent Just had to share this great product
  17. Put some fuel in the cylinder(tea spoon) and see if it will fire up,if so then it's not getting fuel.
  18. I wonder if the shift shaft weld has cracked and alowing the shaft to rotate slightly inside the selector. Come on Grouch it's broken now just open the clutch cover and look, try what Cynic and blackhat sugested,get some picts and we can figure this out I don't think you tranny is f##ked and you will be pissed if you change the motor and find out it was just a broken spring. Worse case you can bolt it back together and keep riding it like that.
  19. Well if the shift drum will turn to get 2-3 and then all else is to far for the selctor to find then I would look there first
  20. The reaon why swing arm piviot bolts are so hard to get out is cause nobody services them untill they need to remove the eng,when it should be part of a yearly service. I can push mine out without fuss. And this to your yearly service and you will never have a problem again. Not so sure about putting a 170 on a used crank alot of $$$ to find out the crank is weak,good luck I realy hope all works out for you and will keep watching.
  21. I'm going to agree with cinic and tommy worth opening up the clutch cover and checking the detent, could just be a broken spring. Will the bike take 1 st gear and move and it's just the long travel that wrong? Come on Grouch give us more to work with other than" it's broken",if it takes gear and holds the gear then it's got to be a simple fix. Just need more info to try and figure it out. How about a video. I know you trust the shop but I wonder if your not putting 1 of thier kids through collage.
  22. Are you drunk the suspension would need up grade,the hassel of wireing ,cdi,exhaust just not worth it. Just grab that 300 motor and stuff it in ,realy just a few hours of work and your back in the race again. Save the old eng for parts or part it out and recoupe some cash
  23. Did you ever try anything I suggested and if so what did you find?
  24. 1104 threebond,on my wr250f I used permatex "the right stuff" instant gasket worked great.Makes any gasket in 1 min. as fast as you can assemble and put to use it seals amazing stuff.
  25. I used kreem about 2 years ago to seal a friends tl1000s tank,very easy to use. 1 clean all old rust out ,1 lb of drywall screws in the tank and shaken on a bbq rotisery for 2 hrs worked great 2 water rinse,dry and wash out with the provided acid wash 3 mix sealer and hardner and coat inside of tank by rotating,working time was quite long 1/2 hr or more so it was easy to get the whole tank sealed.The stuff is quite thick and not runny. I only blocked off the petcok hole with a piece of gaffer tape,2 old bolts to fill the thread holes and removed them before the sealer fully hardened.Job done for 60 the shops wanted 200.Had enough left over to seal a small dirt bike size tank about 1/3 of the kit Ps I only sealed to the top underside of the filler neck leaving the cap sealing area uncoated
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