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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Yerp and thats why my bandit will out run your antiquated fj on bias tires,better handeling, tires, less weight and better motor. Lap times your beat and from point a to b I will be on my way back before you get to top speed on that tank.
  2. Excelent idea Elvis ....video it then they can't refute it case closed. Though I am leaning towards your being not familar with a injected bike and nit picking.It will run rich till warm,its suposed to untill the 02 sensor can warm up and adjust the mix.
  3. I dont think chains breaking is a big a problem these days unless you run the cheap ones,burnouts are harder on them. They are disposable items and shouldn't be run to the limit anyway. I still love doing wheelies the wr is so easy with the power and gearing just snap the throttle and it's up on demand.The 1200 power wheelies but to get it up real high the on off on method works best. Nothing like putting the front wheel down at a ton and watching it smoke as it catches up to speed. Edit Mac come to think of it I alway ran a 13t front sprocket that will get it to power wheelie
  4. Did the bike blow up and thats why you bored it? If so you need to check the head for warpage set it on a glass plate and check with feeler gauges and check for scratches in the sealing area on both the head and barrel. If you can get a cooling system pressure tester pull the exhaust pipe off and lower the piston past the export and pump up the pressure you will see coolant comming out the exhaust if the head is the problem.
  5. Task on a fuel injected bike twisting the throttle aint going to do shit prior to starting .And twisting the throttle will only make it lean untill its running...I would say it has something do with a temp sensor not inriching the cold start but it's not his problem it has 2 years warenty
  6. Elvis some chains come assembled no split link,peened rivets so inorder to install you have to pull the swing arm. off.I doubt a ebay chain is a exact fit and will need links removed but erbrod is kind vauge about it. You switch housing is mettal on a 82 just polish it or paint it, where you will run into problems is that the throttle cable is different from bike to bike so it wont fit in anyold housing.
  7. Here is thier web site it sucks so I would suggest contacting them before orderinghttp://www.athenaparts.com/eng
  8. 200stone and your belly on the tank understandable LOL KEV Thats like trying to suff a 30 lb sauage in a 10 lb skin, and a sr 125 over geared Elvis again,,but a rd 350 with anyone under 200lbs and sitting right on the bike to do a wheelie,NFP they will come up easy. Mine were unicycles most of the time.That why I had to get rid of them,just to tempting to do wheelies. They are great bikes all around go like stink in a line and once you learn the power curve they will do anything on demand! Just got to learn the sweet spots of the power curve. Try the on off method Mac and it wil come together ,,,you will be dancing the bike at will on the back wheel 4-7k is bliss enough torque and revs to spare.Keep your foot over the back break.
  9. Got to agree with NSD it could be anything from a faulty fuel pump not building pressure,to a pickup coil, a cdi with a glitch.Intermitiant problems can be a mare to find but it's under warenty and they can swap parts till they find it. Its a new bike and you shouldn't be haveing these issues and they are not your problem to sort out.Just take it back even if you have to leave it with them for a day so they can get the bike to fault out and fix it.
  10. Try it at home on soild ground and get the hang of it you dont have to get the wheels up high and even if it takes 10 short moves it might save your bacon one day. I think with the way the stand is mounter so far foward on your bike it will be harder,might be easier to pull the ass end around this way your puling it onto the stand. The only good thing about a hardley is that once the stand is down it locks and cant fold up untill you right the bike up,you can push one from the rear on the side stand and it wont fall over off the stand it will just slide the stand along the ground.and thats the only bike close to yours I have done it with.But I am sure it can be done
  11. Are you kidding they wheelie so easy take it up to 4-5k roll of the throttle quick and nail it back on ,,it will be standing at 12o clock if you dont control it and they will pull 5 gear wheelies no problem. You must be sitting on the tank shift your weight back on the seat and it will rollon wheelie,any dip or bump in the road will have the front wheel comming up.You are the first person I have ever heard say they had trouble getting a rd to wheelie
  12. The harley switch wont fit as they use 1' bars yours are 7/8. if the chain is endless as in it's all one loop then you will have to remove the swing arm from the frame,or split the chain and get a split link make sure it has the same # of links. If you do a utube search you will find lots of vids
  13. LOL no problem Rataim Say hi in the new members and hang around you might need some more answers by the sounds of things as you have seen lots of people willing to help,if one of us is busy and cant answer right away others will.
  14. you can try the square ones but i hear they ride like crap,,LOL what do you want to do SM it or what?
  15. ok normaly it is polite to say hi first in the new member section, but what do you mean its dosent work when pulled in?
  16. Suprisingly the weight of the bike can be help full as the weight is above the stand to get it up just trickier to ballance and keep your footing,not sure I would be doing it daily as that would cause stress on the stand and mount but when your stuck it works great.
  17. A simple test is to remove air box lid/cover or block it off with tape makling it lean or richer,then you can just buy jets(5 bucks) and do some trial and error,generaly speaking 1 main jet size up is enough to correct for pipes and adjusting the pilot screw.Smoetimes just raising the needle is enough. The colour of the spark plug tells alot too white lean black rich. If you pipes don't say V&H some where then they aren't V&H and buying a kit from them is not a guarenty fix.
  18. Why not?That was my1200 and I have done it with a hardley just smaller/more turns.Your 400 I could do it in one turn.Lol nothing stops the wr but a cliff
  19. Had a simmilar event this year,I found I can rotate the bike 180 on the side stand,I found a flat rock and put it under the stand leaned the bike over on it and wheels up off the ground hip to push the back end and pull on the bars had to do it in 4 moves but I couldn't get any footing to back the bike up.
  20. First I doubt its a 500 kit most likely a 473-8 kit and no the stock won't work,just google big bore kits for your bike and pick a supplier,has to be one in OZ if not plenty here and the USA. Not to knock Athina but they are considered the cheapest quality amongst the big bore comunity,and wiseco the best but you pay for it. As you cant ride the bike anyway I would pull the top end off and check it only a couple of hours work no point in ordeding anything till you know for sure what is wrong. You can do it with the motor in place but it's easy to pull the motor And while your waiting for parts you can recondition the head.If you order a gasket and find a cracked barrel then your going to need a full kit anyway. Lots of cracke barrels wont leak coolant into the motor as the crack only open's when hot and above the piston Edit some replating companys have a exchange program so you need to send your old barrel to get a new one.
  21. As I thought not much input from the younger gen.
  22. My 1200 has been a good bike,welcome to the other side muhaaaaa.
  23. It's a Fomyonality beware.LOL ....----On sale now ..... --FOAMY FILTERS 19.99* * * On sale for a limited time ,,,,,,price subject to change quanties and aviabilty limited,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Revise ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................if I sell one price goes to 1 million ( you get half steve)just a small operation involved you always wanted tits to play with 24/7
  24. LMAO We might not have been there that day... but collectivly you will be dead before we are all done laughing Foams,LMFAOROTF did the mankini bite you and you had to get off quick.
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