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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Bippo I would try to post a pict of her but I'm not a puter guy,I just tried to change my avatar to a pict of her and it say's the file is too big,so next time my son is over I will get him to post a pictuer of her.I'm more of a hunt it , break it ,fix it drink it, fuckit kinda guy I can get puter to do that kinda stuff but it takes me way longer and pisses me off when my 13yr old can do it in minutes/seconds. What is this take the dog for a walk you speak of,does your dog not know how to walk yet,I open the door and my dog goes for a walk by herself when I want her back in I just whistel and she come's back,when I go fishing she comes and goes for a swim and chases the birds around
  2. Alex first go to the new members section and intro yourself. Your problem is fixable and we will help
  3. Klume I'm here every day sometime 2 or 3 times I don't sleep well. Breaking bike's apart for parts goes on everywhere not just wher you live,but not alway's are the parts still in good working order. Ok so pouring gas in get's it running then you have 1 of 2 problems the gas is not getting to the carb fast enough,,or the carb is not set up right/dirty.So remove the hose to the carb and make sure you have a very good flow of gas to the carb. If you have agood flow then your carb is at fault.
  4. Yep thats IT had one made a great ice bike taller gearing than the yz's so turn in braking( for thoes that have never iced you don't use the brakes just pitch the bike in and slide till you slow enough to get around the apex and then gas your way out) and out of corner pull was great, endless wheelies in 3rd gear with the torque that the heavier flywheel gave, great bike another one I wish I still had. Another great one of yamaha's way of breaking the rule's of what is road leagle ,just like the wr250f it's a race bike in wolfs clothes to be road ileagle ... OOps sorry I'm hi jacking your intro welcome again.
  5. Ok klume lets go with some basic ways of getting it running then,and start ruleing out the possibles. 1st put some fuel right in the cylinder's about a tea spon full,then put the spark plugs back in and try to start right away. If it starts and run then we need to be looking at the carb more closely,just because they are different dosen't mean they are right eps because the one you bought was shipped,,which means it's been thrown about without care.Ever met a postmen who give's a rats ass about the parcels he's handeling NOPE THEY BREAK AS MUCH AS get delivered without breakage 2nd if the first works get back to me and I will try to help you set the carb up
  6. See mike I was right all along I just knew you had the type of brains to get through it,, you just needed a kick in the ass to sort it yourself glad I could be of service
  7. Thats great news Tommy hope all is right now. Bippo no such thing as a little husky,unless he/she a pup,mine is a mix malmute,shep,husky ( near as I can figure)and she's a small 125lbs or so, if thats what you mean by small LOL
  8. Yep bump start it pull in the clutch and see if it will idle without trying to pull away,then pop the side stand down .
  9. Hi ya welcome where abouts in the country are you,I'm in SWO ( south west Ontario). Posting picts is a bit of a job as the site has no direct down load you''ll have to set up a photo bucket account and the post that link here,but we love to see frame up jobs so start a thread in projects so we can help and watch
  10. That is the pilot jet it's the smallest and the passage runs infront of the slide eng side it will pick up fuel from the bowl because of the vaccume created by the motor. remove the pilot jet and run a very small wire up the hole you will see it opens at the eng side of the slide,this hole and jet are also contrloed by the tapered screw that varries the amount of air alowed to flow that also enters the same passage. This circut of the carb controls idle fuel flow after the choke has been turned off.And this is why the float height must be set exact height to low of fuel in the bowl and it can't pick up enough fuel to high and it gets too much both will cause starting and idle problems. The other jets control fuel flow from 1/8 throttle opening to full open. The choke circut basicaly alows the pilot jet to suck more fuel in by 1 of 2 means either block air or a seperat circut to alow more fuel in. Sorry I cant help more but we never got them bike's here and I have never worked on one but,carbs are carbs they all work basicaly the same. Maybe one of the other members could help with the float height and how it's to be set,some need to be done with the carb held on a angle of 15 degerees other held flat.When I dont know I hold the carb with the float open and slowly turn it so the float is closing slowly as soon as the float has closed the fuel inlet valve the float arms shold be even with the body of the carb where the bowl fits on,this will give you a good base setting. But all the passeges in the carb must be 100% clean soak the carb in deisle for a couple of days with the rubber bits removed then blow clean with compressed air. Ok the rest of you guys here someone must have a spec sheet ,or know someone with info about the 125 vigges carb settings,he's been fighting this for months how about lending a hand to a fellow biker in need.
  11. Ok something I just thought of because of antoher thread,when your putting it all back together a dab of blue thread locker on every bolt and nut on the bike /eng will keep them from ever getting loose.For the 20 bucks or less it cost for thread locker paste or liquid it's realy cheap insurance to know that the bolts/nuts will stay in place.Even then best to treat the bike as if it were new and give it a 250 mile shake down then go over the whole bike and re check everything DON"T buy red,it's semi perment and to get bolts out you will have to heat them making the next repair a real PITA,yellow and green for things you never want to come appart again Blue is the best holds thing in place but they also come free easier as it slow the corrosin process when two dissimalar metals meet I know that your still a long way from re assemblig the bike but your eng biuld is under way and I won't put any motor together without blue on everything.I can honestly say that I never lost a bolt on any rebuild in over 25 years and before you say it yes I have been bulding motors as long as you've been alive so yes I might be age older ,but in my mind I'm still 19 with 46 yrs experence when riding. Hope you read this before you finnish the motor I know It's late advice but I just thought of it.
  12. That was what I thought would happen the thread aren't under pressure wonce the head snaps off I never torque them just turn them down to tight by hand with blue thread locker .They can't come loose because the spring is always holding pressure on them
  13. Thats good and bad news,fingers crossed for your dog.IMO he would be better off at home they miss us just as much ,if not more, as we miss them but if he needs to be there then what ya going to do
  14. possibly your torque wrench isn't sensitive enough for such light applications,or the wrong bolts? the bolt should just turn out with your finger though.If not get a left drill bit and then it should come out.
  15. Simple the gearing is to high in 6th to keep it int the power
  16. Ok so what was wrong? posting it might help someone else who finds themself in the same boat.
  17. Looking good so far. but 170 for gaskets is must be gold plated The sporster tank is over done on that style IMO but tis your bike,personaly I would go old school and put a coffin tank on noboby does it anymore so it would be new old school.
  18. Any possibilty you are handy enough to get some longer links to set the ride hieght back to the same, made up,the bikes weigh's the same,that might be a cheaper way to go. Maybe some of the brains here can help with the geomometry your droping it 30 mm to get it back to stock height,but the links run on a angle so 30mm longer or shorter wouldn't work you would have to include the angle Only thing I can think of is putting the bike on a adjustable stand then measuring the bolt centers to make up links at the same ride hieght.
  19. Ok hi granto lots of info here about de restricting the bike,but might I suggest you go to the new members section and Introduce yourself to the rest of the club,just stuff about yourself/years riding ,abilty to fix something ect.. and that kinda stuff .
  20. Ok I 'm going with Task on this one all the way,some dick head not watching where thery are going and comes near me is going to get a boot or what ever is going to take to wake the dumb MOTHER FER UP, You 2 bleading hearts can live in fantsey world,the road is a dangerous place and if someone needs to get a part fixed on there car thats a very simple thing to do,undoo a few nut's and bolts bolt on a new part and presto the problem is fixed. After they have to pay for it for a few days at least they remember to look befor moving NOW PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION to this part when my felow riders as well as myself,get hit or some muther fucker tries to kill me and succeds then I end up dead or in the hospital hurt can't work ,may end up in a wheel chair,coma,months /years in thearpy. See what I mean cars who cares they break everyday ,trust me I spend all day fixing the junk these dicks drive,broken people are a fuck of alot harder to fix. At 46 I have 40 years riding experience and 30 years on the road and about 50% of the dicks driving shouldn't even have a licence IMO When I was 17 some dick pulled right in front of me with eye contact,I had 178 stiches to put my left leg back together after smashing into the car,dammage to car needed new door,bike right off,me 3 months in thearpy and 39 years later my left knee is still not right. That car is in the junk yard or made into a soup can. So to reitterate what I'v said any dick in thier cage get's near me then they beter be ready for a fight,I would have left my bike and jumped on the back of buddies bike,or taken it and hunted that dick down and instead of me being in the hospital he would be.Because that idiot is broken to think that slaming a car into a human,or even trying to is OK, let alone destroy a bike, is in need of thier head examined you twits.
  21. Hey Paul not a good idea by raising the rear you going to affect the steering head angle,but possibly the x model has lowering links and uses the same shock try running the part #s and see if they are the same,the other option is to go with a preformance shock doubt it would be any cheaper though but atleast it would be rebuildable.
  22. Ouch take care of that back,I had that about 6 years ago turned out to be the L5-s1 disc had blown and pinched a nerv could feel my left leg for about a year
  23. Task ya got yer nerve charging that you didn't even talk dirty to me, the check's in the mail but as you cost so much I had to send it via realy slow mail so with the cost of inflation by the time you get it you'll only be able to afford a bottle of baby duck. Kev i was worried about the fan so I put a tooth pick in to hold it in place,I do that when cleaning the fan of dust.But realy you have a serious side who knew Merv Your a genious why didn'tyou speak up earlier I have a bag of rice thats about a year old was just going to pitch it out anyway,could have drop the whole thing off at the in and out store and had it back in a hour.
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