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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Hey groucho your not the first or last person who gave up because they didn't know what they're doing.,not everyone has gear head mentality.,most try to force thing that shouldn't be forced and when things start breaking it gets discouraging. Mainly becasue the manuals only say things like "remove this that and the other" without any futher comments about how to remove it when it's been in ther for years.Ever notice the bikes in manuals are all brand new so of course they will just slide appart. Most think that you just grab the tools and undoo things and they just come appart,unfortunatly that is rarely the case,and it takes years of learning to know how and when to pry or bang without breaking things. Hopefully this is the end of your problems for a while,shame you left it till now and missed the summer.
  2. LMAO if you can chuck a biscut in a lathe and turn it then it isn't fit for human consumption,the biscuts I feed my dog aren't that hard
  3. Then get the hungarien version and feed it through bing translator it's free,just set up bing as a serch eng.I have it and all I have to do is right click on a page and it comes up auto translate about half way down the option bar.
  4. Cool looks like the death star from star wars.
  5. Reminds me very much of a Manx Norton,mainly the tank. I like it,you can't build one for that. I had never bought a new bike till 2001 I always bought wrecks and fixed them back up,sold them on to buy the next project.I can honestly say buying a new bike was the best move I ever made,I have kept them both fully/over maintaned and never had a problem with either bike( the charge coil gave up on the wr in 2010 but hell 10 yrs is prety good IMO) havin a new bike is like a new sexy girl friend you cant do enough for them or get off them. .You ride a new tight bike and wonder how the hell did I ride that thing If it's going to make you hav a grin from ear to ear then go buy it YOLO
  6. BAFFELS ? WE DON"T NEED NO STINKING BAFFELS LOL. I don't know about there and how the copers are but here if they can stick thier club in more than 12 in your getting a ticket for running open pipes so to get around it I weld in a washer with so many holes in it it might as well be open,or a length of pipe suported by washers and drilled full of holes. Slash cut pipes actualy help with scavenging,like the way a planes wing works or a flute,the air pasing by creates a low pressure at the tip of the exhaust helping to pull the spent gasses out.
  7. Never liked the 90 look staggered shot gun,or slash cut and cut the ends to look like flames. What ever you do make sure they are long enough or you will loose scavenging effect( the sonic pluse in the exhaust that remove the gasses from the cylinder) and loose HP A good rule of thumb to go by is to paint the pipe and where it stops burning the paint off cut 10-12 inches after.Depending on the length of the baffel you intend to use. Speaking of baffels what are your plans for them?
  8. Prety sure you can down load a owners manual from yamaha uk .....yep right herehttp://www.yamaha-motor.eu/uk/services/owner-manuals/index.aspx?category=motorcycles. Photot bucket will re size your picts.
  9. Welcome the bike is comming along nice
  10. The pet cock from my wr might fit,give me the mesaurments bolt hole center to center and I will check.It has off.Thing is the same rubber wears out in them too but faster cause your using it everytime you shut the bike off. For the ten bucks to get the new rubber I would try it first,I`ve replaced many and they all worked proprely after.
  11. dt502001

    Helmet LED Mod

    The thing that scares me is havin that switch so close to your eye,I don't see the need for them but if your going to keep them then get a small push button and mount it flush with the padding
  12. I mknow the rules are differenthere but,clock tampering is fraud,in this case it wasn't tampering but a case of not disclosing in writing the true milage. On the bill of sale what milage was recorded this is where you have them over a barrel,if they falsely,kowingly,sold you the bike leading you to belive that was the true milage then it's fraud. The log book clearly shows the milage when the dash was replaced? yes ?no? if it does then they as a dealer Nomatter how little the consumer knows they should and been up front at the time of sale and the true milage been recorded on the bill of sale or recorded as "true milage unkonw and milage showing" this is thier get of jail free card any good dealer would have writen the bill of sale this way to cover thier bbut. For all you and they know the PO could have driven it another 2k before changing the dash and the bike could have alot more milage than you think. The small print at the bottom is for when they buy a bike and don't have full history on the bike,ie the speedo was disconnect by the previous owner,in this case they full well knew. If they made no mention of it then it's fraud,buyier beware applies to private sales dealers on the other hand are expected to conduct in a differennt mannner. 2000 miles at say 40k dosen't affect much as far as re sale value but at under 4k it does the wholsale black book clearly depreicates the value. By age milage and overall condition. I would take Slices advice and see what you can do with the dealer first and then go the leagle route. On a another topic Xt owner should unite and petition Yamaha to replace the defective dashes with a updated one,clearly they have a bad part and ownners shouldnn't be expected to keep buying a defective part
  13. Ya I guess that make sence as it a universal fit and needed tabs to mount.
  14. What a shame most who think bikers are all bad will never see his good deed of the day.,the news wont put that up but if he had killed the calf it would have made the news.
  15. O right the corn field to corn field closed course what was I thinking ,some women just can't appriciate a good wheelie. As the track is closed for the year now,but next year a day at cayuga,on a open track day,or St Thommas drag park ( I know the CEO) we can get together and do wheelies all day till your comfortable with shifiting much safer that way, a day at cayuaga on the circut track you'll be a way better rider. Everyone should do a day at the track at least once a year,help's keep you sain on the roads. Nothing beats getting to thrash the shite outa your bike without havin to be looking for "Johnnie law"
  16. LOL Groucho I don't remember Jhon threating you to get your bike fixed ,hope it dosen't cost you a ton.
  17. UM you know about the stunt drivin law,if you get caught doing whellies you can kiss your licence bybby as your on a M1 0 tollerence till you get your M.
  18. Dam I thought we be seeing a xt getting blown up or someting like that, groucho would have loved it. I know he's complentated it. I didn't think the xt 125 was restricted,I could be wrong tho.
  19. Old sayin "don't fix what aint broken" as we are weeks away from bein snowed in can't see why not. The fz is one of the easiest motors to get out( for a inline 4),the last one I did the carbs on I loosened the frame and rotated the motor foward/down to get them in/out. For the exhaust I would put in a heli coil or a thread sert.
  20. I'v used the kreem several times dried whitish, resistant to eth as well,but you get almost enough if not enought to do that sporty tank 2x. The last tank I did was on a sv1000 sukini and had enought left to do a old xr125 dirt bike tank and a bit left over. Kinda suprised you have to seal it yourself,are you sure it need doing some of the profesional suff dries clear
  21. I thought it was odd that the magnets came loose to begin with,not something that happens to altenators unless they get droped hard. Most altenators get re built several time using the old magnets. I haven't worked on a r1 so I can't say if it's a problem but I haven't hear of it happenninng, I would take the time to search the R1 forum and see if it has happened before.
  22. Wow thats the hard way to change the oil,but as it was your first time I guess it made sence to you to have to pull the exhaust. It can be done with the exhaust in place,bit fiddely but if you keep pulling the exhaust your going to need to replace the o ring gaskets that seal the exhaust or worse strip the studs in the head. If the oil filter was that bad bets to do it again. On the bottom of the carb is a small screw to drain the carb,open it and see what crap come out,getting the carbs out is easy getting them back in can be challenging. As the bike is running good option #2 is to drain the carbs then fill them with carb cleaner through the fuel inlet let it soak over night ,Hold the throttel wide open and crank the motor over a few times ,then drain and flush with new gas not a perfect clean but better than not cleani/ng at all. And this method has proven to work many times for me. Just don't get carb cleaner on the paint as it makes a great stripper.so attach long hoses to the drain port on the bowls. One question has your tank got any rust at all in it,it could be small bit are getting to the carb and jaming the float open.
  23. If you plan on doing alot of wheelies better move the oil pick up to the back of the pan,or weld in a deep sump and extend the pick up,or you will fry the motor mainly the cams. Trust me I fried mine from doing 5 gear wheelies in about 5k from new,the fz/fj motors don't like to be turned in that position fo long befor they cavitae and stop picking up oil.
  24. Kinda boring and choppy,didn't care for the music either.O well mabey others will like it,keep at it mabey you'll find a way to keep it intresting.
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