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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Cant help you with the case question they guys ove at rdac could though. I must say you do like a chalenge not much to work with there ,I can see you spending a long dollar to get that back road worthy
  2. Live with it it's normal at cretian rev's,but do check to see you haven't any loose bolts.On the 2001 and up1200 gsxfs they removed the center lower motor mounts to help with vibes.I know cause I went up one side and down the other with my dealer about why my bike didnt get PDI properly and they were missing.I have the factory poster ( got it in the deal )and it had them,but after suzuki CA called me and reasured me that they infact did not ship the bike with them because they caused more vibration in the farring.The 1250 I rode last year was the same.
  3. Nobody will see much of the suit anyway for the next few months as you will be wearing a jacket over top. Way to cold to just wear the suite. My JR sutie is yellow and the b is candy red,I like the high vis about yellow ,the fashon cops be damed give me a ticket for not matching bike and suite. You try and get them sliders down on cold pavement and new tires and the black and blue will match your body LMAO
  4. Going out on alimb Drewps but if its got brushes the feild type LOL, Were the vr's new or used? Used I could see ,,new no. 3 new vr's in a year you have grounding issues,and as drewps mentioned you might have a plate shifiting in the battery.Clean all grounds install a new battery along with the vr. A weak battery and /or grounds will trick the vr into thinking the demand is high and try to flow too much juice all the time burning out the diodes Klume posted a thread about using a cheaper vr from a 3wheeler about a year ago for his vig 125,I'm not into hacking up my bike but might be worth a look if your's is high milage and not worth much.
  5. Now it's been quite a few years since I did any work on a hardley,if memory serves me the fuel tap thread on to a bung welded into the tank and the tap has a conical seat when the nut is tightend up it makes a compression seal no gasket required.
  6. If you have gone this far I hope you blue printed you gear dogs and windows with a slight under cut
  7. You have done your research well,,old tricks
  8. If you have them fit then no big deal ,,my thought was to cut at the first weld and rotate and re weld,not the flange but the first weld of the stock pipe
  9. Another thing to try is heat up the pick up coil with a hair drier and see if it starts cold,and check the resistance hot vs cold with a dvom
  10. CDI's can act that way,any back fire or poping when it wont start?
  11. Um your link didnt work/show up No pictuers
  12. Read his thread he posted quite a bit abot his rebuild and lots of nice pictuers.
  13. looks awsome with the new suspension ,like something they should be making now..But glad its your back I had my clipons down that low as well to fit the farring,too old for that now thats why I sold it. Nice work bench you made beats working on the floor,is it mocked up to check the pipes alignment? Gives me a idea about fixing them so they fit with the wider frame.
  14. This should be in workshop BUT your carbs are dirty and the float stuck open
  15. HAha I had my setting wrong and missed this whole thread Great read I remember thoes good old days of 8-10 of us all on 2strokes foging out every intersection and the music of the pipes I can smell it now . You didn't happen to go to the London bike show back in 87 and see my rz 350 there did you cause I had the tzr 250 body work on mine before anyone,everyone was running the harris or rickman farrings like your buddy I ll get a picture up later at the shop now working on the jeep (er um well supposed to be ) and have the pictuers on the other puter.. Your build is coming on nice, did you happen to weigh all the old suspension and new to see how much weight your adding?
  16. Nice when people listen HAHA I LIKE IT, the pin striping set's it off just perfect I think it goes right with the seat in the bare bones way,but with style. Nice part is it will be easy to touch up if it gets scratched. Once the bike is done and you have a few extra bucks hopefully you can find a front steel fender on the cheap having the back black blends the tire frame and seat together. It really is a cool theme you went for ,so little to do now and Betty will be running down the road again I cant waite to see it in the sun
  17. buying them spare motors is already paying off big,EH?
  18. And they let you out allready . Looks smart.
  19. The MTO testers might get wet you know in april Thats why they dont start booking untill they can ride mainly in nice weather,Taking the MSF coures should give you a break on your insurance I'v heard that for some it saved them more that it cost. Give your insurance co a ring and ask them.
  20. Yep like the saying goes if you want it done right do it yourself, even a road side break down I would rather just truck it home than trust someone else to fix my ride.I'm same with drewps plumbing,ect around the house even if it takes me longer I'd rather do it myself. Bike is looking good dude got to be quite pleased with yourself,from never owning a bike to rebuilding one in a year is a big step. Just remember new tire's and wet/dirty roads don't mix well. Got your test booked yet? I want to get a lot of riding in this year and as SAMMY said "I cant... drive.. 55" so you need to get it done asap lots of good 80k roads up and down the lakes, but, if you want to go anywhere you cant be stuck havin to get home before dark like a kid. Owensound bike rally might be on the list of too do's
  21. Sorry cal that's no excuse,haha I'm 47 in a few months and I don't have any budys who still dirt most hung up there jerseys years ago but that dosent stop me from going.I still love the fact that I can give it 100% without the MAN busting me,mind my 100% is like 75% compared to the younger guys,but in the senior class I hold my own. Years ago many years ago LOL I met a guy who was in his late 60's and while he wasn't the fastest guy at our local play pit,BUT he could put down more laps than anyone 1/4 his age,he taught me a few things about bike control and how being smooth is better than ball's out giver till she breaks ridin. He rode till he died at 74 and always said the same thing"I'd rather be dead than not able to ride" most people his age would be worried about breaking a hip not Ralph,, people always had the same reaction when he pull in to the pits and took of his helmet "WTF your as old as the dirt here how do you do it" So slap that dep on once and a while and go have fun ,personally I think anyone who hasn't dirted has missed the best part of motorcycling. And the opportunity to expand thier skills.
  22. Eastwood is a USA company and only ship 2x to Canada a month in bulk fast service is not there strong point ,quality stuff and price is what keeps them going and people who deal a lot with them get priorty. Holy crap just heard the forcast for thurs day +8 might even be able to get a shake down ride in.
  23. Ididn't think I would like it at all but it could grow on me,dosen't look as bad as I thought it would.Just wouldn't want to "case it" on a landing or over a log or say good by pipe. Now the big question how does it sound and is there any performance gain? Had microns on my rz then put toomies on and the sound was 100% better and so was the power band
  24. Much better numbers,140 would be great numbers but for a rebuild with old rings you got nothing to complain about with 130's and it even across all cyls
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