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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. Nice job I love it I wouldn't paint the tank but I would pollish it and the eng cases forks ect I like shiney bits. What did you do for a tail light I would have intergrated it to the seat. That type of conversion is getting quite popular was thinking of doing one this winter
  2. might help to contact them http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?ref=SERP&br=ro&mkt=en-CA&dl=en&lp=FR_EN&a=http%3a%2f%2fwww.dafy-moto.com%2fmagasin%2fdafy-moto-la-roche-sur-yon-429 And ask where they got the farring I am going to guess from tex composites. I have a feeling that is not his bike and wan't to build his like it
  3. Simmalr thing happed to someone I know and they ended up getting someone else to buy it back at auction for peanuts. Did they not give you first option to buy it back?
  4. Haha took my son a few years back the the dinosaur live show was pretty good.If you looked hard you could see the people but with the lighting and smoke was quite entertaing.The monster size t-rex 80 foot tall came with in feet of us mouth open was impressive tounge skin and all moved and could have fit 8 people in it's mouth looked quite real.
  5. Yes you can buy many parts for a carb ,where is it leaking from? The drain screw at the bottom?
  6. Yep he won't ever top that one,I was wondering if it was that guy on the r1 who races through traffic as if he owns the road? But it didn't look yellow. We are not alowed to filter here and he was going WAY faster than everyone else so he should thank his lucky stars that he pulled that off and slow down cause he won't pull that 1 off again. I was thinking it was a add for a new Materixs film or Jacky Chan and was staged or computer generated when I first seen it
  7. Holy duck that rectifier has gone full charge to get that hot,your going to be looking at a new battery as well.It will have been over charged so no doubt it is low on fluid might be able to save it but most likely not. Top with distiled water. test the field coils of the stator for short to ground wouldn't suprise me if they too are burnt. Thats the 3 white wires comming to the VR. Your not going to be a happy camper if you have to replace the stator ,regulator/rectifier and battery it's going to get expensive to the tune of a grand. Having the stator rewound will help cut the cost if you can live with the bike being down for a while. Havent seen one of them go that bad in a while. That normaly happens when the grounds are bad and the VR cant sence the charge ,though it could just be the VR went full charge. But clean all grounds before you install anything so you don't fry anything new and have to start over.
  8. No bone stock they pull hard to 11k rpm,from 4k all the way to 11k they were based on the race bikes of the day.At 6k they will pull the front wheel no problem just by rolling off the throttle and pinning it open quickly. In 1st-2nd and 3 gear Stop trying to tune it for crusing around at 3500 rpm they were never ment to .These bike's were ment to be ridden and reved your waisting a perfectly good bike if your just goin to put around on it. I owned enough of them to know they don't blow up from reving them unless they are not tuned right,do your plug chop set it up to run a bit fat and rev the fn thing they can dust many bike's 750 cc and up.
  9. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    Also is anyone sparying some armorall, wd 40 or simmilar anywhere near that stuff can cause havock with paint, my buddy Jimmy who has been teaching me how to lay paint is a pro and he lost a 5000k paint job on the last coat because the clean up boy detailed a car and the stuff he used carried into the paint booth a good 40 yards away.
  10. HAHA it's catasaki I think you ride em that way
  11. Dirty DT won't agree cause he don't wash he bikes lazy git he is,but I do and while washing I have a look at every part of the bike and check it for wear tightness and so on,,, so a weekly scrub down can help you get use to your bike.So it is easier to see when things wear I cant tell if your is a spoked wheel version but if it is dosent hurt to check the spoke tension, just take a screw driver and give em a tap you will hear a bit of a ring if they thud then they are loose not somthing you need to check often but good to know what they should sound like . I suppose with your yearly MTO's the inspector does that but I don't know for sure.
  12. Properly set up thoes bikes will scream to 11k rpm that's 2k into red line,so even if your tack is slow wich I find hard to belive that it could be out more than a few hunderd not a full 1000 rpm,your bike is starving for fuel and will blow up eventualy!
  13. If you do the 11000 in 11 days I will go hide in shame .. only because your such a new rider and I have so many years and miles under my belt and still wont do it I know a few who have tried it and its a battel of mind and body, lots enter and few finnish, I have put down 1000 and a you now know it take's it out of you.. To get up every day for 11 days and do it again WOW you would have to be a ??? I think the Dakar would be easier 1 person who I knew did the iron but and had to rebuild his motor after,sadly he is no longer with us got smoked a month after by a truck. go figure?
  14. Must still be summer this post is 5 yrs old and all 1 hit wonders since. costanzo42 if you want help do a intro in the new members section and someone might be able to help you lots of nice people here who if they can will help. Welcome to the YOC BTW
  15. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    crinkling paint makes me think back to when I tried to paint somthing that had been painted silver/aluminium before... primer would sit flat but could not get the black I was trying to paint on to stick without going to shite and cracking even after I sanded the whole frame ..I had to dip it in acid to get what ever it is in alui paint off. Tommy is right though different brands don't mix well Are you using the same?
  16. Any mod who want's to fix my typeo in the title from your to you please do so
  17. aa http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=d5e_1408462761#k795gPMXkJWRJopA.01
  18. I would say that the right signal is not getting a good ground and back feeding through the left,try runing a ground on the right signal to a known good ground if you have 6v to the signal
  19. Hi and welcome if you ride then all is good by me no matter what size or level your at and I think you will find most agree and those that dont F em they are not worth knowing,just stay safe by watching out for the idots and you will find many of them.
  20. Ok then 4 white dry turds 3cups of gently used kitty litter 2 carrots and I will look after the monkey the pony and you can use the bulls eye on your snooker table. Honestly you have too much money in the bike to sell it and as tommy said it's been done to your taste so It will be a hard sell,so sit her down and ask her what she would like for her 2nd birthday this year.And use it till it's worth what you can get for it, possibly it's worth more in parts? When 1200's are going for a grand and the market there is flooded with used bikes I would think you woudl be lucky to get a grand the xj was a bit of a confused bike as it wasn't a sport or touring or crusier but a mash of a bit of all and with the carbs ycis people tend to steer clear of them.
  21. dt502001

    Fz600 Gulf

    +1 valve alway tighten up so better to be loose then tight and only being .01 over spec is not a big deal
  22. Do some cheap oil changes as the fibers from the clutch will be all through the motor and can wear on everything in the motor from cams to crank bearings. And as the new clutch set in,, it too will drop fibers so,,get some oil of the right grade and dump it after 100 kms all this BS about using motor cycle only oil is well bs, If anyone botherd to read thier owners manual they would see that it dosent say anything other than to use sg-sf-sj ect.. None of this BS about using "motor cycle only oil" Just get some valovine 10-40 standered oil sf or sg ( the round circle on the back of the container wiil have these letters to let you know) and flush it through 2-3 times.Then use it in your truck after you filter it through a coffey filter. So your not waisting it. 1St gear is so short that it is hard to tell it's slipping and 2nd gear is right in the middel of the torque so you will feel it more and 4th 5-6th your pulling the whole weight of the bike and wind so the clutch will be easy to feel slip.
  23. First... Bippo I agree it should be harded to get a car licence you can kill a whole lot more peope with them in a few moments of time. and I have had to back cars out of the lot for people who couldn't and have a licence???. Also I have always said that people should learn on a off road course first,the skills you lear about bike control in the dirt mud sand will carry you thorough life. If you can master a 125 or less then you can ride anything and to charge people a un fair price to obtain a licence that is helping the enviroment and all the other good things ??? well seem stupid to me. I would have to think a a person such as you ex would be able to handel any bike so why all the BS to obtain a licence? So this come back to Slice post WTF it cost more to ride a 1200 bike than a car on road tax??? what dumb arse came up with that?? a bike wears the road down way less so why more??? here it the same fee for road tax 84 bucks a year each for the jeep and bike If I do a burn out with the jeep 4 big tire's are ripping up the road vs 1 on the bike so that makes no sence to me again Locksmith I can see why if only after 3 months of riding you could get some futher information and thats good ,,,but if you had ridden all your life up till you 16th birthday would you need that training and be forced to pay for it?? I think not. Andrew would it not be cheaper to rent a bike for the day and do the test? I would be looking into if manditory training is nessary,unless you feel you need it ,Do you guys have to ride a bigger bike to pass seems to me someone here did the test on a 125 and got thier full licence ,,so if you can do the test on your sr then go for it and get the full licence. Or do as Lasso said got to Denmark,Romaina or where ever and get it and then come back and challenge the test. I know if I come there and I can't ride a bike of my choice I wont be comming .I guess I will have to look into that. The TT is on my bucket list but not comming if I can't ride it.
  24. was cleaning out the kids school bag and found??? it's sealed in a tupper ware might be a sicence experment or a cure for?? and I will throw in a cheese sandwich complete with sand from the beach.
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