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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. AS smart as a bag of hammers" he's 3 turns from tight= dis functual scatter brain flighty wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground= very stupid his elevator dosen't go to the top floor= crazy not quite all thier in the brain cougar= women 40+ who like young guys MILF= mostly used by young guys Mother I'd Like to Fu*k He's pissed = very upset about something narrow eyes=someone who won't listen Shit for brains,,, for someone who thinks they know everything Well momie= woman who has lots of kids to stay on assitance
  2. dt502001

    need to vent

    Haha I though all the dick head BMW drivers lived here, Going up to gods country this long weekend for some big game fishing and to get there I have the pleasure of going through Toronto. The land of BMW drivers actualy they drive all makes but think they are in a bmw Posted limit is 100kms (60 mph) nobody does less than 130 (75) but thiers always some dicks doing 150-160 weaving lane 1 to lane 6 passing on the right and left of anything in his way, that has no idea what the little stick is for. Everytime I go through Toronto I be traveling along and about 2 miles ahead someone jams the brakes on for??? and as I call it the wave starts every car behind hits the brakes untill we got a nice parking lot. Then slowly we get going again Your thinking great a accident,nope when you finnaly get to where it all started nothing. and your back to green flag racing. Writeing this I'm thinking I'm going to leave tonight and beat the long weekend rush.
  3. Love the name "start you bastard" going to us that one. realy you need to check the decompression you neve mentioned what type yours has???
  4. Well guy's either way it stll turned out nice, bet some here would like to see thiers this nice. And cynic I agree they never looked that good from the factory and screw them with every washer type of judgeing. Go have fun or give/sell it to someone who wiil take care of it and have fun on it. Anything in a bubble bugs me why own it if your not willing to beat it. Trophy bikes are for_______ fill in the blank if you like
  5. ah just leave the oil fill cap off it will settle flat .. that said you need to look at the PCV might be pluged up given the age of the bike if yours looks like that then your not getting a reverse vent. to equil the pressure. And a good flush is in order
  6. Hi just a little rub your intrest say you like to read and you didn't read the instructions. I know it's a guy thing why bother with instructions.
  7. Hi Will the only thought that comes to mind is possibly to much grease in the sliders not alowing the caliper to fully center. all discs get hot I would check it with a non contact temp gun and check it against others might be normal and your worring about nothing. I doubt the extrx .002 would do much other than make the pads move farther away from the disc causing a longer pedal travel,provided everything is floting freely. Good luck you should also fill out your intro in new members Phil K
  8. If you have the extra little lever beside the clutch cable then it's manual decopression make sure it moves freely at the motor the arm on the motor may have jamed holding the ex valve open. No lever then automatic you will have to take the valve cover to check the spring on the end of the cam sprocket and the pin that hold the valve open druing low rpm 'kinda hard to put to words but as you slowly rotate the motor you will here it click as the pin pop back in. Worst case you may have droped a valve the service life of the valve's is short ...10 races and the valves have considerable strech. The keepers chew the top of the valve apart alowing them to fall into the motor. when you last had it running did you shut it off or did it just quit suddenly? if so more than likely you droped a valve. A close inspection of the valves clearence to the cam will tell As you wern't riding it your probably lucky and not dammaged the head beyond repair. Good luck Phil K
  9. Awsome you got your bike back been thier done that. So how about just a remake of it...... bull with stock make it yours nothing in now so A rewire some tires and chain and go. Mabey a UFO light kit,,, twin lights some new mini turn lights .......shame about the ex and havin to bite it. But make the best of it now EH? A we bit of spit and polish and she can look great again Best of luck with the new relationship with a old friend PS buy a big chain and lock would hate to hear the same story again
  10. Hey what a rare bird to find the Hondas 600 sold so well over here you rarely see a xt 600 post some picts please,, I have some fond and not so fond memories of thoes bikes.
  11. Might I suggest you post a proper intro of yourself and then you might get some resopnce to all your ???'s As well check the fuel pump relay ground what year is the bike? If injected sounds like a leaking injector. As someone said here "NO INTRO NO INFO" haha I love that one
  12. Great it's expensive but the uses are endless you can even make a o ring in a pinch, just always leave a bit hanging out of the tube so you can pull it out and not have the whole nozzel harden up. Not sure why but only the first inch or so will harden and can be pulled out of the smallest opening you make in the nozzel. Sounds like a good plan reusing the VC gasket if you wash it in alcohol it might even go another round so you can save the new for the next valve adjust. I don't even ride the bike high rpms cause pressure in the bottom end that could push oil out under the gasket ( perma leak) just warm up alow to cool to room temp and then re torque and giver shit. The only gasket I blow is my own when all shit goes wrong LOL Good luck on the re build hope all goes well
  13. Nice.... Up yours....... most don't count in speedo error and think thier bike is that fast as the clock says. When in reailty it way slower
  14. LMFAO well you guys don't have to deal with white rain 4 fn months a year . at least you can still ride in novmeber to febuary.. best we get is some ice racing and indoor super cross dirt tracks 30 bucks just to ride for a few hours ++++++++ gas for the truck,bike,,,ect.. ends up at least 100 bucks a day minum.. Studed tires 300.bucks min. for a set to ice race for 10-12 races ++++++and that cost at least 300 bucks for a weekend to get to the good ice tracks. 600 if you to stay in a hotel,, not couch crash at a buddys. And thats not including the cost to up keep the bike. Rain shmane ru made of sugar? or sh*t your only wet not frozen like a popsicle. Try Ice racing outside 10 hours in minus 30 deg c add a wind chill of 20 and it feels like minus 60 c you can barely move your hands to let go of the bars. Ever tryed to take off leathers that have been wet and then froze to your body??????? Good thing we don't run brakes I doubt I could pull the lever in. So enjoy the rain sunny days are ahead and for most here without FUCKING snow Ops thanks sasha love your humor sadly I am not talented enough for brodway
  15. Lucky you to be close to home. Not realy that hard to change out take the screws out from the bottom of the throttle housing it will open up in half then remove the cable from the throttle tube,,,, then un screw the cable from the housing. At the carb you might need to remove the air cleaner to get access to the throtle plate rotate it untill you have room to remove it from said plate. Either remove gas tank and put it back as found or tape new to old cable and try to pull through. Hook up the throttle housing first but not the tube then hook up the carb then tube ... adjust to remove free play with the adjuster
  16. Experience and age tells us just to ride as safe as possible at any speed as most of us long time riders have felt the pain of the fall at least once. The novice rider has not felt the pain yet and as most young think they are invincable they will take stupid chances, as Ron White put it "you can't fix stupid" . What would seem "common sence" to most is lost.. as common sence is a lost art as most motorist don't have any. My suggestion take 2 chill pills let them go and wait for them to crash get some common sence knocked into there brains. The law of averages is on your side as you have 1000's of more miles of experience. option 2 block them in so they can't go anywhere wait for the next light and punch the crap out of them. Or get in front of them pile on the brakes they will panic and grab way to much brake and crash as you speed away.
  17. I hate loose titles as well, as far as gaskets I go dry after cleaning the mating surfaces with alcohol. I figure thats the way the factory does it and new bike's rarely leak. That said if the surface has been gouged then PERMATEX THE RIGHT STUFF gasket maker part # 30874 it's black makes any gasket and needs only 1 min to set. I have put on oil pans immidatly filled with oil and never had a leak the stuff is amazing. Only just a thin film on the gasket does the trick so no messy globs ,if any squirts out wipe away imediatly and nobody will even tell you used it. Yamabond or threebond works just as well and is grey just takes 24hrs to fully set As for the base gasket leaking Did you re torque after first warm up? I have made it a practice to do it on every rebuild and haven't had a base gasket leak on any rebuild in 20 years. Nothing more frustrating than a leak right after a rebuild esp.a base gasket
  18. MMMMM take boat... remove motor ..connect bike chain to prop drive... drive bike onto boat ........ HOLD ON I MIGHT MAKE IT YET !
  19. Looks like a blast by the FB link... But sorry cant get the bike to skip across the pond ...YET ....working on it though
  20. AH duh no yamaha puts parts in you don't need... and expect you to fix it by buggering with it till you kill yourself. Buy a manual get serious about fixing your bike ,,,,,and stop trying to cheep out and kill yourself over 100 bucks. Or get someone who can . By and far this is the most stupid ???? I have read in any posting
  21. a coil is a coil if it fits it will work provide it is 12 v or 6 v to match. But that said a bigger coil will normaly have more windings on it and produce a different spark at a different peek inverse voltage. Ie bigger coil bigger spark but you need the coil to charge it with. small charge coil, big spark coil =0 net effect. or - weeker spark Stay away form cheep coils .. as they say you get what you pay for!! Try and borrow one or Better yet test your coil with a meter.
  22. Aw Grouch that is just a starting point. ..... Life begins at 140 mph+ Wr250f ported camed No Idea 0-60 but dam fast enough u can't keep the front wheel down till 1/2 way WFO in top gear ,, even then don't hit a bump Zukini 1200 bandit ( did I just swear here ?) No 0-60 slips to check @ 3.0 sec in 1St gear 1/4mile10.2 sec stock gearing.... Best yet .. I know I can do better
  23. Ehhh the stuff is corrosive.. try and pour some on paint and leave it to dry ..Bet it peels the paint right off... as far as I know has no lasting lubercating property
  24. I know some of this group can't wait till it stops but after 8 weeks without we finaly got some,, I am soking wet after doing a extra rain dance LMFAO out in the rain...... O please let it last more than a hour
  25. dt502001

    XJ600 Project

    All sounds good if in need of repair, no way to test CDI other than put it on another bike.The gas tank can be sealed diy or profesionaly , a sonic bath for the carbs make them nice inside and out.Droping the oil may give you a idea what the eng is like but with the pistons having not moved in sometime prob best to do again after 1st run a wee bit of oil in the cylinders won't hurt either Sounds like you can aford to spend quite a bit on it as the bike it's self was free. Post a pictuer if you can I would like to see what a free bike looks like never seen 1 before I didn't know they existed
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