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Everything posted by dt502001

  1. I use a blow gun and air it works like charm. temporaly blowing air as your pushing it on makes the grip expand just enough to slide it on and no lube to let it slip
  2. Cleaning the pipe out and fresh packing will most likely be in order , it's prob pretty pluged up, a fresh spark plug never hurts in 2 strokes
  3. Bad ground at or after the tail light socket
  4. Bullshit not buying any of the story.. not any of it. Why are you on a yam site asking for help with a honda???? Me thinks your a thief explain it in full ! Again anyone thinks this is wrong??
  5. Anyone else think this bike is stolen????????
  6. that ok just people don't like 1 hit wonders peterb1951 just did his carbs its a few pages in the workshop area but he didn't mention which screws were which might want to send him a PM he can probably tell you
  7. Came out of a coffeshop to find a dick head sitting on my bike. I yell get the fuck off my bike. I want one of these bikes I was just checking out the fit (him) Well does this look like a bike shop NO so get the fuck off my bike Make me (him) So I walked up to him like I was going to grab him he grabs my hand and I smash him in the head with my helmet in my other hand knocked him out cold. I would have pissed all over him but thats why I stoped at the shop The nerve of some people EH!
  8. Go to new Mebers section say hello tell people a bit about yourself hobbies if your sister is single and hot just kidding. This is not a answer on demand site most of the guys that can give you the info you need won't unless you do this.
  9. You have 2 options for the front suspension either sild the forks up a bit or, cut the springs the better way to go. The back twin shock bike get shorter shocks, mono shock more difficult you will need to make a longer link at the bottom of the shock or cut the spring as she is only 100 lbs and most bikes are sprung for much heaver ppl very little chance of bottoming out the shock if it's cut down. The other option is put smaller wheels on. All that said why not just get a yz 80 or 85 a 5foot 100lb rider would have a blast on one and you should be able to pick one up for less than 2 grand for a fairly new bike. Most bikes less than 1g are in need of work and by the time you fix them your back at the 2 g mark anyway. The yamaha tt225 is fairly low to start with not sure of the seat height but should be close for a 5 ft rider. Good luck finding her a bike hope she loves riding once bitten by the bug no going back
  10. I read that as well great info unfortunatly most are burried in a gel and you have to soak them in ?? forgot what it is... to even get to the board. But I'm sorry to say it will be in the 8 bit processor or mabey you'll get lucky and find an poor connection ..so unless you plan on writing the whole program your probably looking at new or used. But let us all know I'll be watching Phil
  11. I hate to say this but if the tps is unpluged and it still wont run semi right it's realy looking like the puter is shot. esp after I reread you post about it take several attempts to restart after stalling. Its showing all the same symptoms as my rd 350 The puter is able to map the ign without the tps just not as well. Just for the hell of it I just went out and unpluged mine and the bike runs fine soggy but still revs out Try adjusting the TPS to spec and check it at the puter for the same readings......... check the pick up coil at the puter plug.... and if no fixie......... bite the bullet and put a puter on
  12. Just to clear it up Air/TC the tps must recive 4-6 volts from the puter to send a signal back to the puter Yep done wrong just unplug and check voltage. to the tps at idle. The tps will only let as much voltage through as it wants based on how far the throttle is open.Hence the term VARIABLE resistor. NOTE Tps min ohms reading must be set with the throttle plate fully closed by turning the idle screw full out (not removed but so it not holding the plate open) Then you can reset the idle
  13. She doesn't cut out whilst idling, but will cut out within 200 yards once you stop the throttle. Please explain this further Do you mean the bike stop running? As your coasting with the bike in gear? When you cleaned the carb did you pull the imlsuon tube out?Might have some of the holes pluged and the fuel is not mixing with enough air .Try the old sock trick rev the bike up and kill it by blocking all air from getting in the carb with a rag the eng acts like a big vacume and will suck any small stuff hidden in the carb The rich mixtuer causing the dark carbon build up on the plugs is the key to this problem. Can you get your hands on a timing light? I would check it just to be certian I would also dump the gas just to be sure you can always use it later if not the problem Will the bike rev up just stiitng not riding it? The computer maps the ign in 3d rpm load(speed) + throttle position.=ignition timing How much voltage is getting to the tps with the bike running it should be 4-6 volts .If not the cdi is nfg Also if you test the Tps signal at the puter does it sweep close to the same values as at the plug might have a wire rubed through to ground/broken
  14. Well nice to meet you benny nice to see someone who dosen`t wait to say hello before asking for help. Now anytime Sacha will be along I`m sure to say hi as well she is on the welcoming commity LOL Hey got any new jokes post them
  15. Hi Matt get back about the kickstart problem I`m just missing something as you can see I own one too and it never lets me down we`ll get it sorted out.
  16. Wasn't my first or last but most memorable....Went out for a day trip ran into a buddy who was going to Laguna seca for the GP in 1993 Long story short 6000 miles and 13 days later made it home. Got fired from my job but it was worth it. To see the 500 2 stroke's scream music to my ears. And the grand canyon is bigger in person... arizona is dry,,, the salt flats roads are no speed limit during the day and boring as straight as a arrow but 3 hrs at 125 mph + you can make time Chicago is named the windy city for a good reason riding on a 30degree angle for hours to keep the bike in a straight line not fun . Would I do it again YES!!!!! Turns out laguna seca is not in laguna beach it's in montrey 400 miles north wish we has GPS then.
  17. Tranny input shaft bearing seized would have been my firts thought..but if you can turn the motor with the clutch still in place ...not...,have you pulled the kick shaft out ? check to make sure it not jamed up. Is the starter gear engauged the 1 way clutch may be jamming up the whole works it should not be on the clutch gear it should be off the gear on the basket. Try pulling it off and bench testing it. Let me/us know how this works out not much makes sence if you can turn it over with a socket you should be able to kick it over.
  18. Not positve but I think your battery is no good. The stator wires run to the regulator/rectifier (converts ac to dc) then to the battery .
  19. LOL hi chairmouse yep way back in 1984 when I took my test ,,turn left,, turn right,, weave through ten road cones.. run it up to 3rd gear and stop for the sign the instructor put up in the parking lot. Did the writen and driving test in the same day no restrictions what so ever. I was 16yrs and 3 days old. Mind I had been riding dirt bikes 10 years already My morotcycle licence was good for a beginers car licence so the following week I went and did the drive test in my moms car and passed I think we drove around 6 blocks and parrell parked,backed up 50 feet and that was it. A few months later I was working and the guy I worked for gave me a 5 ton dump truck 10 speed split shift to go get my D licence same deal about the test over and done in a day. Welcome back to 2 wheels and the YOC
  20. Hey joe posting a proper intro in the new members section should be done first before asking for help. Its not a fuse.
  21. Hey jason it will be a big job as cynic poited out the suspension just wont take the extra weight. . I have been busy and no time to look into it but I think the engine cases are the same for the 80 if so then the 80cc top end will fit on your bottom end. Ask your local dealer to check the main case part # for a air cooled 80 against the dt 50# Luckly we only have to mto saftey a bike once not every year like in the UK and hot rodding is still leagle here so that wont be that big of a issue. The insurance companys are going to charge you for a 200cc bike anyway i know it seems stupid but they don't reconize anything smaller here Also in your last post someone gave you a contact of someone who might ship the kit you were looking for any luck with that? or did you miss it?
  22. I didn't have a wireing schematic so I just used my test light to find the right wires. 1 keyed power -will have power when key is turned on and off easy right! Not quite make sure by starting the motor so as not to hook up the oil light 2 netural - only has power when in netural shift bike light goes out 3 turn indicators will flash test light 4 high beam indicator only has power when switch is in Hi position. So as not to have and cut any wires I just go in frome the back side of the plug and push down the tab that holds the pin connector in and the whole thing will slide out. A bit tricky untiill you get the hang of it or someone can show you. If your going to cut make sure you leave enough wire so if later you want to go back to original you have enough wire to reattach the plug. Get yourself some 60/40 rosin core solider .062 dia or smaller and shrink tubing.. don't use them crimp connectors. To hold the 2 wires while heating them up to solider I use 2 aligator clips(clothes pins work to) hot glued to a piece of wood abot 1.5 inches apart it's like having a extra hand.Another trick I have seen is to take a spray can lid and cut 2 slits on oppsit sides in it and put the wire in the slits acts like a drip tray to catch any run off of solider If you have never done any solidering before get some wire and practice on it first heat under solider on top.Good luck Phil
  23. Headlight...bad ground jumping out of 1st gear bent shift fork or worn dogs on the gear Marbles hmmm mabey thats where mine went?
  24. Bad ecu posibly ..the timing is off droping the spark at the wrong time. Check coil and pickup and rotor timing
  25. Yep Air I did mean rotor oops.I keep forgeting these bikes have a fuel pump thunder, as air suggested ,you might want to give that a go mount a tempoary fuel system and directly feed the carbs. I don't recall you mentioning that this was a on going problem so I would say it pretty safe to cancel out the rotor. If it were only firing one 1 cylinder it would still rev but pull out the plugs if 1 is way diff in color.Then your onto somthing. You can also check the temp of the exhaust pipes I would be looking at the fuel system before the CDI but if you can find someone who has the same bike beg them to put your cdi on Or a local shop might have a bike to try it on. Cdi's rarely give up but as I mentioned they can sometimes go wacky ,it's a expensive guess to find out it's not the problem. Takeing it to shop is a option but they are only going to do what your doing checking everything untill they find the problem.Keep pluging away and you will find it. I know it sucks taking the carbs off again but realy give them a close inspection make sure every passage is not pluged by blowing air through or carb cleaner To check the diaphram for pin hole leaks put a bit of gas on one side if a wet spot shows up it's nfg
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