Hi all,
Need a little advise guys. First day out this year on my XJ600 blowing the cobwebs off. Ran fine, great fun
Stopped a couple of times, went to a shop, see a mate. The last time starting it to come home and the starter motor seemed to be just whizzing round not engaged with the engine so I had to bump it (not done that with a bike for 27 years) and rode home fine.
The manuals I have suggest in the troubleshooting that its possibly the starter clutch. When I hit the button the tacho rises if thats any help but still does not turn over the engine.
Anyone know or had the same probs? I really hope its not the starter clutch as its engine out and split casings!
Would be a shame to do all that if its sommat else. Its a Yamaha XJ600 1984.
Ta for looking.