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  1. I had a look at my reed switch today and it looks like the two prong bits inside are already touching, i might be wrong as is so small but thats how it looks, also the corner of the glass casing of the reed switch is cracked and has small hole init. I put some more electrical tape onit and tucked it behind a fuse as the wires wouldnt let me stretch it anymore, went out and still only goes 55mph. can i replace it or any other help??
  2. Hi I have a 2001 dt125r with a full 'big one' exhaust system replaced battery spark plug air filer, after reading your pinned topic I wrapped up my reed switch and pocked it through the hole below so it's dangling just above head light but it's only about 3 inches from it's original position as it wouldn't stretch to far, just took it down road and still won't go over 55 mph, do I need to stretch the reed switch further or anything else, my acceleration is really good just soon as you hit 50 ish it just stops pulling. Ben
  3. Yeah I took my CBT on a YBR125 and all the bikes had that problem and we was all told don't trust the neutral light.
  4. I'm Ben from Cambridge, got a 2001 DT125r my first bike, just derestriting it at moment. Hope to do my test soon Enjoying the yamaha forum
  5. Changing battery, plugs and filter feels alot better, you can hear it run better, I'm not to sure about the reed switch I think I've done mine wrong ( if that was the reed switch I taped up) will need to take another look. Need help or advise for my reed switch if anyone knows ????
  6. I have a 2001 DT125r with just over 6000 on clock. I have changed exhaust to full 'big one' system, changed spark plug, new air filter, open power valve, located reed switch and taped it up, new battery and acceleration is loads better but still won't go over 55mhp, any help or ideas Many Thanks Ben.