Everything posted by bennyboy1
had a dt 50 when i was 16 long time ago 1981 went everywhere on it take care,suit up and you will be fine
Complete newbie, be gentle folks
welcome mate nice to see another xvs if it is like mine give it quarter to third choke will not start if you open the choke full worth a try
It's that time. Who is putting their bikes away?
but nev
changing bike colour.
I am pretty sure change of colour is free just the price of a stamp
When did you Start Smoking??
started smoking first year at secondry school age 13 basically because a few people I hung about with did as well. could buy 20 embassy regal for 52p back then which was 2.6 pence per fag,,, or of course you could get A SINGLE AND A BOOK OF MATCHES,,,, if you were skint. now it is 37.5 pence each time to give up I think ?!?!?!
It's that time. Who is putting their bikes away?
bike not been out for 3 weeks,, heavy rain and frost past few weeks,, getting too old for that, ( becoming a woossie ) but going out this saturday 8th for the toy run at dumfries hospital It is on every year come rain,hail or shine A good cause and also will get to give the battery a wee boost.
Cleaning gloves
I have a berghaus jacket which gets washed in the machine,then put it in the tumble dryer on "low " heat which dries it and also re-waterproofs it. that was the instructions that came with it. not sure how the tumble dryer re-proofing bit works but it does, had it for years and never lets water in..
RD350R - caught speeding at 122.5mph?
must be the 1980`s SPOT THE WHITE SOCKS terry towelling or tube socks
fuel differences
I never buy supermarket fuel " now " fuel pump went on my saab at 3 years old and was told that it was with buying cheap supermarket diesel, there is something in it that rots the rubber seals. I also used to run a 1989 toyota mr2 which would run on normal unleaded but was like a pun of mince, when I filled up with super unleaded it was like night and day between the two fuels. with my own car now ( ford puma ) and the wifes ( bmw mini ) I alternate between super unleaded and normal with each fill. I have read lots of articles that say that it should not make any difference in " normal " cars but I have also met many people who swear by super unleaded in cars,bikes. Also agree with the loss of mpg when buying lower class brands of fuel like asda, thames, q8, british fuels, jet , texaco and so on
highway hawk exhausts baffle removal
thought that was going to go see it but but wife shouted " I NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY " and the last thing you need is another ********* bike guess who won
Chicken or egg...???
if you are going tree hugging make sure you do not hug any ash trees or you might get diseased
highway hawk exhausts baffle removal
was that the one for sale in lockerbie ??
Chicken or egg...???
if jesus the junkie found the chicken,plucked it and ate it then we would not have any eggs but we would have a university graduated CHICKEN PLUCKER which was the original question
xvs 125
I do realise it is a single cylinder , I ran an sr 250 from new in 1981 to 1985.. I was wondering if anyone knew the dimensions of it, just looking to upgrade the engine,,,,,,does not have to be another v twin.. I like the size and overall shape of the baby drag so was looking into a slightly bigger engine for it instead of replacing the whole bike.
xvs 125
I have been offered a SR 250 engine ,, complete, carbs , electrics, everything does anyone know if it will fit in to an xvs 125 frame ?? my main concerns are the height as the sr is quite a tall single cylinder and also getting the sprockets lined up.. ANY OPINIONS ????????/
- The Stork
Hi all from Leicester
If it aint bolted down nowadays it is sure to walk !! HELLO :wavey:
air filter
was there ever a definitive answer to the air filter debate on a 125 dragstar xvs whether to stay with the restrictive standard filter or change for aftermarket substitute I have re- jetted and it is ok but feel it could do more with better breathing all answers whether scientific or personal opinions are welcome
dragstar 125
It is not doing any harm being on i suppose, just wondered what it was and why the idle would be different with it disconnected ?? I have had many bikes small and large over the years , have rode in all weathers and never had a heated carb, or felt the need for one before,
dragstar 125
while I had the tank lifted up about 2 inches at the back today so that I could adjust the mixture I accidentally pulled a black wire off the rear of the carb, it came from up under the tank and had a bayonet fitting on the end, I managed to get it pushed back on where it came from ( the centre of carb at the rear )but what does this wire do ? It was only off for about a minute while the engine was running but I did notice that the idle seemed smoother with it disconnected. Has the carb got some sort of electrical heater or similar ? If so can it run without it ?? If not what is the wire for ??
xvs 125 uprated barrels
I am actually planning to get my barrels rebored, but found these while nosing around, had never thought of the cdi I have found a place in glasgow who will rebore and supply pistons and small ends to match, he cannot tell me how much he can take off without physically seeing them. As far as i know you cannot get big bore kits off the shelf for the xvs so that is why I wondered about 250 barrels when I seen them. I am not looking for a flying machine just a little bit extra to keep the speed steady when I hit a hilly part PLAN B IS USUALLY BETTER
xvs 125 uprated barrels
From what I have read would I be correct in assuming these barrels will fit onto my 125 drag, which should give me around 190cc -- 200cc. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/220661462441?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2648
xvs 125 mpg
Has anyone worked out what sort of mpg they are getting ?? I just done it today in a 145 mile round trip. I brimmed the tank before I left and had to switch on to reserve 8 miles from home, so petrol station is just round corner from me , so brimmed it again and got 8.85 litres in it. so onto reserve at 137 miles = 70 mpg not too bad at all as apart from a few miles in centre of town it was all B roads and dual carriageways.
steve hislop HIZZY charity run
orig_Hizzy_Run_Poster_2012_001.jpg (2476×3504) charity run this sunday starting at Denholm in the borders
near Dumfries, south west corner of this lovely " WET " country