Everything posted by jamjar
the dam fazer clunk
Notice the "CLUNK" when the engine and gearbox is cold from 1st to 2nd. After about 40 mins of riding less clunky but gear changes still smooth and possitve
Fazer won't start
Hi everyone Just like to give you all an update. I managed to fix the problem and it was the battery. I did check everything else too and she started first time (with fingers crossed). I would like to thank you all again for your help
Vehicle: Honda Lead 80 (1985)
Name: Honda Lead 80 (1985) Date Added: 30 September 2012 - 08:54 PM Owner: jamjar Short Description: Very first bike/scooter. Not my own picture. View Vehicle
Vehicle: Honda CBF 125 (2010)
Name: Honda CBF 125 (2010) Date Added: 30 September 2012 - 08:36 PM Owner: jamjar Short Description: Owned for 3 months View Vehicle
Fazer won't start
Hi all In reply to Airhead's question "amps 87/88" - I probably over complicated my question. It's the read out on my oximiser charger - volts and amps. The amps were reading 87 or 88 amps. Thanks to all your comments which I will take on board
Newby forgot to introduce
Hi So here it is - my intro. I first learnt to ride a motor scooter when I was 17 and couldn't get enough of it. A red B-reg Honda Lead 80cc. 18 years later I decided to get back into biking and bought a Honda 125 (got bored very quickly) and because I passed my test at 18, I got something bigger and traded in for a FZ6 Fazer S2. Lots of smiles had!! I'm a full-time working Mum and every chance I get I try and get out and ride. Having a few teathing problems at the mo so any other comments appreciated in the Yamaha Workshop but I think I've already come to my own conclusions. Thanks in advance. jamjar x
Fazer won't start
Hi all I've got a bit of a dilemma. I own a FZ6 S2 Fazer and it won't start. The bike is 2 years old and I ride it at weekends mosly dry. The symptoms are buzzing as I press the ignition switch and then the display resets itself. I have recently bought a charger as I was having problems before the buzzing. Fully charged (about 13.9 volts, amps 87/88) the bike starts. Anything less (about 13 volts, amps 87/88) and the buzzing starts etc, etc. I have taken the bike for a sevice and asked them to check the charging system as well and they said it was fine but the battery was weak. I have been on various sites trying to narrow down what could be the problem and they all sound the same. Someone I know suggested the starter/solenoid. I need to put this baby to bed as I can't keep bump starting her everytime I want to go for a ride. My bets are on the battery but I could be wrong. Please help )
Vehicle: Yamaha FZ600 S2 Fazer (2010)
Name: Yamaha FZ600 S2 Fazer (2010) Date Added: 06 June 2012 - 06:39 PM Owner: jamjar Short Description: Present bike View Vehicle