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Everything posted by Grover

  1. Grover replied to Grover's post in a topic in The Bar
    ive got RAC cover, but it seemed a waste when i was just a 4 minute drive from home
  2. Grover replied to symonh2000's post in a topic in The Bar
    warm place wont make much difference for petrol, well ventilated is better to think of
  3. Grover replied to Grover's post in a topic in The Bar
    one of the best ideas so far!
  4. Grover posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    im looking to upgrade the currently pants bulbs in the YBR's front light, so that hopefully ill be able to see the road ahead on the ever darkening winter nights ive found http://www.autobulbsdirect.co.uk/H4-Ring-XENON-Ultima-120-Headlamp-Bulb-60-55W-pair.html?bulb_search=b970]this bulb which seems to be compatible... could i simply plug this in without damaging the wiring, as 55w seems a little more than i currently use, and i might have read that a 50w bulb could overload the wiring to the headlight and would it be sensible to replace both main beam AND dipped bulbs with these alternatives thanks
  5. Grover replied to SPARKPLUG69's post in a topic in The Bar
    what do you mean you mean braking takes longer, or there's a delay between applying the brake, and starting to decelerate?
  6. Grover posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hopefully, nobody has been there, but it can happen to anyone i recently ran out of engine RIGHT AFTER my 4000 mile service. i had ridden the YBR home, got changed, and set off to work. the bike stalled strangely as i accelerated away from a set of lights (didnt stop moving), started the bike up again, then lost all power 200 yards later. then i was stuck on a 50mph road, just after a roundabout, with high kerbs keeping me from bumping up, and no drop kerb for another 100 yards. i decided that the engine was in fact dead, and pushed it to the nearest drop kerb (not behind me at the roundabout, i want forward 100 yards), made a couple of calls, then set off home, pushing the bike, wearing all my winter gear after a mile and a half, i got home, the mechanic turned up with his van, and took the bike to get checked out at the Yamaha dealer up the road. it turned out to be the spark plug, which suddenly died a permanent death, so it was replaced under the bikes warranty. from this, i have learned a few things i would like to share #1 FOR THE LOVE OF GOD take off the motorcycle gear before you start pushing, its not nice overheating, whilst your'e drenched in sweat. and take off your lid as well if theres somewhere on the bike you can mount it without fear of dropping it #2 get it off the road as soon as possible, onto the pavement (side-walk) where you're out the way of the traffic, then as you push it, remember that you're a pedestrian now #3 dont bother pushing it if you've got more than a mile to go, even a little YBR is heavy when you start going uphill #4 its best to just get somewhere that your local grease monkey can find easily, like a petrol station, superstore, or some other important place, instead of giving him complex directions #5 if possible, call a local dealer rather than the breakdown patrol, i fortunately live down the road from a Yamaha dealership, whose mechanic was happy to go to my home to collect the crippled bike and having breakdown cover would certainly be a good idea if you ever go along a road between towns, where you'd have trouble pushing it somewhere here's hoping that ill not have to push it ever again!
  7. Grover replied to symonh2000's post in a topic in The Bar
    if you're really worried, why not replace the whole tank? if you need to faff about fixing this one, it might save time and money fitting a new one (doesn't even have to be a new tank)
  8. Grover replied to firsttimebiker's post in a topic in The Bar
    ive knocked a YBR's indicator off by accident, but by the time i noticed. my dad had shoved it back in its socket, piece of cake. it seems they're designed to come off rather than break... so nice work breaking one by accident
  9. Grover replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    you mean its all part of the fun? i 'spose... as long as i dont get any aliens gestating in my stomach. and it must be amazing to look at a clean, working bike after a year or two's work, and to know that you've turned a pile of scrap into a work of art
  10. Grover replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Projects
    looks like a monstrously large undertaking you've got yourself into. i might do a job like this myself one day, hopefully with less alien eggs, ancient brake fluid/petrol and swearing can't wait to see the old thing get put back together with a new lease of life!
  11. Grover replied to bippo's post in a topic in The Bar
    straight from a 125 to a 600? im considering it, but is it easy enough to get used to the extra pull without getting in some sticky spots?
  12. Grover replied to Grover's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks, its reassuring to hear all the nice stories about bike examiners in comparison to car examiners hopefully i can prove myself safe enough, after all, 6 month's experience and a great instructor must count for something thanks fellas
  13. Grover posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    ok, ive got my mod 2 in a couple of weeks, but no more training sessions, so i thought id post a couple questions here first, the highway code says that we shouldn't indicate when there's nobody around to indicate to, but on our test, there should always be an examiner, so would i be correct if i always indicated where appropriate, on the grounds that he is another road user, and needs to see my intentions, even if he is directing me. secondly, speed: this was always a big thing in my trainings, my instructor criticised (in a constructive way i'll add) that i was a little too cautious when approaching what i perceived as a hazard (low visibility, very narrow roads etc), and that i was a little slow getting to the speed limit in my defence, i've since found that my speedo is as much as 10% optimistic (so im doing 28 when the speedo says 31), and teh highway code says that if i want to go slowly to give me more time to react, the motorists behind me can either overtake (SAFELY!) or sit behind me on the other hand, holding them up will make them a little more frustrated, and might make them overtake dangerously at the end of the day, does it all come down to the examiner's discretion? because i imagine that they would all allow a little tolerance before handing out the minor faults, so long as you can show throughout the test that you aren't being a crap rider, and you have some desire to ride safe any advice would be welcomed, thanks for any help
  14. Grover replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    just googled "mediform tube" and this link turned up, only that one worked, and the other didnt... least not for me
  15. Grover replied to bippo's post in a topic in The Bar
    i started on a YBR 125 back in april, and ive managed almost 4000 miles since then (6 months). and since its about £400 a year cheaper than the train, ill still be on it in the winter (at least till the snow and ice come) i remember the first ride back from the garage, and the first few journeys after that, its a great feeling to get on the road still not taken part in a group ride, but i suppose 4-stroke 125s are too slow for those things, so ill wait it out till im on a 600 enjoy your new bike!
  16. Grover replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    http://www.ridesafebacksafe.co.uk/ try this one? i found it myself
  17. Grover replied to drewpy's post in a topic in The Bar
    your link isnt working, can you fix it? would certainly be worth having, 'specially if its free!
  18. Grover replied to paul-666's post in a topic in The Bar
    my leftmost clock bulb went one day (YBR 125, 2011 model), but it was fine by the next, rather strange, maybe its just loose connections and you just need a little tinkering/jiggling
  19. but a tank is a right pain to get through a drive-thru without relieving the building of its eaves
  20. well, its about "every little helps", if you can make yourself (meaning you and the bike) a little brighter, you might be seen slightly further away and its not hard to get a jacket with a little reflective piping, and a bright colour won't go amiss, but the full on yellow jacket and pants is the extreme, coz there's no way youll miss a yellow reflective man on a bike with its lights on, because as you know, EU regs prevent making a new bike that can turn its headlight(s) off basically, have as much high-vis as you feel necessary to be seen, the more the better, but theres no law about it, you can't fail a test for it and a traffic officer won't bother considering your fashion sense
  21. in bolton? ive nto had that yet... perhaps id better keep an eye out
  22. Grover replied to Grover's post in a topic in The Bar
    ok people, im looking for some handguards to fit to the YBR , ideally to deflect some of the cold wind off my hands, so i can go longer before they get cold. ive also found a few of them out there with LED DRLs (Daytime running lights) built in to make me a little more visible, and i like the idea of those as well, but the only set ive managed to find that can be shipped elsewhere than the USA had great big gaping holes in them, so they'd be no good for keeping me that bit more comfortable has anyone come across any handguards with LEDs, that will also have enough structure to protect my hands? ideally ones that fit easily without having to cut up my existing grips would be nice (most with LEDs seem to fit by running a bolt into the bore of the handlebar and tightening it by expanding it, but the YBRs grips cover the bore, and would need cutting open, which is a faff)
  23. Grover replied to Grover's post in a topic in Insurance
    i thought so, but on no comparison website for car insurance are you able to show that you have riden a bike for so long without incidence, perhaps contacting insurance brokers directly would help and id better check carole nash, might be worth it coz i REALLY dont want to lose my bike for my job
  24. Grover replied to Grover's post in a topic in The Bar
    im not pissed off at the fact i had to stop, obviously, id rather he had seen me and nobody had to be annoyed at anyone, but i AM pissed off at the kids response to me NOT putting him in hospital and yes, i am definitely more careful now, just imagining the worst case scenario as you approach a hazard helps to slow you down i find
  25. Grover posted a post in a topic in Insurance
    does anyone know of a car insurance provider that accepts a bike NCB for a car? i've heard that there are a few out there, and would probably need to ring round, but if anyone has an inkling (or a car ideally ) it'd be much appreciated, since i need to run a car to be able to get into the job i want, but im not paying £4000 for insurance on a £3000 car when my bike insurance is only £400 thanks peeps!