Everything posted by Grover
Mod 2 and ice
ok, so: can a 19 year old with a CBT and pre january Mod 1 still ride a 125 with the same restrictions that he currently abides by? and will by current mod 1 certificate still count for a post january mod 2?
Mod 2 and ice
your link doesnt make much sense... can i still ride with just a CBT? or do i need to get a mod 2 finished ASAP?
Mod 2 and ice
thanks, but i didnt manage to get a test slot before the change in jan ("reserved" a space in case one frees up though!) how will the change affect me? will i have to retake any tests? and will i still be able to ride myself to work with only the certificates i have right now? (CBT, Theory, Mod 1) thanks
Mod 2 and ice
its actually easy here from what ive heard, i think ive just been unlucky
Mod 2 and ice
true, but failing exams is an expensive way of finding flaws in your riding, and its annoyying when it could have saved you £75 had they known how to indicate properly
Mod 2 and ice
just failed the test because of some absolute retard at a roundabout approaching, he appeared on my right, indicating LEFT (so we would never have crossed paths) as i committed, they suddenly decided to go right, set off before i was clear, and the examiner judged that i should have anticipated coming across a retard then a boy racer had a good try at killing me within 3 minutes of leaving the test centre! im ready to kick the crap out of something now
Mod 2 and ice
just seen my weather report and looks like its raining during my test at least it won't freeze, and it should melt the ice pretty quick
Mod 2 and ice
the sest is at 9:17 , guess id better keep a god eye on the road and hope that sunday night/monday morning will be a little warm thanks fellas
Mod 2 and ice
ive got my Mod 2 on monday, and with the weather we've been having recently, ive been thinking about ice, and how to deal with it properly (IE. to keep an examiner happy that im not gonna kill myself) is there a proper way to traverse a patch of ice, or do we just avoid it wile the plague and ask the examiner to use another road for the route? thanks fellas
So dam true!
"losers always whine about their best... winners go home and fuck the prom queen" -Sean Connery (as "Mason"), The Rock
best way to secure two bare wires?
i dont have a soldering kit, or a crimping tool
best way to secure two bare wires?
ive installed a new topbox with intergrated brake lights, and the wire powering these is left bare in the kit, so i chopped the existing line, and chock-blocked the three bare wires together. a few days ago, i found that my brake lights weren't working at all, so i investigated and found that i'd gone over a bump too fast and one side of the chock block had lost its wires, not hard to fix, but i had no idea how long i had no brake lights for does anyone know a better way to secure the wires so that i don't have to worry about the speed humps on the way to work? thanks
Bar muffs any good?
try heated grips first, harder to fit, but easier to get used to. you can always put muffs over the heated grips if thats not enough and heated grips are fine on a YBR, ive got teh oxford classic on mine, and the battery manages just fine
fuel differences
the octane rating isnt the only difference between super-unleaded and regular, theres other additives (or removed impurities) as well
Rev Clock Back Light
yup, i guess thats a busted speedo and i get a similar problem with my own light behind my analogue speedo, meaning i cant see my speed when i do less than 30 at night lets see if anyone knows how to fix it
Got Pulled for F All (Again)
ive been doing it for 6 months and im not dead yet, so id say i'm safe enough
Got Pulled for F All (Again)
thats great, when i get pulled im gonna be a law student with a father in justice law! but seriously, ive not been pulled *TOUCHWOOD* ever (been riding since April), not looking forqward to it happening when im riding home from work at 7AM (on teh wrong side of a 14 hour shift), so tired I may as well be drunk and ready to kick off with anyone/anything that gets between me and my bed. but at least a YBR isnt known for being a criminal/boy racer's bike
How many of you riders filter/lane split?
thats also happened to me kinda recently, just make sure to be ready for them puling out, coz that driver simply didnt see you (and its a shared blame if you ask me) just remember, if nobody got hurt, its something to learn from, shake hands and move on, i certainly wont be flying round turning cars any more!
How many of you riders filter/lane split?
i dont filter often, but theres two good places on my usual commutes that its really easy to slip by the traffic, and slip back into the traffic (without angering cage-drivers) when it gets a little tight/fast best practice: follow someone else (slower if you need) in slow/stationary traffic if you're worried about when you'll get back into the traffic, chill out, almost every driver ive ever come across has left a gap as ive looked left into a possible gap (only one lady didnt notice me do i was sitting in front of an oncoming taxi... oops
YBR grips
ive been told by the salesman at Hein Gericke that the oxford ones have a little "Brain" box (which i've hidden under the seat) that automatically cuts the power if your battery starts to drain), which is also why they're more expensive than the DR. Bike ones and i would definatley reccomend them if you can afford them, nothing like toasty hands after a long cold ride!
Restricted Licence Bikes
congrats man!, and i think it should be possible to fit a child seat to a YBR... all you need it some good duct tape
Which tyres for winter?
£40 for tyres, plus £30 for fitting, grand total £70
Which tyres for winter?
got my own Michelin pilot sporty fitted today, ill probably have finished wearing it in by the end of tomorrow (is 50 miles long enough?), my bike has only had a rear tyre change, but it seems to feel different, more responsive somehow, probably due to the lack of a longitudinal tread (the band of tread running in a straight line along the bottom of the tyre) mucking up the bike's lean the tread does seem very deep, so i guess it should last a long time. my local dealer got hold of the tyre for just over £40, and fitted it for £30 (yea... ill be fitting my own in future), and except for the wierd bristles (makes it look like im cleaning the road, they're massive), its brilliant, is it safe to cut off the bristles? or should i just wait till my riding wears them off?
Restricted Licence Bikes
sorry, came across a 50cc two-stroke today, and i was stuck behind him in the stink trail... but to be honest, they do churn out nearly twice the power on little ones, so should be restricted suitably
Restricted Licence Bikes
I think everyone should he stuck with 125s for a year, then have the option to take another test, allowing them up to 400cc, then another a year later for unlimited access. Also, two-strokes should only be allowed within half the riders capacity allowance, since they pump out more power and stink out the roads Restriction shouldn't be allowed, since you've not proven you can safely ride a bike that SIZE. It's all good having less power, but big bikes can weigh dad more, and need more experience.