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Everything posted by jjprit

  1. batter is brand new. 2 weeks old. AGM or AMG i dont remember lol. My starter selenoid reads over 12 volts recieving. starter is getting full poewr. I have not tried it when it gets hot. it hasnt happened yet. When it does i will use my multimeter to tell u what the selenoid is recieving and what the starter is revieving.
  2. i cleaned all my connections. the thing i odnt understand is a bad fuse or connection is a bad connection or fuse. Why does it work 100% of the time if i hook my motorcycle up to a cars batter with jumper cables?
  3. ok. u have a 1987 yamaha virago xv1100. this issue happens mmaybe once or twice a month. The most 4 times a months every.. ill be riding on the highway going pretty fast. for example today i was riding it on the I95 in florida doing about 100 miles per hour for about 80 miles so a good hour drive... i stop at a gas station. turn off my bike.. fill up with some gas. go to start my bike and BAM IT DOESNT START.. When i start it i hear my starter click, so its shooting out and i hear a FAINT spinning. Sometimes if i let it sit for a while it will start right up. Sometimes it wont. 1)If i push start it no problem ( this kills me becuase this is one heavy son of a gun) and usually when i get home. turn off the bike it starts right back up.1 2) i can wait for a little while every now and then and it would start back up. Only sometimes so at this point im thinking it has to be a bad starter or selenoid But i did not want to buy a new starter due to the price... i randomly said hey let me hook it up to a car battery and see if starts i hooked it up to my wifes car and BAM!!! starts with no problem. so with this new info l i decided to think maybe it was my battery or regulator. I tested my battery with the bike off.12.4 volts. Started the bike it dropped to 12.2 (obviuosly cus it used juce to crank up) Waited a minute or 2 and it reads 14.2 volts with the motorcycle running. Turned off the bike now it reads 12.5 volts. (so with my knowledge so far its not my regulator which is the charging system or my battery not being charged) God im hoping its not the starter. So i get my batter tested at a friends garage. its read 285 cold cranking amps.. .Im not sure but i was aware that my bike needs at least 340 cold cranking amps.. If this is the issue. i need help trying to understand why this would only happen once in a while. Not every time. maybe once or twice a month the mad 4 times it happened a month, and i ride my bike on a Daily bassis. If it was my cold cranking amps should it be a normal thing. Not after i good ride?
  4. jjprit posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    My battery died on me today. forgot to turn off my lights on my 1987 yamaha virago xv1100. right now it has a everstart motorcycle battery ES50-n18l-2 (50-n18l-2) (50-n18l-3) I bought a schumacher 2a-4a-6a charger 72w. Is this right? 1) was told to trickle(slow) charge it and use the 2amp setting. 2)to fill the batter with distilled water since its almost at the Low Level mark. 3)also while charging to leave the caps open so no gases build up inside my question is i have 7 opening on this battery. 6 chambers across but the 7th one is right under the 4th one. i included a picture so u can see do i add distilled water to all . is the 4th one and the 7th one share the same chamber. i dont want to fill the 4th chamber then add water to the 7th one right under it and go past UPPER LEVEL mark ad add to much water This is the battery http://puu.sh/1iKnA
  5. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    can anyone confirm this?
  6. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    i dont mind taking it off. its 2 screwes no biggie. I just talked to my local dealer and there telling me that a 1987 yamaha virago xv1100 does not come with a pitcock. the 700 does but not the 1100. Its not suppose to have it This is the current pitcock on my bike. http://s826.photobuc...nt=IMAG0038.jpg
  7. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    yes but none of that had to do with the issue we were having. why was my motorcycle running out of gas at around 80 miles in the ON position. and when it runs out at 80 miles i fill it up with gas and it just takes 10 dollors which is alittle over 2 gallons of gas to fill my tank. Earlier in the thread we came up with the idea that the pitcock is kicking in to early but we havent narrowed the issue. It was said its either the pitlock or a leak in the pitcock valc. Trying to figure out what it is so i can take off my pitkock and know what im looking for. I dont ride my throttle heavy at all because i do not have a tachometer. I always tay in 5th gear even if im going 30 miles an hour. i only weigh 190 pounds.
  8. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    @ Campaman Ok. I filled it up when i started dieing with 10 dollors full tank. These are the steps i did accourding to your suggestion.. 1) I filled up my tank with 87 octain gas and a half can of SeaFoam. (friend told me to add that to clean carbs) and filled up a 1 gallon gas can to keep in my sattle bag 2) I drove 82 miles and it started to choke (lose power) 3) So i switched it to "Prime" instead of reserve like u suggested. 4) After i switched it to prime i made it to 112 miles and it died on me completely 5) i put it on reserve and it would not start. i only attempted to turn it over 3 times. 6) So i put 1 gallon of gas in it that i had in the gas can 7) It was running Rough when i added the gallon in it. Im assuming because i ran it completely out of gas Before hand but after i ran it alittle it ran normal 8) Went to the gas station and another 3 gallons fit in it. (so it does fit 4 gallons in my tank) So with this info i found out that my gas tank does fit 4 gallons. and i made it 112 miles on a full tank. since im making it 112 miles on 4 gallons of gas that means im getting 28 miles per gallon? ( 4 divided by 112) isnt that extemely low? I followed the instructions u asked me to do. What do u think the problem is?
  9. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    Up is reserve, Right is Prime, Down is on then i have 2 letters/numbers on the pitcock . The part that connects to the tank v4d
  10. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    4 thats Fkin Hallariuos yea. Was just a thought. Thanks for the input guys. i mean this bike i feel tremendous torque so it was an idea lol. The guy that had it before me said he used it as a drag bike.
  11. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    so is that a pitcock issue? and if thats teh case. Why is it when i Switch to researve i look inside the tank and i dont see any gas?
  12. jjprit posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Ive done them on my old yamaha r1. Then again it was a light bike and very easy to do. Now i want to do it on my 1987 yamaha virago(frame). But the engine is a 1997 yamaha Virago xv1100.(thats what the person i got it from told me) The engine number is 1te-003563 cant find anywhere to see what year or information on that engine. Never done one on a cruiser so i need some tips I want to try to a small wheelie(maybe a few inches off the ground) until i get use to the weight of the bike to go higher. 1) Do i have to actually attempt to life the bike with my arms or should it lift on its own 2) what gear do i get the most torque from ( assuming this is where i need to do it) 3) Do i need to POP the cluch fast while reving or can i do what i did on my r1 and just change gear first then REV HARD 4) how fast should i be going when i start the wheelie Most important (5) I dont have a Tacho. So i ride my bike by sound. How fast should i be going in what gear before i start the wheelie? i want to be able to do it at a really slow speed as in just taking off from a stop.
  13. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    Also i just remember something. The dealer i got it from told me the engin is from a 1997 yamaha virago. so it was updated. Could this take part of it? The engine number is 1te-003563 cant find anywhere to see what year or information on that engine. The thing coming from under the tank is a Toggle switch installed for lights and as an ignition switch. If your talkign about the Round thing infront of it those on my horns. One on each side. Also im not going by a low level light. When im driving and the bike starts choking out as in it outs of gas i put it on reserve and go to the gas station ( at this point if i dont put it on reserve my motorcycle dies) at the gas station it takes no more then 10 dollors. if i put more its pouring onto the ground on the tank. 3.99 a gallon. for 93 octaine. 4.00 divided by 10 dollors is 2.5 gallons sry but this is extremely confusing. When i fill the gas tank i put it at the rim and watch it until the gas goes to thee rim at the top of the tank. Of course there is a bubble there becuase of the angle the tank is placed. Do u think that is the extra space im missing that they take account of even though its impossible to get gas there?
  14. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    again. at 70-75 miles it starts choking so i have to put it on reserve. What would looking in the tank at 75 miles do if i have to put it on reserve? There is no way my tank is 4+ gallons when Gas being 399 a gallon for 93 octain. 10 dollors max fills up the tank when i have it on reserve.
  15. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ok so i did some thinkg. I figured The light wont go off maybe becuase i have a BAD fuel sensor. Then said wait. Let me check something. I hooked my Electrical tester to the pisive side of the batter and negitive on the frame. Bam 12 volts so frame is ground. Put it on the gank. Nothing. Then i thought, Wait tank has paint so it wount work. So i put the negitive on my Gas tank CAP and BAM. volts.. That means my gank tank some how is grounded.
  16. jjprit posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Ok. So i have a 1987 yamaha virago xv1100. I bought it from a friend. It does not have a instrument panel becuase his ex wife put a hammer to it. All the wiring is fine i just dont have a Nuetral light, a oil light and a gas light. So here we go. I want to give myself a Gas light so i know when im low on gas instead of waiting for it to choke then switching it to researve. So i bought those Lights people use in sports cars as Clutch lights ect. There is a green wire and a black wire coming from my gas sensor under my gas tank. I took the green wire from the gas sensor and put it to the NEGITIVE to the light i installed I took the black wire from the gas sensor and grounded it to a common ground. I took the positive from the Light i installed and hooked it to a common positive of my lights. This way when i turn the bike on it gets power. The light wont turn off. Here is my wireing schimatics. Am i reading it Wrong? Did i do it right? anyone have any ideas According to the wiring it says. -Green to fuel warning light -Black to the common ground rear left turn signal -Positive from fuel warning light shared the positive to the oil warning light
  17. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Naked
    How can my tank be 4.4 gallons when my tank chokes out after 75-80 miles? and it cost 10 dollors to fill it up at that point and gas is $5.53? That math doesnt add up with the tank being 4.4 gallons.
  18. jjprit posted a post in a topic in Naked
    I got a yamaha not to long ago. Its a 1987 Yamaha Virago. It doesnt have an instrument panel due to the previous owners wife putting a hammer to it. Currently i clock my miles with the Odometer. I reset it to all Zeros when i fill up the tank. The bike starts to choke between 75-80 miles then i have to put it on reserve before i get to a gank station. It takes 10 dollors to fill it up... If im Somethings not right. $3.53 a gallon of gas 10.00 to fill up Thats 2.83 gallons in my tank. 75 miles divided by 2.83 gallons... thats 26.5 miles per gallon I know im a new biker but doesnt that just not seem right? Can i get any suggestions? What could be causing this, Does this MPG sound correct? I just put new sparkplugs. I put the tripple Iridium spark plugs in. Oh on another note i wanted to add alot of times when im ridding i heard some popping, my neighbor says thats extra gas burning which is that popping sounds. My next question is Since i do not have an instument panel i do not have a Low Fuel Light. I was wondering can i buy one of those Single light from advanced auto parts that people use for like Gear shifting ect. If so how would i hook it up. I have the wiring schimatics here. 2 wires come from under that tank. green and black. Looks like the black goes to a ground and the green goes to the light. Where does the power come from?
  19. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    well the original one that was there the former owners wife put a hammer to the entire instrument panel breaking it and the tachometer. What i did is i took the original speedometer and put it on the bolt that holds on to my left blinker.
  20. jjprit replied to jjprit's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I have a Digital manual, Wiring schimatics also. I already rewired the entire front end because i got it without a instrument panel that originally came with it and the bike wasnt working. I also already added neons on the side of the endgine ect... Looking at the wiring schimatics all its showing from the tachometer ( to the left) is wiring for 1) Ignition/key on battery feed 2)Ground 3)ignition coil/Tach Signal
  21. jjprit posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    Whats goingon Everyone. Names Jemelle. Decided to get a 1987 Yamaha Virago xv1100 as my first motorcycle. It not in original shape but ive been doing alot of work to it. IT didnt come with a instrument panel so i just rewired the entire motorcycle's front end. Did pretty good. Downloaded the wiring schimiatics and just went from there. Love this bike. Whats even better is i love the Drive shaft. Alot better then chain and belt . i enjoy it alot
  22. jjprit posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    OK. I just got my first bike. Its a virago xv1100. I have a few queastions 1) guy i got it from said its a 1987 frame but a 1997 engine. This is the numbers on the engine. 1te-003563 where do i find out info on the motor to see what year and full specs on it? 2) I dont have a instrument Panel and all i have is just speedometer. Bought the bike like that. I want to buy a Tachometer but the one from yamaha for my bike runs 400 bucks. Thats outragout. I noticed all the tachometers i see on ebay ony have 2 wires. Is that all my bikes needs? does it just ground on the coil and only needs one power supply for everything else? I know cars u have usually a red and blue that go to the ignition, then a ground and a green that goes to the negitive terminal on the coil. is possible to use the Car tachometers from advanced auto parts? i found a nice chrome one that looks nice. Will it show the proper RPM? I know a car is 4 stroke and so is my motorcycle. I dont care if the tach doesnt show me me max rps in the red at 10k or 13 k. Does my Motorcycle red line at 8k RPMs? If so i guess thats all i need for it to show 3) My friend just ruined his motorcycle. He never adjusted his valves( or lifters not sure which one he was talking about) he said and it was suppose to be done eery 15000 miles or someting like that. A friend told me that on my motor there hydrollic or there are oil that goes to my heads so i never have to worry about ajusting my valves(or lifters)/