Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
the problem came back!!!!! :'( afer just 2 short days the spluttering came back and is getting worse! i dont understand, could it be the wiring loom? the new CDI did the trick for 2 days! now either hats fried too or its not the whole issue :/
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
Bloody auto correct tut
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
Sorted as suggested it was a faulty CDI unit ... Give sigh of relief! Very happy thanks slot for all tour help Luke
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
Well finaly got round to checking the flywheel, the key is fine and a replacement cdi has just been delivered so gonna test that after..... Wish me luck haha
- WTF,
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
It seams to be an issue with the powervalve.... Iv had the cap off and even on idle the things seams to be moving all the time, and when I rev it up it doesnt seam to be opening properly... Could this be the motor? Or maybe even the CDI as sugested... Could a build up of carbon/gunk cause this irritating set back?.. Cheers :-D
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
Im gonna check the flywheel key next I think.. It actually makes sebse that it could me that... The bike came with an aftermarket exhaust and up untill now nearly 5 months later its been fine :-S im determined to sort this :-D Cheers!!
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
Morning people! .. The bike is now completely unridable.. Its back firing cutting out n in again and slurtinf its tits off in the low rev range to now :| I change the plug/cap not long back, I think its gonna have to be a complete strip down...... Again haha, im still trying to get hold of a cdi unit but their fetching a few pennies arent they :-S Cheers fellers!!
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
hmmmm i do not! but ill have a shop around, even if thats not the issue its always a good idea to have one spare thanks man! ill see what i can find
Yet another problem with the DT ! :(
hello everybody just the other day my DT125R developed a rather nasty habbit... it splutters, back fires and pops somin terrible through all gears, reaching a top speed of 45 compared to its origional 85! :'( the power valve still workes but its only amplifies the issue, to me this sounded like a delivery issue so here is what i have tried so far, carb float bowl and jets cleaned powervalve cleaned air filter cleaned fuel lines examined yet the bike remains to run like a complete bag of shite, iv had the bike for 4 months and have had endless problems but iv always managed to fix them but this one really has me stumped... it starts and runs fine if you ride at very low revs, i can tootle around at 35 in 6th with no problem but as soon as those revs gets up all hell breaks loose! all i can really thing of is the carb needing adjusting or re-jetting maybe? all advice will be very much appreciated! Gozzzzz
greetings from the midlands!! :D
Hello everyone! my name is Luke Gozz and iv been riding a DT125 since just after christmas great little bike apart from the fact it spends more time in bit than its actually riden! .. well anyway it took me long enough but iv finally decided to join up and have a mingle!! along with making new friends and chatting with new people im here to obtain help and advice and give it where i can happy days!
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