xvs650 vs dragstar 1998 engine
Hi guys, If anyone can help me you guys can. Had a rather large oil leak from the frontmost (looking at the bike head on) cylinder cover. Managed to take it off to find the cover had the top screw in and had been glued the rest of the way round ( absolutely no screwhole/thread left at the bottom). Now have found a couple of things on ebay but wish to check the fountain of all knowledge here. Is there any difference in the engine between a 1998 XVS650 classic and and 1998 XVS650 Dragstar. if not if I am looking at the engine from the side. is the rear cylinder head at the back of the engine ( I know this may sound rather daft but I cannot find a front cylinder head replacement but there are a couple of rear cylinder heads. Anyhow thanks in advance for your knowledge and advice. I really want to get the old girl back on the road. cheers
Clicking from front wheel
hmm. its currently off the road due to me trying to find someone in manchester with the skills to advise me on the missing bolt/screwthread problem. Ask me about computers and i'll tell you everything you want to know, and build it, but until I get a bit more techy with engines, it aint going anywhere. . Had it 6 months ish and have sent a nice polite email to the place I bought it from (if they services it correctly and checked it over i'm sure they must have noticed it), asking them to have a look to see if they can fix it. Awaiting reply
Clicking from front wheel
I'm thinking, would epoxying a well nut into the existing space work, then reseal with silicone sealant and tighten with new nut? Would anybody know of the top of their heads what size nut it is that holds in the tapping cover?
Clicking from front wheel
will try and get a piccy tonight. Basically where the hole should be to accept the bolt (on the engine rather than the cover) the hole is missing the top right quarter so any bolt going into it just has nothing to fully screw to (if that makes any sense?). Looking further in there is no thread at all.
Clicking from front wheel
cheers . sorted it. now, noticed a slight bit of oil on the fins at the front. worked out it was coming from the cover just above the exhaust connection. so removed the coveronly to find the top left screw was fine. the bottom right however had no screw just glue. after taking the cover off, noticed the screw hole was screwed. the only way i can think of fixing is to weld a nut into the opening of where the hole should have been and use a slightly smaller bolt. any other ideas. cheers
Clicking from front wheel
Many thanks for the advice. Will endeavour to take apart everything tomorrow with the help of the trusty service manual and various screwdrivers!!!!!! and try not to end up with that one niggling nut that always gets left over Also best place to purchase and get fitted a rear tyre somewhere around Manchester
Clicking from front wheel
Hi Peter, Seems to be. Would that affect the noise re it disappearing when using the brake?
Clicking from front wheel
Hi guys, Just a quick one. I have noticed a clicking coming from the front of the bike which speeds up when I speed up. Now the ticking goes away when i apply a slight pressure to the front brake (not enough to slow the bike down) and therefore, in my knowledgeable opinion (which is just short of absolutely nothing) i'm thinking something to do with the brakes . Any help would be appreciated ps its a Yamaha XVS650 Dragstar ta!
Dragstar 650 top speed
Exactly. You can leave the ripping around to all the street/sport bikes. The reason I got the XVS650 as my first 'proper' bike was to take it easy. It does make the wife laugh though when I get nods off all other bikers when passing or at lights
Vehicle: Yamaha XVS650 Dragstar Classic (1998)
Name: Yamaha XVS650 Dragstar Classic (1998) Date Added: 20 May 2012 - 06:17 PM Owner: andymck Short Description: Had a really crappy paint job when I bought it. Found out, a lad I used to work with, his dad owns a powder coating business. Got mates rates (£80 for tank and both mudguards) and brought it back to a nice condition View Vehicle
Passed my Mod2 on Friday and went from a cheapy chinese 125 to a 1998 XVS650 Dragstar Classic.. Christ its like sitting on an armchair. Anyhow, based in Stretford Manchester and will be out and about when ever I can
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