Everything posted by BlackStar
Dragstar 650 top speed
When it comes to riding my bike I'm never in a hurry to get anywhere, it's my chill out time.
- Summer?
As you say 'clear as mud'! Took me a while to work out how to put a profile pic on, but I don't use photobucket. Will look on FAQ and see if I can work it out, thanks for your help anyway.
Dragstar 650 top speed
This is all way over my head, I'm just glad that mine can and will achieve the national speed limit. I bought a cruiser for leisurely cruising around, enjoying the scenery and the whole experience of being on the bike. I'm more than happy to allow those who wish to, to whizz passed me, leaving me to trundle along at my unrushed pace. I know I'm in a very small minorty, but there must be some other riders out there who share my take on things . . . .
- Summer?
- Summer?
Please can someone tell me how you post an image on here? Usually you have a 'browse' option, but when I click on 'image' icon I get URL???
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
Yep seen chain mail too, maybe on American Chopper (OCC) and it does look smart, but need to get the orignal problem sorted first!
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
This is sounding like way too much bother to me, think I'll probably just send off for one of these things I've seen on ebay, give it a whirl and see if it works. By that I do not mean I'm going to deliberately touch the exhaust when it's hot to see how it feels, lol!
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
Wondering if those exhaust bandages with one of these chrome shields on top would work well? It could double the chances of proctection and at least the chrome bit would conceal the 'ugliness' of the bandages?
Exhaust Pipes
S O R R Y for posting in wrong section and anoying you sooooo much, lol!
- Summer?
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
Looks like it . . . . .
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
After market pipes and it's the engine end of the top pipe that's causing the probs. Now have a nasty, but slowly healing, blister on the inside of my knee on right leg! This never happens when I'm not wearing leathers as I never ride without them, lol! But the heat if I don't realise quick enough can and has gone straight through!
- Summer?
Dragstar 650 top speed
What kind of speed were you hoping to get out of it? I ride a 650 Dragstar (that has been restricted) but although I know it's capable of 70+ prefer to do what it says on the 'box' and cruise along on it . . . .
Dragstar XVS 650 Exhaust heat Shield?
I ride one if these snd have scorched my leathers and last Saturday my leg too (ouch!) on the exhaust pipe. This only happens when stationary and although I'm geting better at avioding this painful experience every now and again I forget at my peril!!! I've seen something on the internet that looks like a sort of metal sleeve with holes in it that is fixed with jubilee clips. Was wondering if anyone has heard of these or used them. Don't really want to use exhaust bandanges or indeed end up using bandages on my leg either come to think of it! Any advice please . . .
My intro and a question too
Thank you and will do now.
My intro and a question too
My intro and a question too
Hi there I wrote a post a few days ago, but cannot find it now! Anyway I am new here and ride a 650 XVS Dragstar. I live in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Passed my test last November, but am still relatively inexperienced as I do not have with whom to ride! My husband is about as new to it as I am and rides a Triumph Tiger, but does not appear to want to go out riding much . . . Next month I am doing the two day BikeSafe course as I think any help to make improvements is a good thing! In my previous post I asked if anyone can advise about 'exhaust pipe heat shields' as I have scorched my leathers more than once and even hurt my leg thru them! I am getting better at avaoding this painful experience, but sometimes I forget. Anyway this only occurs when stationary. I did see some on the internet, but don't know how effective they are . . . . any advice please
Exhaust Pipes
Can anyone advise the best type of heat shield for my 650's exhaust pipes? However careful I am every now and then I forget and boy does it ever hurt! Thank goodness for leathers, but even they're lookimg a bit scorched now! Thanks in advance. BlackStar