The ghost page
@jimmymck, take a look at this story from 1855. Devil's Footprints. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil's_Footprints now that's what i call strange.
The ghost page
.............Do ghost exist? well if you ever watch these ghost hunter programs, they use all these scientific tools to detect ghosts, i usually avoid these programs, as they are hyped up crap. i mean how disappointing for viewers if they set up all this equipment and nothing happens. so of course they have to find something. i believe i have seen something many years ago, so yes I'm a believer in "ghosts". I'm just not sure what a ghost actually is. the spirit of a dead person doesn't sound right to me. as in most cases of ghosts apart from through mediums (they can have a whole discussion of their own) don't, can't interact with people. i am inclined to believe in another theory witch can get very in depth and complicated. it involves quatom physics and time lines or the multi verse. a brief description is this. the multi verse (quantom physicists believe this dose exist) runs in waves, every now and then these waves can come in close contact with each other giving some people a glimpse of the past. that is why most multiple sightings describe the "ghost" doing the same thing in the same place. the wave from one time line meets our time line at the same place each time. Google "double slit experiment" to fine out more about the multi verse in basic terms. and that's enough of my crazy talk for one day
Hi :)
hi all, not my first post, but thought it time to say hello. I'm 45 just got back on 2 wheels after about 27 years. my first bike was a fizzy, then a dt 50. now many years later I have a YBR 125. having a great time riding again, north Wales has some great riding roads ( just too many hills for a 125). so hope to pass test and get some more power.
Vehicle: Yamaha YBR (2006)
Name: Yamaha YBR (2006) Date Added: 02 July 2012 - 08:11 AM Owner: Theclockman Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
A2/full bike test
thanks for the advise, I'd better get moving doing the direct access test asp
A2/full bike test
Hi all I'm new here, got back on 2 wheels a few months ago (after about 25 years). I have a YBR 125 on a provisional licence. I find it's a great little bike but a little lacking on hills. and living in north Wales there's plenty of them. so I was thinking about doing my bike test and getting something a bit bigger. is there any real difference in the bike test on a 125cc or a 500cc, apart form the 2 year 33bhp restriction. or to put it another way is it worth just doing the full test strait off? is the 125 test easier or cheaper to do?
The Wind!!!
Yep 1987, I remember it well, I was rocking and rolling all night in a caravan in Devon