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Everything posted by peterb1951

  1. Hi

    peterb1951 posted a post in a topic in New Members Welcome Area
    I am Peter, I live in the north-east of England near Middlesbrough, I am a born again biker aged 60 with three bikes in the stable, there is a 1978 Kawasaki 250 Ltd a runner but currently on sorn, a Honda 400t which is road legal but laid up till I sort a problem out and finally a Yamaha XJ600F that is currently on the road but again with minor problems but I loved my first ride on it on Friday night, not too far but bloody cold still enjoyable though a very nippy machine, I started riding motorcycles at 16 (1966) or thereabouts even driving professionally for a while (GPO telegram boy) and gave it up around 1978 marriage etc. etc. you all know the scenario lol, but I always missed it so now I am back lol
  2. Name: YAMAHA XJ600F (PRE DIVERSION) (1989) Date Added: 06 May 2012 - 10:19 PM Owner: peterb1951 Short Description: Just bought this a few weeks ago, tested taxed and insurance all done, had my first ride the other night and was happy although its rattles on tickover, seller reckons it the carbs out of balance but I am unsure View Vehicle