Everything posted by peterb1951
Dragstar 650 snapped throttle cable
OH OH just ordered a cable from Wemoto, hope mine fits
Yamaha XJ 600 Pre Diversion
The La Ronde has gone now mate, been empty for a long time but the curly ramp is still there lol, didnt go down XJ900 route as money is tight
I clicked the link as curiosity got the better of me, and you are correct DO NOT TRY THIS the mistake he made was trying to wipe it with a cloth but at least some good may come out of it as if you see the pics you will definitely keep your fingers well away from a moving chain
Yamaha XJ 600 Pre Diversion
Yes I have one, its a 1989 model, just put new carb mounting rubbers on it and balanced the carbs but its still got problems and my fork seals need replacing, clutch was acting up but its a bit better now, watching a XJ900 now for a bigger grin factor lol
XJ600 Project
Looks like I was sold a pup then, still that's what you get for taking the bargain route I suppose, stripped mine out anyway but plates looked good so refitted them, I think previous owner had maybe put the lever in wrong as its better than it was, not perfect but better
cold start problem yamaha xj 600n 1996
I might be stating the obvious but I assume you have put fresh petrol in after removing as much of the old juice as you can, including the carbs if possible?
Hi mate hope you find the answers you seek and have loads of fun finding it
XJ600 Project
while you are on a stripping trip! if you decide to check your clutch out let me know how many fibre discs yours has as I bought a set for mine which had 7 in it, the book says 7 but mine has 8 ??? baffled, PS bits for these are available quite easily of the old EBAY just seen a complete rear wheel with disc for peanuts on there
Cleaning Products - what do you use?
got to agree on this one, use it at work and it is recommended for cleaning dashboards and all sorts of things plus it lubricates and free,s off seized stuff to boot as well
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Hi, is there plans to activate it as it seems like a good idea to me ?
Dishonest police
I agree with you there, there is good and bad in all professions, some are kind and helpful others wont give you the time of days, on the other side of the coin there are some rude and downright dangerous motorcyclists, all I say is judge each and every person as you find them and dont tar them all with the same brush because of the clothes they wear
Given the choice would you wear a helmet?
Good point
Positive votes?
Though somebody may have known the answer but no brain boxes on this topic then?
Carb balancing? HELP!
I have a couple of fans and may give that a try, as to tick over it makes sense that the rpm will go up as the carbs balance out, so I am going to take everyone's advice and have another go cheers
Carb balancing? HELP!
I think you are correct about the tickover screw as I have seen mentioned but have yet to find it myself, but I will try your method next time I do it as it sound good to me, cheers mate
Carb balancing? HELP!
I did, but I think I maybe taking too long so engine and carbs getting too hot with possible fuel vaporization occuring
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Why does this flag up when I try to like a comment when I have never liked any topic before? (You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day) Peter Bainbridge
Carb balancing? HELP!
Well I must say Dont think I was that quick, and believe at one point it cut out and would not start ,think engine was too hot as it started fine after leaving it for a while, Peter
Carb balancing? HELP!
Definitely the correct screws there are three, the correct way or as I understand it is adjust left screw to match carbs 1 and 2, then adjust right screw to match carbs 3 and 4 then the centre screw is used to match the 2 pairs together, and as far as I can tell the rubbers are sealed with new gaskets fitted, no mention in manual as to what rpm you run at and the only way that I can adjust tickover is by using the length adjuster to the cable outer, Peter
Carb balancing? HELP!
Sorry Guys, I know this is probably old ground but any help would be appreciated, my 1989 XJ600 needed new carb mounting rubbers so I bit the bullet and bought a set, I also invested in a set of balance gauges, fitted new rubbers OK but when it came to balancing I had problems, firstly I wrongly identified the master carb, secondly I did it all wrong, having then read the manual after finding it! I had another go, but its still not right firstly the throttle takes its time to come down and as the machine gets warm the idle gets higher, the gauges all seem to be about the same and it is better than the first attempt although still not correct but when I was trying to set them up the engine temp was getting higher this seemed to make for all sort of problems Are you supposed to do the balance on tickover? can you start from scratch again? Peter Bainbridge
Broken Stud Removal help
I agree with this, heat is a major factor in my experience and in my job (industrial pumps) I get a lot of snapped studs etc, the easyouts that are most used are poor, the best ones I have used were snap-on but expensive http://buy1.snapon.com/catalog/item.asp?P65=&tool=all&item_ID=644920&group_ID=675457&store=snapon-store&dir=catalog like those
Carburettor mounting rubbers
I believe the ones on mine are flanged at cyl head end and clips at carb end but looking on Ebay there are some for sale item number 160804422402 but even those are £60 with no guarantee they are 100% good.
Carburettor mounting rubbers
Hi Has anybody out there had any luck repairing the carb mounting rubbers on their machines, I tried the old tip (which I think I found on this site) of spraying the rubbers with WD40 and noticed a dramatic change to the engine running for a few seconds, new ones are about £100 a set and its a big slice out of my budget and I think second hand will be all about the same condition for a 1989 XJ600. Think I have seen somewhere a repair with silicone and a cycle tube but not sure this is an effective repair and probably will not last very long, any hints or tips please would be appreciated Peter
Thanks mate, it is a bit busier nowadays isn't it
I rode a BSA bantam, our office had three think it was a 175 and 2 x 150,s but it was a long time ago lol