rxs100 exhaust non stock baffle question
the exhaust on my rxs100 isn't the original. I took it off this weekend to look at decarbing it with caustic soda. the baffle was in really tight, but managed to get it out for the first time. The baffle is totally different in style to the one pictured in haynes and has not packing on it. I've read that some baffles don't have packing and I've also read that not having the packing doesn't effect performance or noise level so is not worth replacing. my question is how do I know if this style of baffle needs packing? anyone got one similar. took a pic here:
rxs100 cutting out - with video
ok, changes the plug, and followed steps above, it seems to be working fine. Think the new plug shows the problem was the misfiring. But what has caused this problem should I be worried?
rxs100 cutting out - with video
just checked the spark plug, its black, wet and oily. the plug was new 4 weeks ago. think this will cause the misfire i've been getting.
rxs100 cutting out - with video
Thanks, will look at the carb when the rain stops. It ticks over quite well in idle but every now and again the drops a big chunk of revs, then picks back up, but doesn't seem to have the same sound as usual, bit more spluttery. when I rev its not really getting the power, then sputters a bit more and loses it all together. want to use the word 'misfiring' but I know thats a technical term, but thats how it feels, like its misfiring. Cleaned and checked the carb a few weeks ago and its been super fine since then.
rxs100 cutting out - with video
yeah, ran as normal.
rxs100 cutting out - with video
ok, ran it with tap off. ran for about 5 seconds and then cut out as expected. should I try it again with tap open? its got about 1/2 a tank of gas.
rxs100 cutting out - with video
hi, same result with choke out.
mpg rxs 100
i know this is an old post, I'm getting about 54 mpg on my rxs100 96. not driving it that gently. been keeping a spreadsheet on the fuel, sad I know.
rxs100 cutting out - with video
All has been well for the past few weeks, and I was thinking last night it was time to sell the car. This morning it started first kick, but lost power after a few minutes, then I couldn't start it. I just went out and started it, (on film) and it cut out in neutral. - see link Not sure what to think, it wasn't sounding that great in idle either. Any help is very welcome. http://www.flickr.co...t84/7163501369/
rxs100 revs high then loses power and cuts out
the oil change made a massive difference, finding neutral is easy now
rxs100 revs high then loses power and cuts out
thanks Airhead, another top tip. Got the new bolts on and adjusted the clutch, also changed the oil, which was black and full of crap, so I guess it needed doing!
rxs100 revs high then loses power and cuts out
Keiran95, have you tried cleaning it out? may help. Mine was leaking all the time, however what really stopped it was servicing/ replacing the fuel tap. Mine sometimes leaks a very small amount, but only if I leave the tap on.
rxs100 revs high then loses power and cuts out
Looked on yambits, and didn't see any, however, these look ok, guessing m6 will fit and the hex socket should make them easier to remove next time. only £4.50 for 50, how can I go wrong... http://www.screwfix.com/p/socket-cap-screws-a2-stainless-steel-m6-x-25mm-pack-of-50/93965
rxs100 revs high then loses power and cuts out
managed to drill off one screw, and managed to get the others off naturally. I adjusted the clutch so there was just a little bit of free play on the lever. think this has sorted it, just took her out, did about 16 miles, very smooth ran well and managed to put it in neutral while engine was running. thats it, think everything is sorted now. Time to take it to work tomorrow. The only thing I need is some bolts to replace the one and drilled and the others that look a bit tired.
rxs100 revs high then loses power and cuts out
on the rxs100 there is a cover on the left side that encases the cable adjuster. The cover is held in place by 4 screws, I can get two of these off no problem, but the other 2 srews are stuck fast and quite damaged. I got a bigger screwdriver that was a better fit but I still didn't get them open. May have to give up and take it to the garage