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Need For Speed

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  1. Need For Speed posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi, I have a DT125r 2003 and have just bought a alarm for it! But i can't find where to place the unit?? Has anyone ever fitted one to a dt125 if so where did you put it ?? Thanks Chris
  2. Need For Speed posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Quick question Are the levers on a TZR50 2003 (53 plate) the same as on a TZR50 2004. Cheers Chris
  3. Need For Speed replied to Need For Speed's post in a topic in Naked
    Right everyone, After having all the plastic of my bike and checking every wire, i came across the head light (was working from the back forward). i took the plugs apart and the started the bike, hay presto the rev and temp lights didn't come on. so i cleaned the plug and it fine now. But still no luck with a manual. Chris
  4. Need For Speed replied to madmike's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    I have one! When you rev the bike do the lights for the oil and temperature gauge come on and get brighter??? Chris
  5. Need For Speed replied to Need For Speed's post in a topic in Naked
    Thanks, but why are they coming on at all!!
  6. Need For Speed posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hi, I have not long had a Yamaha TZR 50 53 plate. When you rev the bike the oil and temperature warning light get brighter. they are not one when the bike in on tick over. should this happen?? ALSO is there a manual for the bike?? Cheers Chris