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  1. Hello airhead ..i did post it on there and was told to come here :/...basikly iam 21 year old apprentice chef in norwich norfolk and bought a ybr 125 to commute on my daily journey to work ,i have come here for helP as i love my bike and would realy apreciate some helP as i am an amiture when it comes to motor cycles...basikly the problem started last week when i pulled up to some traffic lights and it cut out to my shock as it seemed to be running fine ...before this i did notice the week before that i could pull the key out while engine was running and didnt think that was right ...i tried to start my bike as normal yestaday on my daily comute to work .....i turned the key like normal but no neautral light or anything happend and couldnt start my bike and couldnt make it to work today ...i have read through other peoples problems on workshop with no one with the same problem to what i have found ...if you could just give me aome advice or point me in the right direction it would be great and i understand this is no garage!! Thanks if you have taken time to read this.
  2. I recently purchased a 06 plate ybr 125 i have a problem with the ignition if some1 could give me any advice it woulb be great thanks.
  3. Key pulls out with engine running,cut out when idle ,when i turn Ignition on no light or anything bike has run fine before this any one who can help me please its an 06 model ?!