Since you ased, DkD, I will explain! lol...
I bought this Dt for $50 NZ (thats about 20 quid I think) 10 years ago. I thought it would last perhaps 1 ride and it would die as it was pretty stuffed when i got it!
I live about 5 mins from a large river where the local council maintain 5 motorcross tracks which you can use free of charge! (lucky aye) plus there is the river bed to use.
Over the years I have had newer bikes that are more comfortable to use but they come and go and the Dt remains.
I kind of forgot the Dt's (and mine) limitations as we flew off a rather large jump while playing with "the big boys"...until we hit the ground.
I think the suspension and forks are in need of TLC.
Im sorry to offend anyone here but in 10 years all I've done to it is...1 oil change 6 years ago, 1 spark plug 3 years ago and 2 front tubes.
Its been drowned in the river 4 times and never drained...always starts back up after a few kicks.
Its an awesome machine...Nothing beats the classics!!!!!!!!!!