Everything posted by FJ12SP
Just Joined
Hi Gizmo If you havn't already have a look here its a wealth of info for the FJR. http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/fj_forum/ Adam.
2000 R6 with oil in airbox
Yes I must agree it sounds very much like a shagged piston causing crankcase pressue, you will need to do a compression test and compare your findings with the bikes spec. As for not starting if you have shagged pistons/rings the plugs have probably oiled up. Pull them out have a look if they are black and oily its going to cost you. Adam.
Jerky Fjr1300
There was a recall for the FJR regarding the TPS (Throtle Position sensor) this sounds like your problem. I would phone yamaha with your frame number and check that its been done. also visit here for more details http://www.fjclub.co.uk/ Adam.
fj1200 front end shaking
I had a similar problem on my FJ and I found that when I replaced the O/E rear shock the problem disapeared. If I tried to take my hands of the bars at any speed the bars would flap into a tank slapper. I must confess that I was very suprised that the rear shocker could cause this but after recent discusion with the FJ owners club it was a reasonably common fault. Are you running a O/E shock or have you upgraded as I would guess that a 21 year old FJ's back shock would be shot, they did not last more than 30,000 miles. Hope this helps
My new R6
Dan Try the ACE cafe on the first friday of the month (Every friday is bike night) all the boys come out to play, you could then ask around. Adam.
yamaha fj1200
Hi Martyn I doubt very much that its an oil problem, the oil warning light will always come on briefly when you turn the ignition on. If you have the kill switch off the oil light will iluminate when you push the start button but the engine will not turn over. Try cleaning the kill switch contacts. Other than that I suspect an electrical problem, could be the main earth connector this is prone to problems on the FJ's. It's located at the rear of the engine block ( It's a right B***ard to get at). Hope this helps let us know how you get on. Adam.
My new R6
Well Dan if you added your location in your profile it would be easy for peeps to let you know. Have fun on that bad bike. Adam.
My new R6
Nice One ! Enjoy! Adam.
Ready For The Summer
Hi FJ yes she's a 91 3XW, hardly any standard bit left though Adam.
How often do you change your oil?
Oil & Filter every 3000, Yam say every 6000 but it don't cost much to keep her fresh ! Adam.
Ready For The Summer
Well here she is all shook down ready for the summer (if we get one !) Adam.
seat needs recovering
This chap has done some great work for a number of my friends Tony Archer seats Unit 7 Riverside works Bradley Mill Road Huddersfield Hd1 6pq Tel.01484 536832 Adam.
Fz600 Dies in first gear
I think this is an easy one. You are either putting it into gear with the side stand down or the side stand sensor is U/S. Adam.
Can you help with advice regards TDM850 & FJ1200
Wow there is two completly differant bikes, I own a FJ so I would look for on the FJ 1) Fork Seals , FJ's eat them. 2)Clutch slave seals , ditto. 3)ABS warning light should extinguish as soon as bike starts, if flashing there are problems (Electrical) but they will still operate fine. Very expensive to replace/repair. I have junked mine. 4) Rear shock and suspension linkage/often negleted. 5) Wheel/head bearings. 6) Front calipers sieze. and all the usall stuff, the Engine is pretty unbreakable and with just 30k it's only just run in. Adam.
First Bike being delivered Friday
Hi The Ron Haslam race school is an excelent way of learning about your bikes capabilitys (and yours). It will certainly increase your confidence/ability. As for the Crash helmet differant helmets suit differant peeps, but as I said before it,s your HEAD. Enjoy. Adam.
First Bike being delivered Friday
Great choice (Yamaha) as for it being quick , theres no such thing as a slow bike !. Do you need a new helmet ? it's your head and only you can decide, but its your life insurance. Enjoy the buzz and as Yamhead says time in the saddle is what counts. Adam.
What custom/cruiser bike to you guyshave?
Hi Max I am just down the road from U , look out for me on my FJ12 special. Adam.
- slide
getting really hot
Hi It could be lots of reasons, the FJ1200 runs hot anyway but I suggest a good service, oil & Filter change aswell as getting the carbs Synched in, you might also want to check the plugs to see if it's running lean or rich. Depending on the condition that you are running the bike , you might like to consider a lighter oil. The 1200 engine is prone to a tick from the engine ! Adam.
1986 FJ1200
Engine's are pretty bullet proof, but as you already stated 2nd gear pops out on early models & the clutch slave seals are prone to blowing. Also check Fork seals and rear shock and linkages. but apart from that these beast are renowend for going on forever. Adam.
XJR1300SP - Oil from Airbox overflow pipe
Got a similar problem with my FJ1200, I have exhaust and oil coming from my crankcase breather. I did a compresion test and found that the Rings on pot 1 were U/S. Have at the moment got the barrels off getting honed and a new piston Kit. I do not run an airbox (S&B indi filters) so I have a crankcase Filter (Instead of running up into airbox) but the XJR lump is the same as the FJ. What you are experiancing is crank case pressure (Not oil pressure) this is probably caused by broken or sticking piston rings. Hope this helps Adam.
1981 XS400 HELP
Sounds very much like a blown head gasket, if there is a lot of white smoke. The head gasket is blowing down the cam chain guide. This will also cause the oil to smell of fuel as gas will be being pushed down the cam chain slot into the crank. Adam.
- TDR 125
XS1100 runs out of steam
Hi Has it a fuel pump as I had a similar problem with my FJ12, the fuel pump relay was U/S would run fine and then it appeared to run out of juice. Turned it off then on again all was fine for another few miles and then it happened again. Adam.
New To Forum
Hi Just joined , I own a 91 FJ1200 that I have re-built to my own tastes. Spent all winter farkling. Adam.