Everything posted by FJ12SP
fj1200 valve adjustment tool
Brought mine from the FJowners club 29 british pounds. HERE Adam.
New here
Hi Ryan Great looking FJ i think it's Mr Yam's Best but i am a bit biased as I own two. Adam.
FJ1200 monoshock - which model??
The easiest way to tell is the shape of the headlight. FJ1200 3XW = is more triangular FJ1200 3CV = Is Square the best place to source a new shock is from the FJ Owners club, you will have to join first, but its not much and the saving will be greater. I think the most expensive shock is around £280, I use a Hagon and they are about £240 absoultly brill shock. Click HERE I think they do 3 types from budget to the dogs danglers, but they will be set up specificaly for your FJ. Adam.
FZR600 tyre pressures
Hi 36 Front 42 rear is what the manual says. Adam.
Help removing the calipers: XS1100
It's probabaly a lip on the brake disk and the pads wont clear it, you will have to push the pistons back in to the housings a bit, to allow the pads to clear the lip. A big screw driver will do the job but you will damage the brake pads. Adam
paint codes
Hi Paul Nice choice of Bike, can't help with the paint codes but I am sure if you go to this site CLICK HERE one of the wise bods will be able to help you. Adam.
New Owner
If you intend to use pod filters you will have to re-jet the carb, this is a specialist job as the FJ carbs are not suited to pod-filters and have to be drilled to take an oversized main jet, this will preferably be set up on a dyno tester. It sounds very much like your carbs are gummed up or that the diaphrams are holed. Carb balance is pretty critical on an FJ if the carbs are out you will get plenty of strange symptoms. Look HERE Adam.
Brake problem
Thats a new one to me. Never heard of this before, there are no brake switches while on the stand, could be a warped disk. The best place to ask is HERE they know everything there is to know about the FJ. Adam.
FJ in Tasmania
Sweet, Best bike Yamaha ever built lol, but I am a bit biased as I own 2. Adam,
Has anyone done an ABS removal on a FJ1200A ?
Wilbur The wiring is pretty complex as it utilises part of the main loom and the ABS computer is in the tail unit, I found that if removed all the ABS wiring my fuel pump would not work (Theres a relay somewhere that uses the ABS wiring). The air box was removed because if you have ever tried removing and replacing the FJ12 air box you will quickly understand (The crankcase breather pipe is almost impossible to fit back on once removed from the air box). Adam.
Has anyone done an ABS removal on a FJ1200A ?
Hi Wilbur Its pretty straight forward you will need new brake lines all round as the ABS lines run to the ABS pump. Remove the ABS pump(Under seat & Air box. I removed the air box and fitted individual filters but they require a re-jet) you will note that its pretty heavy. Then remove the ABS fuse (sorry can't remember witch one, but once you have removed the pump the ABS warning light on dash will illuminate so just keep pulling fuses untill it goes out) Get some new brake lines made up (I used two single line at the front too feed each caliper individualy). Cut out all the electrical wires to front and back sensors(Not absoulutly neccesary) bleed the front and back systems and hey presto!! Bleeding can be a bit of a pain, I reverse filled my brakes as this made it easier(Pumped fluid through the bleed nipples up to the resevoir). Hope this helps. Adam.
- fj1200
Please help with opinions on a Custom 1984 FJ1100
I find that 17" wheels create a better handling FJ, I have 17/5.5" rear running a 180/55 tyre and a 17/3.5" front running a 120/70 front. I have stock forks but have fitted progressive springs and up the oil weight, I have a good aftermarket shock setup by the FJ owners club, the forks I have dropped (Raised obove top yolk)through the yolks by 10mm. I find that the bike is now a match for more modern M/Cs and can sometimes embarass more modern bikes. I prefer the look of two pipes its just a personal thing, the engine was removed and stripped before being repainted, and all the alloy polshed to a mirror finnish by hand. Look at these links FJ Owners and this is very intresting Barry Edwards FJ mods Adam.
Please help with opinions on a Custom 1984 FJ1100
It appears you have already made your mind up, i do how ever doubt that its capable of 157bhp at the back wheel, but that by no means makes it any more worth while. I own 2 FJ,s one is a performance toy thats quite heavily tuned amd the other is my everyday bike. I would say that once you have owned an FJ . do you only realy appreciate the sheer power of theses lumps. Good luck with your impending purchase. Adam.
race exhaust
It's not the can but the Engine mapping/carb jetting, the only way to set up race cans is on a Dyno. Adam.
Try asking your question Here I am sure these people will sort you out. Don't forget to intruduce your self first. Adam.
1978 Yamaha XS400 - Cleaned Carbs
Sounds like your adjusting the wrong screw, if you adjust the mixture screw this is exactly what will happen, On my Yam the Idle screw is underneath the carbs. Hope this helps. Adam.
FJ 1200 after market accessories?
I have a Corbin seat (Made in USA) on my FJ I think its the dogs, can ride all day with no problems. Adam.
FJ 1200 specific apparel?
Join the FJOC/UK they sell their own apparel. FJ OWNERS CLUB Adam.
wont idle down
Could be your mixture settings, if you have had the carbs off it might just be that the carbs need balancing and the mixture adjusting. I know that on my bike (FJ1200) if the bikes too rich it will take its time coming down to Idle, and if its too lean it stalls. Hope this helps. Adam.
whats the FJ like?
The things to look for on a second hand FJ are the clutch slave seals(Paint missing from oil filter housing) and the suspension linkages(If they havn't been looked after they will be siezed) and the rear shock, if its on its original it WILL be shagged, the fork seals are renowed for leaking. As for riding its a pussy cat under 5 tho, but twist that throttle and let the revs rise its awsome and quick, it will blow away a lot of more modern bikes. A lot of owners change front & back wheels as well as the front brake calipers. Adam
Yamaha fj 1200 help needed
Sounds like the side stand cutout switch is faulty, if the side stand is left down and you atempt to put it in gear the engine will cut out. Adam.
I don,t use any addativs, but every third fuel fill up I use the high octane stuff i find that this gives me carbs & valves a good clean. Were in the country are you situated ? Adam.
Deffo sounds like the carbs, probably the mixture incorrect. I have never had this problem but I balance and check mixture every 4,000 miles. Adam.
Another Addition to my Stable.
Just Picked up this Beast, already added a few bits & pieces. Adam.