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Everything posted by FJ12SP

  1. FJ12SP replied to Moosa's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    When it asks the year type 2009 (not 2010) Adam.
  2. FJ12SP replied to Moosa's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Moosa You cant fit R1 Disks, unless you fit R1 forks. You can fit R1, Fazer blue,gold & silver pot calipers they are a straight swap if you have a 3CV/3XW if you have a 1TX model you are out of luck. You will also need to change the brake master cylinder to a later version Fazer/XJR/FJR as with the standard the brakes will feel very wooden. Look here http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/index.php If you join the owners club there are some good discounts. Adam.
  3. FJ12SP replied to ktmhiflyer's post in a topic in Classics
    If you are going to run it without a Airbox you will have to re-jet to correct the mixture, It will start and run with out though only very lean. Adam.
  4. FJ12SP replied to XJ750's post in a topic in The Bar
    As I stated CHECK your earth, and run a new earth strap to the Engine block. Adam.
  5. FJ12SP replied to XJ750's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi the FJ's have a known problem with poor earth connection. The earth strap runs from the Battery to the rear of the engine block, and its a right pain to get at. The easiest option is to run another earth strap from Batt -Ve to a mounting point on the block. Hope this helps. Adam.
  6. FJ12SP replied to Prodigy's post in a topic in Naked
    Hi I run Conti Road attacks on my FJ12, I find that in my opinion they are one of the best tyres around(will be putting another set on at next change), I did play with a sport attack on the front it had great grip but wore out after only 3,500 miles. But it might be worth looking at for you as a 600 is a lot lighter than my old tank. Adam.
  7. FJ12SP replied to peterb's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    What he said. Spot on. Change oil & filter often (every 3,000) and it will go forever. Adam.
  8. Did you just wash with water & Shampoo or did you use a pressure washer, if the latter you have probably got water into one of the electrical connectors, I would strip down all the connectors (Most are behind the fairing & a pain in the arse to get at) clean and spray with a good electrical cleaner/insulator. You also say that the fuel pump clicks only once, either your carbs are full or the pump is on the way out, try draining some fuel from the carbs and see if the pump will then prime them (Multiple clicks when ignition turned on ) Adam.
  9. FJ12SP replied to kevin10529's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Unscrew at front wheel, unscrew at speedo throw old cable in bin and fit new one in reverse order. Adam.
  10. It all depends on wether you have a digital speedo or not, there atr loads of gear indicators for bikes with digi speedos (IE no cable to front wheel). I have fitted a digi gear indicator that connects to the electrical out-put from the rev counter , and a sensor fitted to the swingarm that picks up on a magnet atached to the rear brake disk. I have one spare new in the box with instructions if you are intrested let me know, it can be seen here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hayabusa-Kawasaki-Yamaha-Gear-Indicator-Blue-UK_W0QQitemZ350108186186QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Motorcycle_Parts?hash=item518412f64a&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14 I will take £30 + P+P for it. Adam.
  11. FJ12SP replied to DMAN's post in a topic in The Bar
    I dont think there are any alternatives. Adam.
  12. FJ12SP replied to YAMAHA MAN's post in a topic in The Bar
    Try on a few so you know what size you need then look on Ebay. Some good bargains in the clothing. I have just brought 2 piece leathers from ebay for £100 Adam.
  13. FJ12SP replied to skindog's post in a topic in Naked
    Hi Skindog I have used/am using Iridium plugs dont notice any performance increase, but they last a long time. Just changed them after 12,000 miles and they looked almost new. Adam.
  14. What Bike ? My FJ has a small amount of play when i lift the rear, this is standard and it is at the pivot pin, perfectly normal. Adam.
  15. FJ12SP replied to Airhead's post in a topic in Classics
    Try HERE everything you need to know just ask. Adam.
  16. FJ12SP replied to big davy's post in a topic in Naked
    Your best bet would be to ask at the FJ/FJR Forum HERE if its standard its a pain in the neck as it has a 16" rear. I do know that the owners club recomend that you dont fit radials. I have moded mine with FZR wheels 17" X 3.5 Front & 17" X 5.5 rear which enables me to run modern rubber. Adam.
  17. Sounds very much like the slave seals have gone, pretty cheap fix. When replacing clean Slave & Piston with scoth brite pad. Adam.
  18. FJ12SP replied to tigger's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Hi Tiger Ask HERE they are a mine of usefull info on the FJR. Adam.
  19. The only compatable parts are handle bars and centre stand, the 11 runs 16" front and rear wheels so no good, also forks and fender are no good due to 16" front wheel. I think that the 12 engine might fit the 11 frame but why ? The handling is not as good, your best bet is to swap the 12 forks into the 11 frame, get yourself a FZRtho front & back wheel with a thunderace swinger and you will realy see how these bikes can go. Adam.
  20. FJ12SP replied to up.yours's post in a topic in The Bar
    Why not just buy a puncture repair kit (Awl,plugs & Gas canisters) I have witnesed them used on a couple of FJR,s and FJ,s and they work 100% and these are not light weight bikes, only takes 15 mins to make a good safe fix. Adam.
  21. If the bike has had any lapses in service (Valve shims checked) i would guess at one or more of the valve seats being dirty due to carbon deposits. This occurs when the shims are negleted for long periods. It could also be valve stem seals. Both are fairly easy, but quite time consuming jobs to do as its a head off task. Adam.
  22. Oil light on the FJ is just a low warning indicator, they do tend to play up. Mine comes on with hard exceleration and when I am going up hill. Cleaning the contacts helps but it a pain in the arse as the oil levell sensors right under the sump. You oil window should always fill up with the bike on the centre stand. Use only good 20/50 mineral oil as its an old air cooled lump and semi tends to give a bit of clutch slip and burn off quicker. Great choice of bike, with a few mods it can be made to handle great, I have a 17" 5.5 back wheel and 17" 3.5 front and it grinds the pipes round corners. Adam.
  23. FJ12SP replied to rowland75's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    All Blue/Gold/Silver spot Yamaha Calipers are the same mounting wise, unless they are radial. Fazers, XJR's Early R1's & FJR's are all the same, and probably a few other models that I have not mentioned, I upgraded my FJ to a set of Gold spots excelent calipers. Adam.
  24. FJ12SP posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Spondon Yam FJ1200 For Sale on Ebay, will someone buy it for me ? Adam.
  25. Sorry Secamam We never had them in the UK, only seen pics of them from Australia/USA. Adam.