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Everything posted by FJ12SP

  1. FJ12SP replied to gezzer6447's post in a topic in Naked
    Its Shorter Dog Bones you want not longer, very easy to make you can buy the flat bar from B&Q. Just shorten by 10mm will raise the back a lot. Adam.
  2. FJ12SP replied to haveapaddy's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi I believe pre injection R1 pumps will fit (They have slightly differant angle take off) also FJ1200 pumps will fit again the fuel take offs are slightly differant but they can be modded to fit. I think that you will find that any Yamaha fuel pump (12v) can be adapted to fit. My Yam FJ1200 has a Mistabushi fuel pump fited. Adam.
  3. Did you soak the new clutch plates in oil before fitting ? As its a wet clutch it relys on the clutch plates being oiled (Wet), when re-assembling a wet clutch its always best to soak the plates for at least a few hours preferable over night. Also oil types have a critical bearing on the operation of wet clutches. Are you running the appropriate oil for your M/C. Dry plates will cause clutch drag as they are not realeasing proprtly, If my bike is left to stand for any length of time I will get initial clutch drag. Start the engine aqnd warm up Pull the clutch in several times with out engaging a gear this might help. Adam.
  4. FJ12SP replied to ding's post in a topic in Naked
  5. FJ12SP replied to ashanna's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Its no problem to blank of the Anti dive, and just run straight hoses from master cylinder to calipers. An even better solution is to transplant a later model front end in. Adam.
  6. FJ12SP replied to vampire963's post in a topic in Naked
    The FJ Owners club is a good starting point. Adam.
  7. If you are continualy blowing slave cylinder seals i would hazard a guess that the slave is to worn and you need a new one. When you replace the seals are you cleaning the slave piston and bore with a scotchbrite pad and re-newing the fluids(anything else will damage the piston & bore) You can change the master cylinder for a more recent model (FJR,XJR, Fazer ect) you will gwet a better clutch pull with one of these. These can be picked up nearly as cheaply as the repair kits from Ebay. Have you joined the FJ owners club, you can purchase a wide range of parts from them and get advice over the phone for a yearly sub of i think £17 I have a very good standard clutch master you can have for a few beer tokens, just let me know. Adam.
  8. FJ12SP replied to fj86er's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Robb The carbs will not fit due to the fact that the 1100 had a gravity/vacum feed petrol line, and the 1200 run a petrol pump, you will have trouble stopping the petrol running out of the overflow. The pipes on the other hand are a straight swap, but you might have to play around a bit with the silencer hanger. Sorry re-read your post and i see that you have a 86, in that case I think that your 12 has no petrol pump and a swap to the 1100 carbs is possible. Adam.
  9. Ebay is your best bet they range in price from £20 up to £75, a Yam dealer will want £300 + All models use the same genny, also Yam XJR gennys fit. Adam.
  10. Are you locking the steering when turning the bike off ? If so you are turning the key to far and activating the parking lights. here is a great place for info on the FJ Adam.
  11. FJ12SP replied to gearboxkart's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Carbs need to be balanced, valve clearances need to be checked, if both of these are done you will have no significant vibes ! Adam.
  12. FJ12SP replied to richiexj's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    I think FJ1100 fit but if you join the club you can buy a new rear from them Adam.
  13. FJ12SP replied to cjonesr198's post in a topic in The Bar
    Much better option is to junk the switch and fit a Banjo Pressure switch. Here http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/Motorcycle/Brakes/Brake_Accessories/Goodridge_Banjo_Bolt_Brake_Light_Switch/392/3646 Adam.
  14. FJ12SP replied to cjonesr198's post in a topic in The Bar
    "Any ideas and could I repair this fault myself.." Rear brake light switch & yes. Adam.
  15. FJ12SP replied to jimmyanderson123's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi this is quit a common problem on the FJ,s You will need to take the carbs off, remove all parts and get them cleaned Ultrasonicly. Then re-build the float bowls with new needle valves and washers, taking care that the floats are at the correct hight. Some times when they are leaking you can give them a good tap (Float bowls) with a screw driver and that will stop it, but its probabale worn float valves (remember the bikes 20years old) Have a look here lots of help available. http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/index.php Anfd join the club here Adam.
  16. FJ12SP replied to MEE1's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Here http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/index.php And here Good luck Adam.
  17. FJ12SP replied to Karen_Agusta's post in a topic in Classics
    The Doctor !!
  18. FJ12SP replied to gary barber's post in a topic in General
    Hi Gary Sounds a bit low I suggest you loosen up on that throttle !! Service intervals are Yamaha 4,000 oil change 8,000 oil & Filter, I tend to change my oil & filter every 3,000 just for piece of mind, mines an 89 so 21 years old got to repect them olders. Look here http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/index.php Adam.
  19. FJ12SP replied to craig88's post in a topic in Naked
    Check to make sure the sprocket carrier has not come away from the cush drive mounts fitted inside the rear hub. Adam.
  20. Duff Battery. Although it might read 11.7 v thats a static reading(Also a bit low) try measuring it under load IE when you press the starter button, I bet it will drop right off. Adam
  21. FJ12SP replied to Rob86's post in a topic in The Bar
    Top Bike, I am on my second now! What model have you got ? Sorry now I acn see it in your profile a 3CV (Best model) Have a look here http://www.fjfjrbiker.co.uk/index.php Adam.
  22. Your Wheel bearings are shot, get them replaced before they collapse. Have you used a jet wash to clean the bike as this will force water into unwanted places (Bearings & Electrics) Adam.
  23. FJ12SP replied to steve-y's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Have you checked the fuses ? Adam.
  24. FJ12SP replied to Chris 46's post in a topic in The Bar
    There are some tyres out now that don't use releasing agent Conti Road Attack 2 are one that I know of, just had a new front fitted mightly impressed. Adam.
  25. Hi If you join the FJ owners club they can supply you with one. Adam.