Everything posted by michaeldouglas72
12,000rpm, boring commuter bike??!? Eh?
I’ve picked up a Diversion XJ-F with 17k on the clock. The Divvy was looking a bit rough, a bit neglected and in sore need of some pennies invested. All is done and I have a very smart looking bike, a quick check online reveals I have a boring commuter bike only worthy of a few trips down the bypass and nothing more! I am amazed because I only use bikes for fun and only travel straight roads if no other routes are available and this little Yamaha does not disappoint! Admittedly it needs a little encouragement but keep the motor between 7k and the limiter and she pops along very nicely indeed. The front brake needs a good pull but the rear is great and the gearbox is superb. The engine super smooth and it’s comfortable too…this might make a good commuter bike but it isn’t just a commuter bike. I’m enjoying the wee Divvy. Mine is a 59 plate and the build quality is superb, I usually aim for Honda’s as fixer upper and play but this little Yamaha is easily as good quality wise with some nice touches. The tank hinges and can be flipped up for access, nice! Oil filter and sump plug easy to access, battery in a sensible spot, plugs easy enough to access with a little patience. It’s a pity I only picked it up recently and the weather might not last much longer!
xj900s rear brake dragging
Did you ever get to the bottom of this? I have a similar problem with a TDM850....
TDM 850 Handguards
Rookie error No.1, do not visit a motorbike shop under any circumstances, ever! I made this mistake on Saturday morning and came away with Acerbis handguards for a gazillion quid, yes they fitted straight away and yes, they look pretty good. Only tiny wee problemo being the twist grip doesn't freely whizz back of it's own accord like it used to...it still returns but not quite so quickly. Further investigations required once I've sussed out the seized rear calliper....
TDM 850 Handguards
Thanks Airhead but these guards are exclusive to the V-Strom. There's quite few sets available but I'm loathe to spend 10 to 15% of the bikes value on new hand guards! Maybe some old milk cartons with the side cut-out might do??????
TDM 850 Handguards
I'm determined to keep my '94 Tedium on the road over the winter but my hands are freezing already! Any thoughts / advice on handguards. I've ordered a couple of pairs but nothing seems to fit.
two stroke oil pump setup
My local dealer came up trumps with the shims, didn't seem to be a problem. Carrick Motorcycles in Edinburgh, and they have a postal service.
DT250MX Oil Pump Set-up...
I was hoping to take it for it's MOT and thought the tester might have a view on the smoke cloud! I do have a manual, bought from a Yamaha dealer in Wales on eBay, but it is hopeless - paid £18.95 for it too! Going for a bit greenlaning this afternoon, will let you know how it goes...
DT250MX Oil Pump Set-up...
Slipping clutch fixed but has revealed a poor mixture set-up, there's a lot of smoke and I am hoping it's a simple oil pump adjustment. My bike is a 1977 DT250MX but the manual I have seems to show a different pump. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?
two stroke oil pump setup
I've got the same issue but can't find shims anywhere, can you help?
Clutch slipping - oil or springs?
Plates did get a soaking overnight. New springs arrived and they are clearly a mm or two longer and twice as hard to compress with your finger tips; fingers crossed, this could be it!
IP Board App
I have tried downloading the IP Board App but it doesn't seem to work. What is it and is it worth having?
Clutch slipping - oil or springs?
Thanks Airhead, I found out about the slipping clutch on the rolling road in my garage! Fingers crossed about the clutch springs, if not, I definitely give the XS friction plates a go.
Clutch slipping - oil or springs?
Popped in Putoline Light Gear oil, it says it is specially formulated for wet clutches. Must be the clutch springs, new ones are on order, I'll get them fitted after weekend and give it a go. Almost feeling brave enough for an MOT!
Clutch slipping - oil or springs?
Aaargh! My clutch is slipping. The handlebar clutch lever is moving freely, the cable is lubed and moving freely, I have just replaced the friction plates and followed Airhead's set-up tips. The clutch operation seems really good but when the 'powerband' snaps in the clutch slips. The only thing I can think of is the clutch springs or the choice oil. The oil is new too. Any help hugely appreciated.
New member intro - DT250MX
Note to self, when sticking the front wheel back on have the tabs on the spacer / washer for the speedo facing the right way...
DT 250 Clutch Adjustment
Thanks Airhead, had a look and sure enough, under all the grime, there is a wee pip and a pointer! Just awaiting friction plates and I'll getting building it back up.
New member intro - DT250MX
Oops, managed to make my first post without introducing myself! I'm up in Crieff, Scotland with a 1977 DT250MX in pretty good nick until I started to meddle and discovered bodge jobs from front to rear, no matter I'm working my way through them. I'm no stranger to bikes but the arrival of two Sprogs resulted in me being advised strongly to get rid of the bike! I then bumped into a lad in the pub who had this bike lying in his shed for 14 years and had barely used it, a couple of beers later I found myself trudging back to the house with the bike! Story so far: Exhaust manifold studs snapped off in the head - fixed Bodged bearing spacer in back wheel - fixed Stripped barrels nuts - fixed Faulty speedo - fixed Holed exhaust - fixed Silencer missing - fixed Worn clutch - work in progress Electrics not working at all - to be started Tacho not working - fixed I've been struggling with parts but eBay has come up trumps. My trusty Haynes manual does not give adjustment for the plunger in the centre of the clutch basket, I was given a tip yesterday so will try that out as soon as the plates arrive. (The plunger seems to govern how far the clutch plates are separated.) I'll let you know how the clutch is and, hopefully, the electrics will be an easy fix and then it's off for an MOT!
DT 250 Clutch Adjustment
Thanks for that, can't remember if there's a pip on the engine case but will check tomorrow. Just got the bike a month or so ago and it seems to have been bodged from one end to the other! None of the electrics seem to be working either, that's the next adventure.
DT 250 Clutch Adjustment
I'm replacing the friction plates in my 1977 DT250MX and there is an adjuster in the centre of the basket. Does anyone know how to set this properly.