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Everything posted by danstzr125belgarda

  1. Ok so I have tried another coil which I know works and it does the same runs for a small amount of time and then dies, there's no spark even with a change of plug. I have cleaned all the earths up. Any other ideas people??
  2. Ok wicked thanks guys ill let u know how I get on
  3. I had it running twice yesterday after the break down both times ran for a bit then died, both times I changed the plug for a new 1, but both times there was a cooling down period which would obviously allow her to start again, I'm guessing your directing me towards the coil breaking down or possible bad earth? After a late night last night I cleaned the carb an checked the breathers, checked the tank breather the internal filter and changed the in-line filter, there is plenty of compression, cleaned the air filter. Tonight I had planned to plough my way through the electrics.
  4. Hey all, so i roke down again, this time i was riding along the rev counter dropped and the engine just died. I got my mate to pick me and the bike up in his van got her home and stripped her down cleaning carb new plug fresh inline filter and gave the battery a good charge. I put everything back on switched her on and she fired up no problem i started to put my gear on leaving her to warm up and just as was at running temp the engine just died and wont start again. Is there anyon who has come across this problem before? previous to this break down she has been running very well its about 700 miles since the rebuild and has plenty of compresion
  5. it was the spark plug by the way
  6. Have made a step in the right direction, she is alive an kicking and is also perfectly happy in the bottom end of the revs but stutters just before hitting the valve and the engine dies if i try to push past 9000 revs drop to about 6000 and then comes back to life again. i have tested the voltage at the battery when its running and am getting a reading varying between 13.5 and occasionally 14.5 but is more 13.5 could this be my problem? the new reg rec is due tues/wed which hopefully should produce a constant reading of 14.5
  7. " A friend has the same bike. I will ask him what manuals he has as he may have downloaded some. I have a parts catalogue for the 4HW which is very similar I beleive? There isnt a haynes manual for the bike unfortunately but you may be able to get a service manual online. Let me know if you want a parts manual. The reed block will be the same as the D125R so you could take the clearances from that i expect. " As far as I'm aware there are the 4DL and 4HW belgardas (I may be wrong) this came with the 250 fairings and the 4hw had the boot under the seat and battery mounted on the side instead of under the seat. I'm not 100 percent on my info as its all been dribs an drabs from different people, websites, and bike shops. A full service manual would be what I was after but out of interest what how detailed is the cataloge does it have every part no mater how small? Haynes include the TZR125R in the DTR manual but is not any where near detailed enough to meet my needs as it only covers the basics of the engine it doesn't go into all of the differences between the 2 bikes, I can try the clearances for the reeds from there though.
  8. "What was actually wrong with the reeds, with all the 2 strokes i have had its something i have never had issue with. They just work. The stutter just at the valve is intreging me more?" 1 of the reeds had broken a corner off meaning fuel was always allowed to pass through and none of them sprang back closed particularly well. I believe the stutter is due to the reg rec again as I bought a 2nd hand 1 from ebay and although it was working for the first week as I tested to see what reading I got from the battery when running it seems to ave given up aswell so I have a brand new pattern 1 on its way
  9. Hi all, My TZR 125 R belgarda is giving me a massive headache, it won't run right and keeps dying on me (I'm currently sitting on the side of the road as I write this) when I first got her she would run but wasn't very happy about hitting the valve and eventually gave up the ghost on me which turned out to just be reeds, however I then felt that as I had stripped the top end off I would replace the piston rings little end gaskets etc along with the reeds. After the rebuild she started up fine but wouldn't do more than 45mph which it turns out was due to some bad info about setting up the power valve after spining that round 180 she was almost riding perfect except was a bit stuttery about between 6 an 7 grand as its only 250 miles into runnin in I wasn't willing to allow it to hit the valve properly but wanted to make sure it was working so just touched the valve and was fine stopped at my bosses house on the way to work, I then left there and promptly broke down 15mins later. It behaved the same way as it did last time it died so I suspect it to be the reeds again, does anyone have explicit knowledge about these bikes or know where I can get a manual that will include things like clearances for reed valves etc. So I can check everything is as it should be? The list of mechanical/electrical parts far fitted so far: Reg rec Power valve servo Reed valves Piston & rings Little end Head, barrel, exhaust and inlet gaskets Starter relay New spark plug Brake seals front and rear Please help me someone, this is a rare bike and just want her to run properly for more than a few miles
  10. hi she is already up and running new fork seals, gearbox oil, fresh plug and filters, fuel etc, flushed the radiator, brakes all new seals, new starter relay new power valve servo (now that was hard work to find) she starts on the button and ticks over lovely but i kinda did this months budget already so next month will get her MOT'd and a general health check make sure theres nothing i missed then on to the cosmetics. which is only a few minor cracks a set of mirrors, get the outer leg of the forks re-chromed, the biggest job being the swing arm as my friend not knowing much about bear metal and air had a patch of paint crack off and polished the patch up then deciding it would look better if he stripped all the paint and polished it up hence its come to me covered in surface rust I would like to get hold of another swing arm to save me having to rush the original as I would like to take her to a couple of the runs or shows this year
  11. I work in a bodyshop by the way so dont worry all the work will be top quality this bike has become my new baby and I want to restore it to its former glory
  12. This is the idea i dont want to rush the repair in a weekend I would like to be able to take it to work an take the time to do the repair and its also handy to have a spare lying around
  13. Hi thanks, I was completely unaware he was going to turn because he stopped before turning so i made the mistake of assuming he had stopped for me being my right of way but as my front wheel was level with his car he just turned into the side of me its quite a scary situation to find yourself in, but what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right?
  14. Its not the cost so much as saving me the time as I will just prep and re-paint it myself but I have stumbled across a swing arm for £20 painted including postage, its second hand and has got a couple nicks where the chain has caught it a couple of times so just thought if it will fit would just be quicker and easier. the only parts i really have are a couple of the power valve servos but as far as I can tell its a case of there were 3 broken servos and so 1 good 1 was made of the parts, my friend believes he has other bits and pieces lying around but only damaged fairings, mirrors and maybe the standard exhaust but nothing engine wise. Im always looking for spare parts online even if i dont need them so if i find any ill give you a shout.
  15. Hi All, It would appear I have made a school boy error and out my first post up i the wrong forum asking questions without an intro. My names Dan Im from kent. I recently joined the yamaha side of biking when my friend approached me with a sorry for itself non-runing tzr 125 r belgarda the 4DL model and so a trip in a van later and here I am the now proud owner of a yamaha. I have had a couple of bikes over the years nothing flash or special couple 125s and a 400 but this is my first road bike since 2006 when i was involved in quite a serious accident in which i nearly lost the use of my right arm ( thanks mr mondeo driver who was coming towards me on the other side of the road and wanted to turn right across my side of the road), but after some experimental nerve grafting surgery (Thanks to Stanmore Hospital) I was recently given the green light by the docs and this has not put me off of biking although its made me a lot more warey of the other guy.
  16. Hi, Im not new to biking but am new to owning a yamaha and am trying to do a bit of research about my bike hoping there is someone out there who has the knowledge i need to aquire. Basicly I have managed to get my hands on TZR 125 R Belgarda 4DL, although mechanically its sound as a pound ( after a bit of TLC and some minor parts) however cosmetically there are a few odds and sods to sort out, the worst being my extremely rusty swing arm, its only surface rust an can be prepped and painted but I was looking on ebay (as I tend to do as i like to keep an eye out for the rarer parts you never know when you may need them) and noticed a few swing arms on there most of which are nothing like mine but there are a couple that look the same and are a reasonable price but say they are from a 4HW 4FL is this the same swing arm as mine? will it fit?? I have asked the seller if they have any more info but unfortunatley they are unable to say if its the same or not. Does anyone out there have the answer?? Thanks