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Monster Energy DTR

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Everything posted by Monster Energy DTR

  1. So I'm getting myself another DT soon (31st March - 17th birthday), this time it'll be a road legal one, had my first DT 125 at 13 and have been in love with them ever since. got a £2000 budget, just looking for a decent one, not many around.I'm planning to do a few mods to it, with about a £600 budget. I've been told about Boyesen Power Reeds but strugging to find them for the DT 125 RE in the uk, they'll have to be imported from America. My question is, what difderence will they make to the performance, is there a site where I can get them in the UK without them being imported, and are they easy to fit? Never done bike mechanics before, just basic stuff here and there... I don't really want to be paying shop labouring prices, (£50 an hour my local shop) so I'm hoping to learn a few things along the way with this bike. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Wasn't saying you called me a bodger Slice. Just thought I'd say that everything I have done to my bikes are done by shops. Most teenagers my age all bodge their bikes and act like twats on the road. I must be the odd one out. I actually tend to lose the L plates eventually, but I'm a DT lover so I'll always stick to the DTs which is why I'm looking for the visual mods aswell, insurance company will of course be told about visual mods, and the DEP system.
  3. Slice, money is no issue. When it comes to bikes I take pride in them. I've been riding since the age of 6 so I've been around bikes most of my life. I'm not a bodger when it comes to bikes, and any mechanical work my bikes need they always go in a shop to assure it's done correctly.
  4. Hi, new to this forum. I'm buying a Yamaha DT 125 RE soon (not sure which year yet) and I want to do quite a look of work to it, performance and visual. So I have a few questions. Can I put RFX levers on a DT? (Footpegs, gear shift, clutch, and brakes?). I will be putting a full DEP system on the bike. Can I have Boyesen reeds installed? Also other than the exhaust which derestrictions are there? I want to be able to get the best performance out of this bike.So if you can list some good performance/visual mods then I'd be grateful.
  5. Got a broken hand at the moment, can't ride mine. Perfect weather, too. D:
  6. The shopping trolley video reminds me of the time me and a couple of mates were in a shopping trolley being pulled along by a friends KTM EXC 250 and we ended up hitting a pot hole and went flying out. :L
  7. Great bikes, I recently bought myself a 2002 Yamaha DTR125. Stolen recovered, no frame or engine number, so turned it into an off road bike. Gets thrown all around motocross tracks with jumps, etc. And it doesn't miss a beat. Only paid £450 but it's had new front and rear Dunlop GEOMAX motocross tyres on it etc, which were hard to find since the rear wheel is an 18". Hadn't been looked after at all when I bought mine, seems like all they done was put petrol and 2 stroke oil in and that was it.