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Everything posted by StephenD

  1. not sure haha so i can top it up an see what happens ye? lol
  2. cheers it is suitable too the bike then an i can just fill ontop of whats in ? i need to top up not sure if its fully empty. i had a crippling issue a few months ago were i went into the red on the rev's and it just came too a stop and wouldn't start, an there was no oil in the bike.. cost nearly £500 too fix lol
  3. Hi is there any chance you could help me out with the oil ive bought? I have the haynes manual and for my bike 125 YZF oil type API grade SG or higher Oil viscosity 10W30 or 10W40 The oil i have is castrol Power 1 racing 4T 10W40 Fully synthetic Not sure were i find on the bottle the oil type... Will this be suitable do you no ? and will i have to empty any oil i have inside already or cant it be mixed, since im not 100% of what was put in last.. Thank you
  4. mine is stretching i think because it is the cheap stock one, what do you think would be the best within a reasonable budget of £40 ? Cheers (think I posted in a topic were im unlikely to get maybe people seeing it )
  5. StephenD posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    My chain keeps stretching and becoming very slack, I no im to buy a new one and was told gold ones are probably the best, having googled it though im not really finding much? How much would you say a worth while chain is going to cost?? Thanks.
  6. StephenD replied to StephenD's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks for that help
  7. StephenD posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    My bike is almost 3years old now, how do I find out the date it needs to be MOT'd? thanks
  8. StephenD replied to StephenD's post in a topic in General
    thanks for your post's that looks ideal, yet expensive for that bracket and the bag/box.
  9. StephenD posted a post in a topic in General
    Hey all, at the minute im going to work on my bike with my chain lock in a back pack and being heavy my back is feeling sore because of it, so im thinking of getting.panniers. I have a YZF 125, what would you think was better a saddle bag, (im thinking one with two sides for the seat behind me) or a tank bag? Also is there a site worth going on to get them at low price? ( Bought some Alpinestar boots recently for £140 were meant to be £200 though so got a good deal, but still quite poor till pay day lol ) Thanks
  10. StephenD replied to lotty's post in a topic in The Bar
    So potentially a normal key cutting place that does keys for houses can cut bike keys too? its probably silly of me but I thought you needed to go to the dealer lol I have heard story's of lock smiths, (clearly dodgy ones) who ask for address's when you get the key done, an then they know were your bike/house is an have an extra key copied to steal
  11. StephenD posted a post in a topic in Yamabyss
    Ive been on the road now, on my YZF for 3days and am glad too see the nice acknowledgement, I get from other riders,(at the minute just full licence holders, from what ive noticed) Giving me a little nod as they pass, It reminds me of the buses when they wave to eachother lol
  12. StephenD replied to StephenD's post in a topic in General
    Have done, cheers
  13. StephenD posted a post in a topic in General
    I am trying to post in the wanted section of the forum but its not allowing me, do I need a certain amount of posts before im able to request thing ? Thank You.
  14. Thanks guys, to be honest at 1st I struggled to get to grips with it (1st time on a bike)but got the hang of it before it was canceled lol fri 13th let hope theres not more bad luck! Got my jacket, helmet an trousers on order soon as im done friday, insure my bike an should be on the road
  15. StephenD replied to StephenD's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks a lot , Im over 50miles away in Liverpool lol I will google it see if I can find anywhere local !
  16. Just got to do the road drive.. Thanks alot
  17. StephenD posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey, I only have one key for my bike and my key safety is not great, always panicking about loosing it. I guess too be more safe would be the answer, but a 2nd key would be better. Since its not just a door key I assume I cant just go key cutting shop lol So where do I go to get one, and do I take bike documents to prove the bike is mine? Thanks in advance
  18. Hey all, I only have a 125, YZF at the minute, was not really a fan of bikes, ive choosen to get on one because my car insurance is silly priced. Had CBT issues last week (Radio Issue) ,so not on my bike yet, finishing CBT on friday so will be practising after the cbt hopefully Everyone is saying to me (and im sure it will happen) I will get the bug an fall in love with bikes and want a bigger one, so I wonder what my motorbiking future holds