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the bolt

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Everything posted by the bolt

  1. the bolt replied to the bolt's post in a topic in The Bar
    https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/308_18935673793_610313793_591594_6628_n.jpg Not the best pic but gives an idea..... the only thing it needs its the frame cleaning up a tad - We keep meaning to strip it down and get it shot blasted and re-painted....
  2. the bolt posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Everyone, I'm new here and really writing on behalf of my Dad. My Dad has a pretty mint 1980 250 XT. It runs like a dream and I have ridden it for years myself and my Dad has had it from new apart from when his mate had it for a few years and it came back to him. The only non-original part is the Micron Exhaust he has on it......original gold rims... The works.... It has lived its whole life being kept in the garage so never stored outside. Now my question is to what we do with it. I think my dad has had enough of it and it's time to move on but what is the best place for it to go? What's it worth and is it worth of some showroom or collectors place? Or is it just an old bike that no one is interested in? Personally I'd love to see it go to someone who will look after it for years to come. I'd appreciate your opinions..... Thanks Mike