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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch

    L-Plate F'd off

    Thanks for the feedback guy's. I've decided to put it back on immediately. F.Y.I. Ryan09, I felt the need to start a thread about me not displaying L-Plates to get other bikers opinions on the dilemma, as I am a new rider (on the road) so therefore have no experience on the matter. Also it was my understanding that people posting questions and seeking advice/opinions about problems or anxieties was one of the main purposes of a forum. Thanks guys.
  2. Grouch

    L-Plate F'd off

    I took the front L-Plate of my bike because it looked proper wank. The guy who owned the bike before me did a really shit job of putting it on. Now my XT 125 looks a lot better without it off, so I have decided to keep it off. I just carry brand new L-Plates in the packet on me, so if the Police pull me I can just say I'm about to put them on. Also I feel like a knob with L-Plates on.
  3. Good luck in finding the little bastards, I hope the scum fucks get what they deserve!
  4. Airhead you were right! The chain was really slack so I tightened it up. While I was checking I noticed two teeth missing from the sprocket, also the sprocket was really worn. I definitely need a new sprocket and possibly a new chain. Thanks
  5. I will check this, so it's nothing to do with the gears? I have just recently bought the bike and it had a 12 month MOT. Like a complete wanker, recently I set off with my bike chain around my back wheel because I forgot it was there.
  6. Hi Guys Recently my bike has started making a crunching/grinding sound all of a sudden as I'm just riding along. I think it is connected to the gears. Also when I set off in first gear it makes a clicking noise and like bounces. It has got worse and today it did it when I was going down hill. The best I can describe it is...... As though your riding along in top gear at 50 mph, then all of a sudden you drop it in to first and let the clutch out.???????????? Please can someone help me, I don't have a clue about mechanics and I don't want to ride my bike until it's sorted in case I make it worse. I thought it could be the gear oil needs changing, but I can't find it, I've looked in my owners manual and my Haynes manual but can't find nothing. My bike is an XT 125 X. Thanks
  7. My bike is an XT 125 X and I suppose I ride it pretty aggressively. I was wondering what those fuel additives were, the red one in the little bottle. Are they worth buying? I think I have noticed an improvement in my bike since filling it with super unleaded. I suppose for the extra 10p or so a litre, I might as well buy it, fuel consumption on a 125 four stroke is minimal anyway. Which is the best petrol station? e.g. Shell, Texaco, B.P., etc. I got told Shell were the best.
  8. The last time I was buying fuel for bikes it was four star. When I filled my bike up today I put super unleaded in because I didn't notice. What is the difference, and what are the benefits? But mostly is it wotrth it?
  9. I was debating whether or not to post this as it is embarrassing, but I thought fuck it. Since getting my bike I have fucked up a few times. I have dropped it twice, luckily no major damage was done. The worst thing I did happened the other day. I called into a Tesco to get a much and when I come out I saw a guy who I hadn't seen for ages. I got talking to him and then he went into Tesco. Anyway I started my bike and set off but, I had only set off with the fucking chain and lock around the back wheel. My heart sank when I had realised what I had done, but my initial thoughts were that no one had seen me because I felt a cunt. I took the chain off and the there was a clicking noise when the bike moved, luckily I wasn't that far from home, but I was thinking its going to cost me a bomb to repair the damage. Thank God after a quarter of a mile it sorted itself out and there seems to be no damage and the bike rides fine. I swear I can't believe how fucking dumb I was doing that. Has anyone else proper fucked up by doing similar shit?
  10. Thanks guys, the GPS looks like a really good idea. My paranoia has died down a little bit, but it is still doing my head in. I think I will buy an alarm.
  11. Ever since buying my bike last week I have been really paranoid and anxious about it getting stolen. The type of bike i have is very popular with bike theives (XT 125) and i just can't get it out of my mind that it will get stolen. I have two decent chains and locks which I use, but I know if a theif wants something they will get it no matter what the obstacle. When I am at work I have to keep my bike outside overnight and it is really getting to me.
  12. Thanks guys I underestimated my bike, I have realised that it is just right for the city. it is not slow, it is fast enough to keep up with the traffic and quick enough off the mark at juctions and traffic lights. I have been riding around all weekend on it and I think it is just right for how I am using it, for pleasure and to commute. I don't think I will bother with any performing enhancing mods, i will just improve the bike cosmetically.
  13. Hi I have just bought an Xt 125 which was a bargain. I am really pleased with it, it looks really nice and I think its cool as fuck but...... the only thing I am unhappy with is the speed and quickness of it. When I test rode it, it was sluggish. it wasn't properly warmed up, and I cant ride it properly until Saturday when I pass my CBT and my insurance becomes valid. Im not expecting too much of an improvement but I suppose for my first legal road bike, it will do. Are these exhausts worth getting that give them extra power? I have seen them on the net for around £250 - £280. How much of a difference will it make, and is it really worth buying? Thanks Guys
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