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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Hi, before anyone will give you any help you will need to just write a brief introduction about yourself in the relevant section.
  2. Grouch

    Speedo dilemma

    Hopefully this will be the case. I can't see why not with the technology these days. If I do have to fit a different speedo it will not connect to the existing loom. It will be a right ball ache.
  3. Grouch

    Which boots?

    On hind sight I could of used my initiative and done a forum search. I suppose there will be a few threads about the subject.
  4. Grouch

    Speedo dilemma

    I can remember how many miles it had done before it went on the blink, so I have a rough idea. MCE asked me how many miles were on the clock when I insured it.
  5. Grouch

    Speedo dilemma

    My speedo is knackered and if it can't be fixed I will have to get a new one. The problem is the speedo is digital and it had the mileage on it. How will this affect me when I insure the bike again or sell it?
  6. Grouch

    Which boots?

    Cheers guys, I have to admit I like the Spada boots and they are cheap, plus they will be more practical with only being ankle length.
  7. Grouch

    Which boots?

    I have realised I need some boots, but underestimated how expensive they are. Also all the the different types that are available. Initially I thought about some motocross style ones to match my bike and other gear, then I thought I need something more practical, so i thought about some normal Caterpillar/Timberland styler boots. I don't know what sort but I need some, I'm going to have to spend at least £100 to get a decent pair. Any advice/recommendations?
  8. Hi there, before you start asking questions and getting answers you just need to do an introduction in the newbie section. It doesn't have to be descriptive just keep it short and sweet if you want.
  9. Cool pic and nice bike, I could never have a box on a bike, or a rack. But they are really handy.
  10. Grouch

    My first pull

    There was three of them and as soon as I said I was doing a life saver check he couldn't take it and knew he was in the wrong then. Three coppers pulling me for nothing. Also it was a black mariah that pulled me, not even the traffic police, very strange.
  11. I agree! The same thing happened to me about a month ago. I was totally useless at the mechanical aspect of my bike, but it took me about 5 minutes if that to fit a new one.
  12. Just post a brief introduction about yourself in the newbie section.
  13. Grouch

    My first pull

    I have just been pulled by three coppers for looking over my soldier whilst changing lanes. Apparently by doing this you are acting suspiciously. It was only this afternoon me and my friend was having a conversation about how inept the police are. Yesterday my friend witnessed some youths burgling a garden shed and stealing a lawnmower and a strimmer. Throughout the incident my friend phoned the police and told them, but not surprisingly to me, the youths got away with it. Anyway I got pulled for looking over my shoulder. Once I explained myself the copper realised he was wrong so started been aggressive. He then tried saying I was looking at him, so then I told them that I wasn't happy and that as soon as I get home I'm downloading a complaints form from the Independent police complaints commission. As soon as I said this he backed off and said I could go.
  14. Pretty cool, but I wouldn't pay hundreds for one. I assume the more expensive ones are made from precious metals.
  15. Grouch

    Want want want!

    I've been fantasizing over one of these lately http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2012-MV-Agusta-F3-MV-AUGUSTA-F3-For-Sale-in-the-UK-/221011400124?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item33754e55bc
  16. Grouch

    The damn rain

    I had to go out today in the rain, so I got all my waterproofs on and out I went. I ended up enjoying it and before I'd realised I'd ended up on one of my excursions. I always end up just riding for the joy of it and see where I end up (yesterday I ended up near Emmerdale Farm). I have to admit it was really good learning and experience and because I had waterproofs on it wasn't that bad (although my feet are soaked) and because I've had a new front tyre fitted (Sport Demon) my bike still stuck to the floor, excellent tyres they are. One thing I learned was to avoid metal man hole/grate covers at all costs.
  17. Lol, no they work perfectly, I've just been out for 3 hour ride as well and the new brake is fine,it just feesl a little different than before but there's a brand new caliper and set of pads on now. When the weather is dry (hopefully tomorrow) I'm going to fit some new front pads so I'll have another look at the rear brake then.
  18. I got it sorted, I had a mess a bout with the pump and then bled it again. Its not as good as it was but it works perfectly. It was a complete pain in the arse and it didn't help doing it in the rain.
  19. Ive just got a new rear brake caliper and tried fitting it today. It is definitely the right caliper for my model of bike. The problem is whilst I am bleeding it, it isn't developing any pressure to press the pads against the disk. The caliper seems to be all working fine. I tried bleeding it continuously for hours today and still no joy. Does anyone have an idea on what the cause is? Thanks.
  20. Grouch

    The damn rain

    Very offputting, and then there's the added danger of the idiots on the road. My tyre slid over a wet grate the other day and it proper woke me up. Luckily I got it under control but it could have been worse.I'm not riding in heavy rain ever again.
  21. Grouch

    The damn rain

    The amount of times since getting my bike in March it has lashed it down is unbelievable. My whole street has more or less flooded now. Looks like it's going to be a while before I can go for a ride. I've ventured out in the rain before with waterproofs etc, but its not very nice and its dangerous, especially when the rain is this hard. Looks like its due to piss it down for the next week at least.
  22. Just thinking of punk music is giving me a headache lol
  23. Yipeeee I found one! http://www.amazon.co.uk/YAMAHA-LEVER-STARTER/dp/B008FOP2X8/ref=sr_1_41?ie=UTF8&qid=1341050563&sr=8-41
  24. Thanks DT , I've seen it. There's two, one with pads and one without pads. The one with pads is a bit cheaper but it ended earlier. I'm waiting for it to be re listed. I already have a brand new set of pads, so I might as well save myself a bit of money. It's just cost me £120 to have the tyre fitted.
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