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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I keep my bike outside under a cover. Even though it is getting covered it is still getting wet with damp and condensation. I plan on getting one of those metal sheds, providing my landlord allows it! But in in the mean time is there a spray or something I can apply to my bike to stop it from rusting?
  2. The dealer who bought it would have paid peanuts for it, that's probably why he wasn't so fussed giving it back.
  3. Thanks Beef, I'm at work at the minute so I can't check it properly until I finish. I hope it's not the carb, that's the last thing I need. I don't want to start messing with that.
  4. I've just had a quick look and I adjusted the screw that connects the throttle cable into the accelerator. I'm not 100% but I think this has done the trick.
  5. Yet more wingin from me........................ This morning on my way home from work my bike started to die down and lose power, the best I can describe it as is it sort of 'coughed and spluttered', this happened even though I had warmed the engine up. It then started to cut out when I had stopped at lights etc and not put any revs on. It has never done this before. It won't idle even if the engine is warm. I have had to ride around with the choke on to stop it stalling. I really don't know what the problem is but I'm guessing something wrong with the throttle.
  6. I once parked my bike in the town centre and when I came back two Eastern European birds were sat on it taking pictures of themselves. I thought fair enough they're not doing any harm. They were unaware I was watching them, so once they I thought they had had enough time I set the alarm off on my bike with my remote. They proper shit themselves it was proper funny. On a more serious note, I am always having people (kids especially) messing with my bike. Once I came out of the supermarket to find two kids messing with my bike. The worst thing was their mother was watching them and in a sense encouraging them. As I approached my bike they noticed me (although they did not acknowledge me) and continued to mess with my bike. So I asked the kids politely to not touch. Then the mother took offence and told me that they are only kids. I was really pissed off, I could tell she was a proper chavvy Jeremy Kyle wannabe slag. I couldn't belive that she was making me out to be in the wrong. I then politely explained to her that bikes are easy to damage but expensive to repair and that her kids might accidentally break something. Even though she went away then, she still did not understand my point of view. Stupid bitch, I dread to think what sort of adults her kids are going to become having her as a role model. I work with 16-25 year olds and some of them are problem kids who are from social services. One lad in particular was always messing with my bike. He burnt the cotton coverings on my chains, ripped my bike cover, was continuously setting the alarm off to annoy me, the worst thing he did was take a rubbery/plasticky cover from a cluster of wires near my headlight and throw it away, he then messed with the wires. Luckily he didn't cause any damage and I made a replacement cover. I wanted to strangle the little cunt, but obviously I couldn't.
  7. Grouch


    Before I went I had envisioned it as grubby little greasy spoon cafe. I don't know why but I had this picture in my head. What is that bike inside the actual cafe? Is it an ex race bike or something?
  8. If I was you Sniper I would use the time to research which bike it is you want exactly, and once you have decided (sounds like you already have) look at every option available. I personally would buy a used bike from a private buyer. Dealers are way overpriced. I got the bike I wanted for £1300, but the exact same year model was £1900 in the dealers. Also remember you will have to buy helmet, gloves, locks etc, so take that into consideration.
  9. Grouch


    It's not even a cafe really, it's a pub.
  10. Sorry Phil, let me elaborate. I haven't worn three sets of pads through use, I have replaced them because firstly someone sprayed my brakes with WD40. They did this through trying to be helpful and not to try and kill me. The second and third sets were replaced because they were squeaking every time I applied the brakes. This noise was really annoying me and it still continues, so I have come to the conclusion it is the discs which are causing the squeaking. I definitely need new discs because they are badly worn.
  11. Cheers Phil, Although I probably could do it myself after hours of stress and ball ache, I'm getting a garage to do it for me. I really can't be bothered with the whole rigmerole. I have now bought the speedo unit which cost £92 but can't fit it until I have bought the 'extra' mounting bracket which cost's £40 but the shop is out of stock. I thought the mechanic could mount it temporarily until the mount was back in stock, but he couldn't because of the wires coming out of the back (I instructed him to cable tie it to the original speedo). So now I have to wait for the part to come. I also need a new front and rear brake disc so I might as well fit the front one before I add the speedo because the speedo magnet part mounts to the front disc. Im going to fit the discs myself. With new discs I will have to fit new pads as well. I'm already on my third full set of pads since March.
  12. Grouch


    I only got my 125 in March so I'm not part of any club and none of my close friends have bikes, so at the moment I am riding solo. I did however take a ride to Squire's the other week as a sort of recon mission to find out exactly where it is etc. Even though it was a mid week afternoon there were plenty of bikes there ranging from vintage Triumph's to quads, I had a nosy round and now I know how to get there for next time. I intend on going to one of the regular events.
  13. Grouch


    I've bought the 'Vapor' model speedo from eBay. The shop was actually in my home city so I went to the shop in person. The speedo cost £92 and I need a mounting case which will cost approx £40, only they were out of stock. I'm waiting for the mounting to arrive then it's getting fitted by a mechanic. I actually had the bike booked in today to get done but I needed the mount as it couldn't be mounted to the original speedo as a temporary measure i.e cable tied because of the wires at the back of the unit. It is a magnetic piece that mounts on the brake disc. It is a really simple device so I could do it myself but can't be bothered. It will probably take an hour to attach. The speedo itself seems a bit plasticky and doesn't look like it would survive getting caught in a heavy downpour of rain. I suppose I can make a cover for it or something. The display light is blue. It has loads of functions but I will only use the speedo.
  14. Hi you need to post in the workshop or dual sport section. Also a lot more info is needed, supermoto covers a million and one things.
  15. I recently replaced mine and they went on without any major problems. My throttle grip went straight on but the opposite grip required some gentle force I. E. my hammer.
  16. When I buy the speedo on Monday I will have a look and see if it's easy enough for me to do it, I'm getting the one with neutral, indicator lightson as well so a bit more complex.
  17. Grouch


    This is the one I am getting http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Motorcycle-Universal-Trail-Tech-Vapor-Digital-Speedo-Dashboard-Silver-/170852059567?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item27c79389af It does not connect to your existing loom, it comes with it's own sensors etc. My 2006 XT 125 X is doing the exact same thing as yours.
  18. Grouch


    Like I said you need to buy the one I showed which does not connect to your existing loom.
  19. Yes the old Supermoto is comfortartable and very practical to ride about the city. I may even get another supermoto style bike, just a bigger engine. I was looking at a few Triumph explorer's today up at Squire's, very nice bikes.
  20. http://www.thisisbristol.co.uk/Accident-victim-s-bike-stolen-lay-injured/story-16661337-detail/story.html This is disgusting. The scum responsible needs a really good hiding.
  21. T, that would be ideal for me and instead of just sat there watching I could get involved and learn for myself. Dirty, I probably could fit the speedo but it would take me hours and really stress me out. I struggled to fit an alarm with four wires. I do only have basic tools but I probably could get by. I decided to get it done professionally to ensure it gets done properly.
  22. Grouch


    No it has all its own sensors etc so you you don't need to connect it to the existing loom.
  23. Grouch


    I'm buying one on Monday and getting it fitted Thursday. I will let you all know how it turns out.
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