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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I was born in 82 and have often thought about one day getting an 82 model bike to see how good they were in those days.
  2. Lovely bike, to me it just screams 80's, what year is it?
  3. After seeing that they were closing down I went to my local shop in Bradford. I was disapointed. After seeing tales of bargains that had been had by other people I was expecting to get a nice pair of boots and whatever else took my fancy. For a start the shop I went to was had only reduced items by 30% and the choice was very limited. It was mainly all the top end gear which even after a 30% reduction was still out of my price range. Did any one on here manage to get any bargains?
  4. Send the reg to that text checker, I did with mine. It telss you whether it's H.P.I. clear, a write off, or stolen. I think they are a few different ones so google the number.
  5. If your instinct tells you it's dodgy make sure you check it all over thoroughly before buying it. If it is stolen the current owner may not even be aware. I was in a petrol staion a few months ago and a guy funnily enough had a DT 125 supermoto, so I started talking to him and he said he didn't have a log book for it and he didn't think to ask. Some people really are just clueless.
  6. Hi and welcome, I love your xj6.
  7. Welcome, keep us posted about your project!
  8. You need one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Neoprenen-black-half-face-mask-motorbike-motorcycle-/260883700782?pt=UK_Helmets_Headwear_Balaclavas_Masks_Tubes&hash=item3cbde15c2e I have just ordered these today http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Neoprenen-black-half-face-mask-motorbike-motorcycle-/260883700782?pt=UK_Helmets_Headwear_Balaclavas_Masks_Tubes&hash=item3cbde15c2e
  9. Is this thread still active? I have a load of MCN's to send.
  10. How much did it cost? Are you selling it?
  11. This will be my first winter on my bike and as it's my only mode of transport I'm going to stick it out until the weather is impossible to negotiate e.g. 6 foot of snow. I'm going to buy some boots and some proper bikers trousers, and possibly some winter gloves. My motocross gloves are actaully winter ones but I don't think they will be up for the job.
  12. Hand guards make a real difference in the wind, rain, and cold. I was surprised how much of a difference they made after fit them. Glad things are going ok Bippo! Your YBR will never fail you as long as you don't neglect it! The wind is really dangerous especially on open roads, I live in Bradford and the weather now up North has started to change, it won't be long until winter has kicked in big time.
  13. Nice, I really like the style of those helmets. I have got used to my traditional moto-x one now though. I bought a mask that covers the lower half of my face, my mouth and nose and it's sorted all the problems out.
  14. This phrase always makes me laugh........ It does 90 on the flat, but i can get 105 going downhill.
  15. Hi i'm nit exactly sure but i think the more teeth that are on the front sprocket the faster the acceleration will be. I have a 2006 XT 125 X, great little bikes.
  16. No not yet but I think your right.
  17. Thanks for all the advice guys, it is a big help. I know that if I get a 250 that is is no slow coach, I will be happy with it and then a few months later when I have got used to the power I will be back to where I started, wanting a faster bike. I really can't be bothered buying/selling and dealing with insurance companies. After the advice I have been given on here I now have decided that a WR would be unsuitable. I have started looking at TTR's and I really like them. I have seen a cheap one so I am making my mind up. I know the DRZ is a really good option but I think I want to stick with a Yammy.
  18. Hi busyeddie, I have never ridden a TTR but from what I have read and heard they are just standard and nothing too special. I'm still undecided as to get another supermoto or buy a trail/enduro. The TTR's & XT's do look like really nice bikes, and they are definitely on my list of options. I read somewhere that WR's are YZ's that have been tuned down to equip them for road use. This does not seem the case though, I have noticed that they don't even have brake lights or indicators so it looks like I have been misinformed.
  19. Hi, could you give a bit more info about yourself? Where are you from, age, bikes you like etc?
  20. Hi Gerry, you will be fine with your CBT
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