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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. Grouch

    New Boots

    I'm going to lower the lever, when I get round to it.
  2. What, like carbon ones or something?
  3. Little shit. Kids today are horrible, thier attitudes are disgusting. I work with kids from social services and the only thing that gets mne through the shift is fantasising about throttling the little cunts.
  4. Check these out............... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-XT-125-R-Trail-2009-Replacement-Motorcycle-Clutch-Lever-Replica-/200812857777?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item2ec16109b1 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-XT-125-R-Trail-2009-Replacement-Motorcycle-Front-Brake-Lever-/130757524720?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item1e71c17cf0 You can more or less find every part you need on eBay. I would avoid Yamaha dealers because they are a lot more expensive.
  5. Grouch

    New Boots

    The weather is getting really bad now as well, it's constantly raining and freezing. My feet are a lot warmer now with them on.
  6. Welcome to the forum, another XT 125 owner!!! Soon we will have to start a an XT 125 section. Great little bikes.
  7. Hi Andy, welcome to the forum!
  8. Welcome, I'm sure you'll be wanting more than a 250 once you get your full licence, you'll soon get bored of a 250.
  9. Grouch

    New Boots

    Cheers, I'll adjust my brake lever, I never thought of that.
  10. Grouch

    New Boots

    Hi Bippo, I was struggling a bit at first and was even starting to regret buying them and wishing I had bought the same style as yours. They are that heavy and tight I can't move my feet at all they are stiff in a fixed position, whereas before I could just flick my foot up and down with my ankle. They are very chunky and clumsy and to be honest I felt a bit of a tit wearing them. Anyway after venturing out on my bike wearing trainers it didn't feel right, my feet felt really vulnerable and freezing cold compared to when I had my boots on. I'm getting used to them and I'm glad I bought them, I just wish I'd bought a pair sooner. I'm still making the odd mistake with the gears and rear brake but another week and I will be 100% with them. It might sound stupid but I feel a lot safer with them on for some reason. I just carry my trainers in a bag when I go to work etc.
  11. I can second this, since fitting my hand guards I noticed the difference straight away. The difference they make is excellent, they are great for protecting from the wind, cold, and rain.
  12. Someone on this forum told me that, when I was going to remove my rear footpegs.
  13. The XT 125 X is a 250 frame, thats why it has rear footpeges. I imagine you would have tyo do a spot of light modification, but I'm no expert. I have thought about swapping my XT engine, they aren't the fastest of 125's lol.
  14. Nice, looks really cool and retro. It has the same speedo as my bike The chain needs tightenin
  15. No it's air cooled, I'm not stressing, I just want to know for future reference.
  16. My new speedo displays the engine temperature and I was wondering at what temperature should I start to worry? My engine is only a 125cc 4T. What is normal?
  17. His sentence will have all been decided by his circumstances i.e. if he needs his licence to earn a living, or take his ill wife to the hospital everday etc. There is a time and a place for it, he obviously judged it very wrong and took a gamble that didn't pay off.
  18. I would replace the chain and sprockrets with a decentish one, it doesn't have to be the most expensive. I think it's the sprocket, if the dealer didn't replace it when he fitted a new chain (which should of been done regardless of the age of the sprocket) and the same problem has reoccured, then it's likely to be the sprocket causing the problem.
  19. Grouch

    New Boots

    I've just been out for a ride again and I am starting to get used to them. It will take me a few more rides though. The first time I went out I kept knocking it up two or three gears or knocking it into neutral, and pressing the back brake. I used to rest my foot above the braker but I can't now because the boots are really heavy and I can't feel a thing. It's like anything though, practice makes perfect. I will eventually get used to them, one thing is certain, I definitely need them. I even felt safer with them on.
  20. Grouch

    New Boots

    Well, went out for a few hours today and right from the start it was clear the new boots were problematic. The boots are so heavy, and I cannot feel a thing in them. As soon as I set off I could not chage gear properly and kept pressing the back brake by accident as I could not even feel that I was doing it. I have gone from wearing trainers and being able to feel every little detail to nothing at all. In fact it is pretty dangerous. Anyway I persevered and started to get used to them little by little. Even after a few hours of riding I am still not 100% whilw wearing them. I hope I can get used to them fast.
  21. Grouch


    Cheers, I have one as well.;
  22. Grouch

    New Boots

    Thanks, I just hope it doesn't piss it down. I'm not bothered about the cold but I can't handle getting soaked to the bone.
  23. Grouch

    New Boots

    I haven't worn them yet, I don't want to get them dirty lol, it's my day off work tomorrow so I'm going to get all kitted up and for a ride around the moors. All I need now is some proper armpoured trousers.
  24. Happy for you, nothing worse than a bike in a state of disrepair.
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