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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I think I'll just leave it,. it's not that much of a problem.
  2. Grouch


    The fee is only 10p so I'm not really bothered. I just can't understand why someone would bid on an item and not pay for it.
  3. Grouch

    Jimmy Saville

    I think this whole Saville thing going on is very bizarre. All of a sudden tens of people are coming forward stating that they knew Jimmy molested young girls. What use is it now he is dead? I think the people who knew about this and let it continiue are as bad as him and responsible for countless acts of abuse for allowing him to continue. I think the problem was Jimmy was so high profile and loved by millions that no one dared to challenge him, and the BBC let it all continue because he generated them millions and boosted their ratings. I have just been reading that John Peel was also a paedo who in fact married a fifteen year old girl in the U.S. Times were very different in the 60's when he did this but still! I think there must of been a culture of their behaviour within a select group of celebreties back in those days.
  4. So the bike has come back in a worse state than what you left it in with the mechanics? The same thing happened to me, just because they are a 'Yamaha' garage doesn't mean they are 100% trustworthy.
  5. Grouch


    Thanks for the responses guys, I have sent him two invoices, the duration in which to pay is five days. I dion't really know what posessed me to sell something on eBay anyway, it seems like a lot of messing about. I'm a bit pissed off because the guy is getting something half the price that it even sells in game shops for half the price, and they still can't be bothered paying promptly. I use eBay to buy most of my motorbike stuff and I always pay instantly. The other thing is I don't want to get bad feedback from the guy.
  6. Grouch


    My bike looks like its just been resprayed now
  7. Grouch


    I recently sold a video game on eBay to try it out. I have never sold on there before. The guy who won it hasn't paid me four days on, am I meant to do something to initiate the payment? I sent him an invoice with my email and requesting PayPal payment.
  8. Grouch

    my new bike

    Nice bit of kit mate
  9. Welcomr to the forum, you will definitely get plenty of info on here.
  10. I think I will start changing it every months, I've got a magnetic plug as well to put on it, it says it attracts all the microscopic metalic crap and keeps at the bottom near the plug.
  11. Just out of curiousity is it a big expensive job to fix? I would rather get it sorted if it's not a ballache or going to cost me a bomb.
  12. Nope it is well and truly knackered. I'm selling the bike after Xmas anyway so if it's going to cost me a bomb I won't bother fixing it.
  13. On that note I better change it. I ride my bike daily and ride it hard as well, so it's long overdue I better start comparing oil types and brands now. I'm not going to put cheap crap in it.
  14. Thanks, I have resorted to removing the key when I am riding the bike. I will spray some WD40 in it now.
  15. Grouch


    Spray it in the lid or another container and apply it with an 1/2" paint brush.
  16. Grouch


    I put it everywhere including my chain. Everything metal got coated in it, apart from the braking systems. I think it also will act as a lubricant for the chain. (I may be wrong).
  17. Grouch


    Finally got round to applying my ACF-50 and straight away I realised how little I needed! It cost me £13 and it will last me for many years. Definitely a must have!
  18. My ignition key has suddenly started jumping out of the barrel whilst I am riding, I don't know what has happened and I nearly lost it, luckily it stayed on the dash area. Is it ball bearings that hold it in place when you put it in the ignition?
  19. Wtf happened there? What I meant to write was..................... It just got me thinking after reading classified ads saying oil changed after every ride, or every four rides.
  20. I never thought of that. It just got me thinking when I have bg oil changed every after ride or every four rides.
  21. I haven't changed the engine oil in my bike since buying it 6 months ago. How often do I need to change it?
  22. I've changed my mind again. I am going to buy a BMW G450X http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=bmw+450x&hl=en&sa=X&biw=1366&bih=643&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsfd&tbnid=3jsnb8IrHjEkTM:&imgrefurl=http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/model/bmw/bmw_g450x%2520fac%2520eip.htm&docid=dJk15b2diF11vM&imgurl=http://www.motorcyclespecs.co.za/Gallery%252520B/BMW%252520G%252520450X%252520Factory%252520Replica.jpg&w=833&h=648&ei=TRJvUMVqg7jRBfWqgYgL&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=0&sig=113440302852984756155&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=187&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:93&tx=405&ty=301
  23. Hi Egghhead, I also have a 2006 XT 125 X and unfortunately for us XT owners the speedo's breaking is a common problem. The only solution is to buy an aftermarket speedo and fit that. There is no point buying a Yamaha one because it will just break again in time. I have just recently replaced my speedo with this one and it is excellent, in fact it is better than the Yammy one. I know it's a bitch but thats the only way, this is the speedo I have just had fitted, I highly recommend it. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Trail-Tech-Vapor-Digital-Speedo-Dashboard-Stealth-Motorcycle-Universal-/140842979969?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item20cae55281#ht_2380wt_819
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