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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. When it comes to it, I've got a feeling that I won't be able to bring myself to sell my bike. I might just have to put it into storage and sorn it.
  2. Utd always get the n=benefit of the doubt and the decisions that ultimately win them the game. It is pathetic.
  3. Did he have a fat cigar by any chance?
  4. Everything on mine has thinking about, for example the aftermarket speedo I bought. I have brought it up to a nice standard now, so really it does not need anything. I'll have to see what happens at the M.O.T.
  5. This is what I keep replacing............. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-XT-125-X-3D64-2006-125-CC-Front-Brake-Lever-Stop-Switch-/270944479150?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item3f158ca7ae
  6. I hate him lol, the money they make is ridiculous. They should have a limit on what they make. It won't be long now until a player starts to make a £1M a week.
  7. Football is a contact sport, players regularly get their legs snapped. I like tthe skill and grace which goes into a game. It is just a stereotypical view that football is a faggots game. There is a lot of physical contact and aggression involved. But everybody has their own views on thge world. I personally can't stand cricket or golf.
  8. When I did a search on eBay, the only ones that come up were the plastic ones. I'll have a look into it. Cheers.
  9. The front brake light switch on my bike has packed in now for the third time. Could there be a reason that is causing this to happen? I bought the replacements from eBay and they do seem a bit flimsy, but what else are they going to make them out of, apart from plastic? I'm sick of changing them now, but obviously it's my brake light so I can't not replace it. Surely it can't be normal to for it to keep breaking.
  10. I think I'm done now tarting her up, she is in good nick and fully working. From now on it's just going to be essential parts etc. I can see myself not being able to sell her when the time comes, and just keep her stored away lol.
  11. I'm sick to fucking death of Utd getting their own way every fucking game. For years on end we have seen Utd get all the decisions to go in their favour. It is spoiliong the game. They get offside goals, penalties, the players order the rewf to send opposing players off. It is pathetic. When they are losing they get extra time until they score an equaliser or/and a winner. I really fucking hate them now, they are spoiling the game. On sunday because Chelsea come back from two nil down, surprise fucking surprise, players get sent off and a clear offside goal is allowed. Torres was fouled. They are so fucking shit they need an offside goal to beat 9 men. Also the majority of Utd fans are complete wankers who are deluded, and don't know the first thing about football.
  12. Grouch

    mod 1

    Haha can't lasses be mates?
  13. Grouch

    mod 1

    Well done mate, won't be long now until you can rip those Loser plates up.
  14. Haha, if I had kids I'd have to resort to running a scooter or some other piece of shit that cost next to nothing. It's ace not having kids to drain all my money. But I think it has to happen someday. It's not the fact that I'm spending money on the bike, it's more the fact that come March, some lucky person is going to buy my bike for probably less than I paid for it, and inherit my labour of love. They are going to benefit from all my time, effort, hard work, and of course all the money I pumped into it.
  15. I should think so after all the money I have spent on it. I could have bought a decent crosser with all the shit I have bought for it.
  16. I have just realised just how much money I have spent on my bike. Everytime I see something on eBay I cannot resist buying it. I have just bought a new bash plate and foot pegs. Really I didn't need either. I am selling my bike in March so the person who gets it after me will be getting a really good bike which has had no expense spared. I have nearly spent what I paid for the bike in parts, extras and labour. I want ti to be a really nice bike to look at, ride, and to function perfectly, but all my time, expense, and hard work is just going to benefit the person who gets her next. I think I'm finished buying extra's for her now. From now on it is just needs must basis.
  17. I have contemplated changing the engine. I would go for it as well if I knew it would be a straightforward job and wouldn't cost me a lot of money at the hands of a garage. I spend every day thinking about my next steps and weighing all my options up. I don't want to just jump up straight to a 600 from my 125. I want a 450 for a year and then I will move on to 6/7/800 adventure style bike. Eventually I will get a sports bike for the weekend, a sports bike would be no good to me to use everyday as a commuter. It would be very impractical and extremely uncomfortable. I like my enduro/supermoto/adventure style bikes because they are perfect for commuting every day.
  18. I don't think my Vespa had mirrors on it, and my XT doesn't because I took them off as they were useless.
  19. I've had plenty of field bikes when I was a kid, me and my mates were always ragging them around the local fields, and other suitable places. The first time I hit the road was when I was 16, I bought a 1981 150cc Vespa Douglas and I loved it. I used to get up at crack of dawn in the morning and go out on it all day. Living in Yorkshire I always used to go around the countryside on it, it was ace. I'd just left school, and it was summer, and I used to go cruising round on my Vespa all the time. Until one day a big hole blew in the exhaust just as I was riding past sopme horses, it wasn't very nice. It was loud as fuck and sounded horrible. After that I sold it to my mate and he took it to bits and left it to rot in his garage up until a few years ago a guy bought it and restored it. It is a very nice bike again. It is worth a lot of money as well. I think I paid £450 for it which was a bargain.
  20. I have to admit I had my heart set on one, I really liked the look of them. But as you say an accident waiting to happen. A new inexperienced rider like me jumping form an XT 125 X (lol) to WR 450 would of most likely resulted in death, injury and/or the death, or injury of others. After I was told about the power I did some research and quickly found that everyone was saying ther same thing..............they are too powerful for road use. I keep changing my mind as of what model to get next. Currently I want a BMW G 450 X, but most likely will change my mind before the time comes to buy a bigger bike.
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