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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I have a megadrive classics game for my Xbox with 40 mega drive games on.
  2. The speedo's on XT's are wank, eventually it will stop working altogether. You might as well just buy a new one like mine. It will just keep fucking up and blag your head.
  3. I think it more young car drivers that cause accidents, I think concerning bikes, it's mostly middle aged men who are involved in accidents (including fatal). I may be wrong though. I'm moving to Idaho lol
  4. I got told by someone at Uni that Macs and iPhones were unhackable. Naively I thought this was one of the reasons why they were so expensive. I have to admit, I think one day I will get a MacBook, just to be a flash bastard lol.
  5. Yes football is a very tactical game.
  6. You are clearly a more superior intellectual than I am, or ever could be.
  7. I was under the understanding that this section was for letting off a bit of steam about ones personal grievences. Just because I am not a Utd fan, that does not make me bias towards them. For years I have seen Utd get the benefit of the doubt and decisions awarded in their favour week in week out. I only know a handful of Utd fans who are not deluded and can accept the truth, that Utd get a lot of help from the officials. The rest are obnoxious, braindead, fools. The fact of the matter is..........I love football so whether it is a Utd player or a Barcalona player that dislays an array of skill, entertainment, and class, I will applaud, enjoy, and savour the performance regardless of my affiliaton to Bradford City or Chelsea. Before you start, yes Bradford and Chelsea! Why? Because I like to watch and enjoy football and Bradford City (My home town) aren't the best of teams, so I like to watch Chelsea in the Premier League because I like their style of football. My passion for guitars, synthesizers, vinyl/turntables is strong, but unfortunately I am not very gifted musically. Although if I had more time to spare I would be able to practise a lot more and become a more competent player. I am not exactly sure what a Mellotron is, I belive it is some sort of keyboard? Although your claim to have worked with Tony Banks is admirable, I found your Kant joke to be poor, but I suspect we don't share the same sense of humour.
  8. Welcome to the forum
  9. I wish I could deristrict my 125 XT, the only thing I can do is buy one of those slip on exhausts for £250 and get about 3 extra hp.
  10. Haha I am, I'm 30 next month, I'm not going to fanny about with fucking restrictions. I wouldn't do that to a bike. My insurance on my 125 is paid up until March so I'm waiting for that to run out, then I'm getting a 600 SuperMoto. I was just curious about the restriction devices.
  11. I doubt a lot of people will leave their bikes restricted. I mean will traffic police bother to check a bike if they have pulled it over for speeding or having no brake lights. I bet a lot of coppers don't even know about them.
  12. How do restrictors work, I suppose they are different types?
  13. Hi David, Yes it uses pressure, I have had an XT since March and have not experienced any problems. Also I have not heard of anyone else having the same problem. The most common problem on XT's is the speedo failing and needing replacing.
  14. Welcome to the forum, if you can't sleep take your bike out for a spin, the roads will be dead at this time on a Sunday morning.
  15. I have just been thinking about people who have restricted their bikes because of their licence. I am wondering if anybody actually sticks to having their bike restricted or just removes the system/device as soon as they have had it fitted and got their certificate. It must be very tempting to do this, I bet a lot of people just fuck it off, especially younger ones.
  16. Well done on passing and welcome
  17. Xt's don't have petrol taps, they work by gravity.
  18. Haha it seems I'm three months behind whats going on.
  19. Galaxies are more or less the same as iPhones because Samsung ripped Apple off, thats why they got sued lol. Yeah MacBooks are too overpriced, my laptop cost £350 and it was top spec when I bought it. Apple know people will buy their products thats why they are so overpriced, and they bring an upgrade out every 6 months. Take the iPad mini, for an extra 30/40 quid you can get a normal iPad. Theres no point in it.
  20. Obviously I have been mis-informed, you really can't believe everything you read and hear. I still think iPhones are the best. I don't own a MacBook, a grand for a laptop is just ridiculous.
  21. Wow Ttask, you really don't like Apple lol
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