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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. The first thing people do if they fuck up is look around to make sure no one saw them haha, today I was out and although all the main roads are clear, a few side and backstreet's are just slush and I lost control about 5 times today but luckily every time I regained it. That snow-slush shit is lethal.
  2. I still use my MX style one as well, I like using the different coloured Oakley lenses. Now weather is colder this one is just a bit warmer.
  3. Hi Guys, I have been off the radar lately due to hectic work/uni/life commitments, anyway I hope everyone has been safe and well. I have become really lazy and started to neglect the care of my bike through stress and tiredness. I have noticed today that it is pretty corroded, now I do have ACF-50 which I applied but it mustn't of been enough. There are no major problems with the bike but here is what is bugging me and needs sorting out........... 1) Bash plate has come loose somehow, so after failing to cable tie it (temporarily) I have removed it. 2) Corrosion around the bike, rust etc, looks shabby 3) Electric start knackered 4) Headlights knackered after I upgraded bulbs, now only high beam works, and the bike will only start with high beam on Now I know these don't seem serious but I don't have a clue about electrics and I can't be bothered paying a garage. Also what can I do about the corrosion? I want to fully restore and service the bike for spring so it is perfect to be sold on. Also the money I had for my test I spent it on a fucking iPad, so now I have to do the test under new laws.
  4. Grouch


    What are cylinder deposit build ups?
  5. Yes Blackhat always blue to match my Yammy! I'm really pleased with it, it's a really good fit as well.
  6. Grouch


    Cheers guys, and dt this is why I'm using it
  7. I've just bought a new helmet. I wanted it last year but everywhere was out of stock so I bought a traditional MX helmet. I still like my old helmet, but I must admit I am really impressed with this one. It even has flip down sun glasses which will come in handy, also it was great value for the money I paid. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WULFSPORT-2013-PRIMA-SPEED-MX-ENDURO-DUAL-SPORT-MOTOCROSS-MOTORCYCLE-WULF-HELMET-/190736997009?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Helmets&var=&hash=item2c68cf9a91
  8. Grouch


    I've just bought some Redex after being advised to, my tank only has a ten litre capacity and it says you have to put half a bottle to fifty litres! Will it matter if I put a little bit too much in because I can't get an exact measurement to put in.
  9. Cheers Gizmo, I'll buy some and try that. I always wondered what that stuff was for.
  10. It seems to have sorted itself out now. I think it's because I run the bike dry out of petrol the other day and some shit has got into the system.
  11. I don't have a clue about the carb, if I take it off I don't know I'd be able to fix it and put it back on correctly. I would end up making it worse.
  12. Hi Guys, Yesterday I was about fifteen miles from home and my bike started cutting out when I was stationary at lights etc. At first the bike would kick up again, but then it wouldn't. When I did manage to get it to start I had to use the choke, otherwise it would cut out again. Eventually it cut out and would not kick up again at all. I managed to bump it off and get home with the choke on. When I got home I left the bike for about six hours before I had to go to work, and it kicked up straight away. This morning the bike started first time and after I had warmed it up for ten minutes I turned the choke off and it cut out again, surprise surprise I had to bump it again. I daredn't go out on it now in case I get stranded. Has anyone got any suggestions to what the cause could be? Thanks.
  13. Try to figure it out first, you'll save a lot of money. At least have a go.
  14. Grouch

    fek fek fek fek

    Gutted for you, are you going to do the rebuild yourself?
  15. Check all the connections, I know it's a ball ache to get to the headlight but its probably a wire that has disconnected. My XT did exactly the same thing.
  16. Grouch

    Happy New Year!

    I would just like to wish all the members a happy new year. Also I want to thank everybody who helped me by answering my non stop barrage of questions, which must of got annoying after a while. I have learned a hell of a lot about maintaining my bike and my confidence has grown about tackling bike related problems, all because of you guys. Thanks hope you all have a great 2013.
  17. I doubt the 60's Jap bikes disintegrated in the rain though lol. Young lads just see a cheap brand new bike and jump straight in. Also they have a 3 year warranty, so they can't see the problem with Chinese bikes. They soon find out though when they can't even take it back to the dealers to be repaired because it has corroded away and snapped into tiny little pieces.
  18. TZR 125's are a great bike. I would love to own one, a decent condition TZR are hard to find now so it would definitely be worth buying and spending a bit of time and money getting it sorted.
  19. Grouch

    bike advice

    If you are stupid enough to buy Chinese bike, you deserve everything you have coming.
  20. Motorcycles are not legally obliged to have indicators, therefore it is not illegal to not have them. My old Vespa didn't have any. Even so you need them for safety reasons, I would get it sorted quick smart.
  21. That's what I've settled on an XT 600/660. You just can't beat the XT's they are brilliant all rounders. I think I'll get a wr still for weekends.
  22. I did it when I was locking her up , I chain her to a metal fence every night and the height of the fence allows the handlebars on top of it. I was a bit rough and the throttle and its housing got wedged on top of the fence. Just been out for a ride and it's fine. I have to admit though, I have a niggling feeling about it, like its going to fuck up again when I'm ten miles away from home.
  23. Cheers DD, I've managed to do a bodge job, I'm taking her out in a bit. I think it has snapped a bit but it seems to be working ok now. If it fucks up I'll just have to pull the cable. Just out of curiousity how come that one has two holes, what would two cables be used for?
  24. I think you were right first time DD, it looks like a bit has snapped off, or is it meant to be like that? http://i990.photobucket.com/albums/af25/jordangrace_photos/0B31655F-7D27-4C46-B347-CFC5FFFB1E0A-14809-00000E000CEFD16F.jpg
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