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Everything posted by Grouch

  1. I know Cynic I have just given up but you don't understand how soul destroying the whole ordeal has been. I am not being melodramatic but it has been one problem after the other and I really just can't be bothered any more. I want a newer bike with lesser owners. It might not even sell and if it doesn't I will get round to sorting it eventually. I really am beginning to despise the poor thing.
  2. Haha just realised who the high bidder is!
  3. Got two bids so far, how's that stupid? Currently at £550. Your wrong the first stupid idea was buying the bike, the second was spending too much money on it. Quite fucking frankly I am past caring, I am prepared to take a massive loss, I really couldn't care less. Also I can't be arsed stripping it down and selling it in bits. I was offered £500 last night but refused because I want to see the auction out. The most stupid thing about the whole fucking episode is that the new owner will probably get it sorted very easily and cheaply and have a trouble free time with it.
  4. I've had enough of the fucking thing. I have put the bike on Ebay. I have spent too much time and money on it and just have to accept I bought a shit bike through lackl of knowledge. The problem was the bike is seven years old and has had six owners who have obviously ragged the fuck out of it and abused it to death. I think I paid too much for it to start with (£1300) I just wanted a bike and rushed into buying one. This is definately a lesson learned. I have gone from loving the bike to hating the sight of her. Very pissed off now. Anyway next on the list is a WR 125 X, because of all the cost and farce the XT has cost me it has delayed me getting a full licence and a 2T. Anyway the bike is on eBay. I'll post a link in the for sale section.
  5. It's strange because my dad is a great mechanic who can fix anything from engines to washing machines, my grandad passed away a few weeks ago and at his funeral they were saying what a great engineer he was who worked at power stations and for the council. And I can only just about change a lightbulb. I must be the milk mans haha.
  6. I am going to have a look guys. Been consulting my manual and you don't need to remove the engine to get to the clutch etc. I am going to have a look tomorrow.
  7. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=yamaha+mt-01&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=eBaQUZ7YLMGj0QX_x4G4Bw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1024&bih=672#biv=i%7C1%3Bd%7CcOQsMW7xvv-N2M%3A
  8. It's def not the oil, I change it every three months and check it regularly.
  9. It won't go into first I can only get second and third that's it.
  10. Was joking dt, I would have to be a skilled metal worker to change mounts etc. I think that's what I'll do put a new engine in, a friend has agreed to help me. Just skint at the moment. Would sell it for the right price though.
  11. Been thinking of putting a 250 in it haha
  12. And at the same time I will give you my credit cards and pin numbers.
  13. If I bought the engine I know me and my friend could fit it, even if it did take 3 days haha. It can't be that complicated on a 4T 125.
  14. The 2T is on hold for now, I think the next bike I get will be a WR 125, just seen an XT engine for £300, but I think thats it now for the XT. I will buy myself a nice WR only a few year old then I can think about a 2T. Then I will do my test. Just can't believe work has cut my hours, otherwise I would've been tempted to buy a new bike on finance. I know your all thinking do my test but I want to stick to 125's for another year because the running costs are a lot cheaper. And I love them.
  15. Took the bike up to the garage this morning and the gearbox is shagged. He said by the time they removed and split the engine it would be cheaper to put a new one in. I think this is it now, I'm going to carry on riding the bike until it doesn't work at all and then I am bikeless. I had some money saved for a 2T but I have just had my hours cut at work so I used most of that to pay off my credit card. Realistically it will be September when I have a few grand for a new bike, could go down the finance route but things are uncertain at work. On my way home the fucking kickstart fell off ffs. I could curl up in a ball and start crying.
  16. Can't believe he got 8 months very harsh even if he did lie to the police.
  17. It only goes slack and loose when it is pushed into 1st.
  18. No it's not the clutch lever it's the gear shifter
  19. Hi, to get a response you will need to post an intro about yourself in the intro section. By doing this people will answer your questions. We have a lot of XT 125 X/R owners on here, including myself. Sounds like your battery is knackered that's why your bike isn't idling.
  20. Out today in the pissing down rain, set off at a green light and went to put my bike not 1st and the gear lever went really loose and slack. It went down really far and was loose. Wtf is up with my bike now? Please can someone help me? I'm hoping it just needs tightening or something.
  21. Grouch

    Latest Disaster

    about 3000 Bippo, and well done on the Mod 1 sounds about right lol.
  22. Your kind is not welcome on here no more! Haha only joking stick around, I'm sure there's plenty on here that know about SV's as well. Good luck on getting your next Yammy.
  23. Yes get in, WSB then this straight after, been looking forward to seeing this
  24. http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/10406613.Biker_jailed_for_eight_months_after_trying_to_dodge_speeding_ban/
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